Adventure Game Studio

AGS Support => Advanced Technical Forum => Topic started by: Chrille on Thu 15/07/2010 16:49:12

Title: Game not Unpausing, possible bug?
Post by: Chrille on Thu 15/07/2010 16:49:12
I ran into an issue where my game wouldn't accept/run the UnPauseGame(); function. It happens if PauseGame(); is run while the game is already paused, it seems to break UnPauseGame();.

I fixed it by only letting the game run the function if the game isn't already paused. Has anyone else encountered this or is it something else in my game causing this problem?
Title: Re: Game not Unpausing, possible bug?
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Thu 15/07/2010 19:04:31
Well if you have PauseGame() running in the repeatedly_execute_always with no restrictions along with UnPauseGame() just before or after, the game would always be paused.

I have the space bar pause the game in the one I'm currently working on, and this is the code I used:

bool spaceIsHeld;

function repeatedly_execute_always()
 if (!spaceIsHeld && IsKeyPressed(eKeySpace))
   if (!IsGamePaused())
     SetSkipSpeech(2);    //this is to prevent the glitch with the mouse click skipping text during pausegame
     SetSkipSpeech(0);    //this is to prevent the glitch with the mouse click skipping text during pausegame
 else if (!IsKeyPressed(eKeySpace)) spaceIsHeld=false;

The reason I put both pause and unpause in the repeatedly_execute_always, is since you may want to pause the game during blocking moments like dialog, etc.  I also needed that spaceIsHeld boolean to prevent it from pausing and unpausing each game cycle until you've released the space bar.  This way it will act like on key press.

Edit: tweaked the code slightly better
Title: Re: Game not Unpausing, possible bug?
Post by: hedgefield on Thu 15/07/2010 22:14:16
Maybe this module ( can help?
Title: Re: Game not Unpausing, possible bug?
Post by: Chrille on Thu 15/07/2010 22:26:47
Ok. Not quite my problem though. Just wanted to report what might be a bug because I really don't see what could explain this.

I made a function that, depending on whether a parameter is set to open or close. It opens or closes a gui window. Like this:

function openGUI (int action) {
if (action == open) {
   gui.Visible = true;
   bla bla bla;
else if (action == close) {
   gui.Visible = false;
   bla bla bla;
   urk urk urk;

The ONLY time the problem where the game can't be unpaused occurs is if this function is called with the open parameter while the gui is already open and the game paused. I know the function runs because it executes everything else within the close action. It's just that UnPauseGame(); has no effect. PauseGame(); isn't run from any other function or repeatedly execute.

Title: Re: Game not Unpausing, possible bug?
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Thu 15/07/2010 22:56:54
I see what you mean.  I used this to see if this is what you were talking about:

function repeatedly_execute()
 if (Game.DoOnceOnly("TESTING"))

But if you do two UnPausegame()'s back to back, it would start working again.

I'm not sure if you could call this a glitch since it IS doing what you're telling it to do.  I could possibly see a purpose for having it not unpause in moments where you may have called pause twice or more.
It's a pesky feature. :P

In your scenario, the only thing to stop it from calling PauseGame again is to do this before calling PauseGame:

 if (!IsGamePaused()) PauseGame();

Edit: Now that I've read it again, it seems you already had the solution:
I fixed it by only letting the game run the function if the game isn't already paused.
Title: Re: Game not Unpausing, possible bug?
Post by: Pumaman on Tue 20/07/2010 22:21:04
PauseGame counts the number of times it is called, and you have to call UnPauseGame the same number of times before the game starts running again. This is by design.