Ben Jordan Case 2 Deluxe

Started by Grundislav, Fri 26/03/2010 03:55:17

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Just like Case 1, Case 2 gets the Deluxe treatment!

Download here!

Fully voiced (but no lip-sync)
Extended storyline and better puzzles (No more blowing up safes with dynamite!)
Upgraded graphics (your opinion may differ)




Captain Ricco


Downloading right away!!

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Hey, it's out and you didn't tell me! DOWNLARD TIME.

Edit:  A BJ remake that really surpasses the original in every way.  Very nicely done, Francisco.

The map music made me want to make a cowboy game, so bravo to Ghormak/Peter/whoever made it.


Awesome!  I've been waiting for this.

I wish I could start playing but it's 2am and I need some sleep.


qptain Nemo

Well, was it nostalgic.  :) I barely remember the original, so enjoyed this one just as if it was new. Very adventurish feel overall which is good. Radley's house location turned to be remarkably atmospheric for me, so I guess I liked it the most. However, I'm not sure if it was that good idea of replacing the blow up the safe puzzle with
cracking the safe with stethoscope
I mean, come on, it's just so over-cliched that it's arguably worse than blowing the safe up. It was done many times before. But geez, at least thanks you didn't make us find the code hidden and/or cyphered somewhere.

Music is brilliant as it was back then. I sure liked the voices. ProgZ is a hell of a funny old man.  :=

And this animation wherever the ghost kicks your ass was fun. :D


Just downloaded after noticing the tweet on my phone this morning. 

Very excited to play!!


Well, I finished it! But with 81 out of 82 points... tell me, is it worth replaying the game just to hunt for that single point? Will I be rewarded in any way?


Yeeeah, can't wait to play it! Unfortunately that will have to wait until tomorrow. :(
THE FAR CORNERS OF THE WORLD: Chapter 2 currrently in the works...


Looks great. Can't wait to give it a go.


Quote from: SergioCornaga on Fri 26/03/2010 13:46:42
Well, I finished it! But with 81 out of 82 points... tell me, is it worth replaying the game just to hunt for that single point? Will I be rewarded in any way?

You get an extra little scene at the end of the game which sets up the plot of Case 3.


Downloaded.. Will get on this tonight :)


Mrs Roberts' voice sounds so familar... it's really weird.

Tom S. Fox

Quote from: NsMn on Fri 26/03/2010 18:12:44
Mrs Roberts' voice sounds so familar... it's really weird.

It’s hercrabbiness, if you are familiar with her.



Oh man, I finished it with 81 points too!  >:(
Where oh where was that lost point?

I'm guessing something to do with that weird hole in the cave although I tried all my inventory on it...

Great game nonetheless, a big improvement over the original, and now waiting for bj8  :)

Tom S. Fox

Quote from: tzachs on Fri 26/03/2010 20:44:30

I'm guessing something to do with that weird hole in the cave although I tried all my inventory on it...


No, that hole only shows that this is the place from where Bianchi took the relict, like the box in case 6.

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