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The AGS Panel is a team of AGS forum veterans who play all of the games here, and give them ratings from one to five cups. The rating system is as follows:
1 Cup Not serious entertainment
2 Cups A reasonable game, worth a try
3 Cups A good game, worth playing
4 Cups A great game, well worth your time
5 Cups An outstanding, must-play game!
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If your game has been rated 1 cup, please don't be offended! It's common for your first game release to get a 1-cup rating, due to the game having a lack of polish and flair -- which is understandable, because you're just getting started!

Please understand that the main purpose of the ratings is to help potential game players find high quality, bug-free games to play. You've probably learnt a lot about AGS as a result of making your first game -- so why not use that knowledge to start afresh, and do even better with your next game!
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Valis - !!! Updated Demo !!! V1.10

by Willy Picard

Screenshot 1 of Valis - !!! Updated Demo !!! V1.10

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Download Options for Valis - !!! Updated Demo !!! V1.10

Click Download Link to download the game, Mirror Link to download the game's mirror, or Report Link to report a link as broken.

Click Other Link to download any other miscellanous download type (e.g. voice pack, game trailer, etc.)

Windows version  Download Link  Report Link

File size: 27 MB
Downloaded: 2,024 times
Graphics: 640x480, 32-bit color
Operating System(s):


Release Date:
25 Jun 2005
AGS Panel Rating:
Not rated yet
Player Rating:
Not enough votes yet
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageOccasional, mild
ViolenceOccasional, mild


Public Opinion

We can't give you any meaningful ratings yet, because not enough people have told us what they thought about this game. If you've played it, why not help out and give us your votes?
This game has a demo to download, but the full game is not yet available.

About this game

In the land of Valis, an evil force has released physical entities who use the Kundalini powers to steal human souls. They are called the Tamashii-seishin. Only those who have trained in their chakra powers can defeat them (the Ruahs). You play the role of two Ruah monks who are trying to restore order to Valis. Valis is a RPG in the Final Fantasy mould. The demo features a world map, 2 towns where you can visit bars, guilds, shops and other places of interest. You can equip various weapons and accessories to your characters. You fight monsters in turn-based battles and level-up your characters and their abilities (called chakras in the game).

The story is based on the Hindu mythology of Kundalini. Kundalini is a condensed, primal force which lies dormant in us all. When released, it creates a vertical connection between 7 chakras located along our spine. Each chakra has a different property which in the game represents different powers for your characters (earth,water,fire,air,sound,light and thought). In the land of Valis, an evil force has released physical entities who use the Kundalini powers to steal human souls. They are called the Tamashii-seishin. Only those who have trained in their chakra powers can defeat them (the Ruahs). You play the role of two Ruah monks who are trying to restore order to Valis. This won't be easy because not only are the Tamashii very powerful but most Ruahs are corrupt. Knowing full well that the rest of the world depends on them, they have formed a guild which now controls everything and they are not about to let you ruin it for them! The full game will feature: - turn-based battles - non-linear quests with a reward system which gives you money and items depending on how well the quest went. - town to town trading system in the Elite mould - 12 towns to visit each with unique locations - upgradable powers: choose how you spend your experience points Do you improve an existing power or do you save up for a brand new one? - 7 different types of monsters and each of them with varying levels of experience to match your own strength so battles are always a challenge. - 4 playable characters - a gripping storyline with tons of dialogues

AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Demo 2005

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