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1 Cup Not serious entertainment
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4 Cups A great game, well worth your time
5 Cups An outstanding, must-play game!
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Annie Android: Automated Affection

by Ben304

Screenshot 1 of Annie Android: Automated Affection

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Download Options for Annie Android: Automated Affection

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Windows version  Mirror Link  Report Link

File size: 4.8 MB
Downloaded: 13,607 times
Graphics: 320x200, 8-bit (256 col)
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Story Type:
Release Date:
25 Jan 2009
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 83% by the community (36 votes)Rated 83% by the community (36 votes)Rated 83% by the community (36 votes)Rated 83% by the community (36 votes)Rated 83% by the community (36 votes)
Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Bad LanguageNone


Public Opinion

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36 people have rated this game so far:
Puzzles & Pacing:
Overall Enjoyment:

About this game

Annie Android: Automated Affection Annie Android has her eye on that handsome Mailbot, but is shocked to discover that she has been assigned to be another robot's partner! Help Annie win the heart of Mailbot and defeat the nasty RoboHQ!
See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>
Graphics, Story, Scripting
Music, Sound, Scripting, Testing
Testing, Scripting help

AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Player Character 2009

Nominated, Best Short Game 2009

AGS Panel Review

"A charming adventure surrounding one robot's quest for love, Ben manages to make 6 colors go a long way. Aside from a few pixel hunts and the game being very short, it's one for every agser's play list!"

20 people commented on this game (newest first):

There's a definite style emerging in some ags games.
Games by people like Ben301 and Dave Gilbert(to name two)
Maybe the "look" is specific to games made by those two guys.
2013-11-07 00:55:50 by donkeymilk
Very stylish if you like pixel art (who doesn't around here?). The music is very cool and complete with a Devo-esque theme song. One obstacle toward the very end was a little frustrating and took me a while because you had to walk somewhere fairly specific, and it was too easy to click on the wrong thing. Aside from that, though, puzzles were just right in terms of difficulty - not too difficult, but not total "gimmes" either. This game is a lot of fun and I highly recommend playing it if you're in need of a fix.
2011-08-30 23:42:54 by Colin (TMontZ)
This is a short and sweet game, good for a day when you've just got an hour or so to play a quick game and don't want to get immersed in a massive plot.
2010-10-20 09:42:46 by Anon (placebo_effect)
Nice little game with that old-school adventure feeling but without any pixel-hunting.
2010-03-26 13:17:36 by Biges
A terrific choice for Pick of the month! This is a great example of AGS's potential being fully realized, with gusto. Catchy, fun, intuitive, and very sweet. Buen trabajo, guys.
2010-03-20 04:28:51 by Hofmeier (hofmeier)
One of the better games I've played here. Cute story, and quality that matches some professional games.
2010-03-08 01:36:52 by red runner
A real gem. Awesome lo-fi robo soundtrack, lovely graphics, story, atmos. Highly enjoyable.
2009-11-07 14:41:10 by Pinback
Another lovely short game from Ben.

Nice story, nice graphics. Nice all around. :)
2009-04-08 20:57:28 by Jimmy Shelter (JimmyShelter)
This is pretty much exactly what a short game should be. Absolutely fantastic all around.
2009-02-12 01:33:14 by Makeout Patrol
Very nice game from Ben Chandler again :)
2009-02-04 16:44:08 by Pierre HOPQUIN (leshaussebons)
As many others have said: cute little game. If I may add something more, I reccomend this one expecially for newcomers to adventure gaming, since it's catchy, charming, fairly easy without being obvious and fast.
2009-01-26 18:14:39 by bicilotti
Cute little game. Nice animations and puzzles that are neither too hard nor to easy. Recommended.
2009-01-26 13:15:22 by matti
Very cute game.I loved the graphics, the story wasn't uniqe but It doesn't need to be.
So keep up the good work.
2009-01-26 11:32:54 by ALPHA2T (Wtcq)
Indeed, there is a marvellous game to be found here, caviar to the general, I say!

But - alas! - my friends, I see that violence of a most ignoble kind, mean, treacherous, crooked, has snuck into the once loveable Chandlerian adventure world...but so be it, by the beard of St. Quorx - art always re-enacts nature, and sadly, we live in a universe where force has to be applied to be able to go your own adventurous way felicitously.

Yours sincerely,

Eglamore Crownswhip, gentleman adventurer.
2009-01-26 09:00:30 by Eglamore Crownswhip (egalotron)
Well, the game is sure "appaling", with the story being weird and all, this game's a must.
2009-01-26 07:31:33 by Dualnames
This game has written Ben all over it and sports finely crafted animations, a stylish and convincing world where robots and androids live in their very own strange ways, a small and well wrapped-up story... and TONS OF CHARME. There's love in any of these limitedly-hues pixels.

It's a short game with rather easy, logical puzzles too, so any newcomer to the genre should take the chance to see our most beloved genre in action.
2009-01-25 19:59:13 by Ghost
Very cool graphics with some brilliant Sci-Fi effects and humour! Nothing less expected from the dude that brought Trance-Pacific.
2009-01-25 19:34:28 by EKM (Everglaze)
A game with a really original setting, great characters and a cute story.
I'm impressed that the visuals can be that beautiful with the low resolution und the few colours.
2009-01-25 13:20:06 by Helme
Hehe, I like the opening music.

This is a very pleasant game, with a nice interface. Fairly easy game, but fun nonetheless.
2009-01-25 12:32:39 by Andy
A nice cute short game! Definatly worth a try!
2009-01-25 05:03:42 by Peder Johnsen
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