Assertions in Scintilla engine

Started by Crimson Wizard, Mon 23/09/2013 13:40:57

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Crimson Wizard

On some occasions, when running Editor in debug mode, I am being notified about assertions in Scintilla component.
This usually occurs when I open a script, select several lines, and hit Delete key.

For example:
Assertion [line < pdoc->LinesTotal()] failed at ..\scintilla\src\Editor.cxx 1932
Assertion [useCount == 0] failed at ..\scintilla\src\Editor.cxx 217

The raised assertion causes program to abort, which is pretty annoying; this does not happen in release version though.

Strange thing is that sometimes I can reproduce this over and over by quiting without save, reloading the project and repeating the action.
Then, at some point it stops reproducing...
Any thoughts anyone?


Never happened to me, and I always run in debug.
Does it throw an exception? Maybe you have an exception enabled which you can disable (in the exceptions window). That's all I got...

Crimson Wizard

Still happening. On one occasion this happened when I was replacing (pasting over) all text in script by clipboard contents (so that it had to first delete all contents, I guess)

This is not an exception, but an internal Scintilla's "assertion".
The stack trace:

>   AGS.Native.dll!Platform::Assert(char* c = 0x10133EB4, char* file = 0x10133E98, int line = 1932) Line 2131   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!Editor::LayoutLine(int line = 1, Surface* surface = 0x0731C3A8, ViewStyle& vstyle = {...}, LineLayout* ll = 0x0732CC68, int width = 134217727) Line 1933   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!Editor::Paint(Surface* surfaceWindow = 0x0732C2A8, PRectangle rcArea = {...}) Line 2899   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!ScintillaWin::WndPaint(unsigned int wParam = 0) Line 440   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!ScintillaWin::WndProc(unsigned int iMessage = 15, unsigned int wParam = 0, int lParam = 0) Line 553 + 0xf bytes   C++
   [External Code]   
   AGS.Native.dll!ScintillaWin::SWndProc(HWND__* hWnd = 0x002007B6, unsigned int iMessage = 15, unsigned int wParam = 0, int lParam = 0) Line 2379 + 0x27 bytes   C++
   [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for mscorwks.dll]   
   [External Code]   
   AGS.Controls.dll!Scintilla.ScintillaControl.WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m = {msg=0xf (WM_PAINT) hwnd=0x2007b6 wparam=0x0 lparam=0x0 result=0x0}) Line 648 + 0xb bytes   C#
   [External Code]   
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.DockingContainer.Refresh() Line 31 + 0x8 bytes   C#
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.TabbedDocumentManager.DocumentTitlesChanged() Line 108 + 0x40 bytes   C#
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.frmMain.DocumentTitlesChanged() Line 257 + 0x10 bytes   C#
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.GUIController.DocumentTitlesChanged() Line 449 + 0xd bytes   C#
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.Components.BaseComponentWithScripts<AGS.Types.ScriptAndHeader,AGS.Types.ScriptFolder>.UpdateScriptWindowTitle(AGS.Editor.ScriptEditor editor = {AGS.Editor.ScriptEditor}) Line 79 + 0xd bytes   C#
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.Components.BaseComponentWithScripts<AGS.Types.ScriptAndHeader,AGS.Types.ScriptFolder>.ScriptEditor_IsModifiedChanged(object sender = {AGS.Editor.ScriptEditor}, System.EventArgs e = null) Line 53 + 0xb bytes   C#
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.ScriptEditor.scintilla_IsModifiedChanged(object sender = {Scintilla.ScintillaControl}, System.EventArgs e = null) Line 746 + 0x1d bytes   C#
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.ScintillaWrapper.OnSavePointLeft(object sender = {Scintilla.ScintillaControl}, System.EventArgs e = null) Line 687 + 0x1d bytes   C#
   AGS.Controls.dll!Scintilla.ScintillaControl.DispatchScintillaEvent(Scintilla.SCNotification notification = {Scintilla.SCNotification}) Line 567 + 0x1f bytes   C#
   AGS.Controls.dll!Scintilla.ScintillaControl.WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m = {msg=0x204e (WM_REFLECT + WM_NOTIFY) hwnd=0x2007b6 wparam=0x2007b6 lparam=0x6bc698 result=0x0}) Line 659 + 0x49 bytes   C#
   [External Code]   
   AGS.Native.dll!SendMessage(HWND__* hWnd = 0x00140644, unsigned int Msg = 78, unsigned int wParam = 2099126, int lParam = 7063192) Line 3251 + 0x11 bytes   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!ScintillaWin::NotifyParent(SCNotification scn = {...}) Line 1163 + 0x4d bytes   C++
   [External Code]   
   AGS.Native.dll!Editor::NotifySavePoint(bool isSavePoint = false) Line 3612   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!Editor::NotifySavePoint(Document* document = 0x073264A8, void* userData = <undefined value>, bool atSavePoint = false) Line 3719   C++
   [External Code]   
   AGS.Native.dll!Document::NotifySavePoint(bool atSavePoint = false) Line 1406 + 0x57 bytes   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!Document::DeleteChars(int pos = 0, int len = 22) Line 386   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!Editor::ClearSelection() Line 3412 + 0x1a bytes   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!Editor::Clear() Line 3513   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!Editor::WndProc(unsigned int iMessage = 2180, unsigned int wParam = 0, int lParam = 0) Line 5760   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!ScintillaBase::WndProc(unsigned int iMessage = 2180, unsigned int wParam = 0, int lParam = 0) Line 724 + 0x12 bytes   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!ScintillaWin::WndProc(unsigned int iMessage = 2180, unsigned int wParam = 0, int lParam = 0) Line 954 + 0x18 bytes   C++
   [External Code]   
   AGS.Native.dll!Editor::KeyDown(int key = 308, bool shift = false, bool ctrl = false, bool alt = false, bool* consumed = 0x07320368) Line 4620 + 0x25 bytes   C++
   AGS.Native.dll!ScintillaWin::WndProc(unsigned int iMessage = 256, unsigned int wParam = 46, int lParam = 22216705) Line 751 + 0x7b bytes   C++
   [External Code]   
   AGS.Native.dll!ScintillaWin::SWndProc(HWND__* hWnd = 0x002007B6, unsigned int iMessage = 256, unsigned int wParam = 46, int lParam = 22216705) Line 2379 + 0x27 bytes   C++
   [External Code]   
   AGS.Controls.dll!Scintilla.ScintillaControl.WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m = {msg=0x100 (WM_KEYDOWN) hwnd=0x2007b6 wparam=0x2e lparam=0x1530001 result=0x0}) Line 648 + 0xb bytes   C#
   [External Code]   
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.GUIController.StartGUI(string[] commandLineArguments = {string[0]}) Line 1403 + 0xb bytes   C#
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.ApplicationController.StartGUI(string[] commandLineArguments = {string[0]}) Line 123 + 0x10 bytes   C#
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.Program.RunApplication(string[] args = {string[0]}) Line 55 + 0x10 bytes   C#
   AGSEditor.exe!AGS.Editor.Program.Main(string[] args = {string[0]}) Line 23 + 0x8 bytes   C#


The assertion that fails in Editor::LayoutLine (Editor.cxx):
Code: cpp

PLATFORM_ASSERT(line < pdoc->LinesTotal());

line = 1,
pdoc->LinesTotal() returns 1

I suspect there's a mistake in logic somewhere.

Crimson Wizard

Bumping this just in case someone wants to take a look and find out how to fix this, because it annoys the hell out of me when I am debugging the Editor.


This happens all the time to me and bugs me a lot too. I didn't know it was caused by an assertion.

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