#AGS Quotefile currently contains: 681 quotes
Last quote added: 28-10-2012 21:16:02
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Quote #684 - Vote this quote up[-23]Vote this quote down

Inkoddi: Turdistan
Inkoddi: I made a brown cake

Submitted on 2012-10-28 21:16:02 by Babar [...]

Quote #683 - Vote this quote up[-20]Vote this quote down

18:36 SuicidalPencil rog sloganize Penis 
18:36 Roger SuicidalPencil, "Penis": Be young, have fun, taste Penis. 
18:36 Galen YES 
18:36 SuicidalPencil PFFFFF XD 
18:37 Galen HAHA 
18:37 qptain_Nemo xD 
18:37 Galen tries not to laugh out loud and makes weird throat noises 
18:37 Galen Oh god that was perfect. 

Submitted on 2012-08-31 23:39:56 by suicidal pencil [...]

Quote #682 - Vote this quote up[-24]Vote this quote down

*** Babar quit (Connection reset by peer)

Submitted on 2012-08-27 09:31:16 by Bror_Jon [...]

Quote #681 - Vote this quote up[-30]Vote this quote down

13:09 Roger Matt: bicilotti asked me to remind you "just because it's mittens doesn't mean you can touch my private parts  i hope i got over it by this time" (573 days 7 hours 10 minutes 3 seconds ago)

13:09 Matt: ._. 

13:09 Roger: Matt, BrutalSlakt told me to tell you (17 minutes and 6 seconds ago): the "pasta" worked fine  

13:09 SuicidalPencil: holy fucking shit 

13:09 Matt: rog tell bicilotti <@Roger> Matt: bicilotti asked me to remind you "just because it's mittens doesn't mean you can touch my private parts  i hope i got over it by this time" (573 days 7 hours 10 minutes 3 seconds ago) 

13:09 Roger: Ok, Matt, I'll tell bicilotti that next time I see them here. 

13:10 SuicidalPencil: a remind from more then a year ago O_O 

13:10 Inkoddi: oh 

13:10 Matt: must have been after italy 

13:10 Matt: :(
13:10 SuicidalPencil: That's fucking epic lol 

Submitted on 2012-08-22 18:18:01 by suicidal pencil [...]

Quote #680 - Vote this quote up[-40]Vote this quote down

BrutalSlakt: rog tell babar I needed your help for some gay photos but I managed without you
Roger: Ok, BrutalSlakt, I'll tell babar that next time I see them here.
SuicidalPencil: XD
Stee: rog tell Babar she found those pics of you and Jon
Roger: Ok, Stee, I'll tell Babar that next time I see them here.
SuicidalPencil: rog tell Babar She showed them to me and frankly, I expected exactly as much from you
Roger: Ok, SuicidalPencil, I'll tell Babar that next time I see them here.
Stee: rog tell Babar she said something about an early finish????
Roger: Ok, Stee, I'll tell Babar that next time I see them here.
SuicidalPencil: rog tell Babar don't worry about telling Stee that, I already told him it took 6.48 seconds
Roger: Ok, SuicidalPencil, I'll tell Babar that next time I see them here.

Submitted on 2012-07-03 21:04:58 by suicidal pencil [...]

Quote #679 - Vote this quote up[-20]Vote this quote down

Creed_Malay: are most of the entry level soldiers in your country like.. horrible rascist idiots? Cause that seems to be the case in most people who I know who joined the army in the UK
Jon: Isn't that what the army is for? Grouping all the racists and giving them guns?
Galen: No
Galen: you are thinking of militias.
Jon: aha
Al_Ninio: Creed, the army in Israel is mandatory.
Al_Ninio: Entry level soldiers are pretty much any kind of person you can think of.
Jon: so everyone in Israel is a racist
Galen: Yes.

Submitted on 2012-06-17 18:45:34 by Bror_Jon [...]

Quote #678 - Vote this quote up[2]Vote this quote down

13:54	SuicidalPencil	wow, the strangest thing just happened
13:55	SuicidalPencil	Just as I open my door to use the bathroom across from me, the bathroom door opens at the exact same time, and a girl I don't know walks out wearing nothing but a bra and thong

Submitted on 2012-06-07 17:56:35 by suicidal pencil [...]

Quote #677 - Vote this quote up[-30]Vote this quote down

<Noctis> I didn't mean to attack Poland...

Submitted on 2012-05-10 13:36:44 by Deu2000 [...]

Quote #676 - Vote this quote up[-47]Vote this quote down

<Babar> the best dildos are the ones with dudes attached to them

Submitted on 2012-05-07 17:01:00 by FSi++ [...]

Quote #675 - Vote this quote up[-38]Vote this quote down

<FSi> rog image the most homoerotic picture ever
<Roger> FSi, "the most homoerotic picture ever": http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2011/11/11/1321038946618/Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfa-007.jpg

Submitted on 2012-05-04 18:12:30 by FSi++ [...]

Quote #674 - Vote this quote up[-54]Vote this quote down

<Babar> be interesting to see a language based off breasts
<Babar> I wonder how different it'd be from the internet
<FSi> not that different

Submitted on 2012-05-03 17:43:23 by FSi++ [...]

Quote #673 - Vote this quote up[-2]Vote this quote down

<bicilotti> mhh I need a 30 days goal.
<FSi> can one become morbidly obese in 30 days?

Submitted on 2012-04-24 20:19:14 by FSi++ [...]

Quote #671 - Vote this quote up[-49]Vote this quote down

22:28	Matt	i might ban Dualnames for lols
22:28	SuicidalPencil	qptain_Nemo, you have been summoned
22:28	Dualnames	kick or ban?
22:28	SuicidalPencil	and that would be loltastic
22:28	Matt	i might ban Dualnames for lols
22:28	Dualnames	oh crap
22:28	Dualnames	gomenasai
22:29	Matt	mushi mushi
22:29	SuicidalPencil	mushy peas?
22:29	Matt	yes
22:30	SuicidalPencil	/
22:30		Matt noms
22:30		SuicidalPencil oms
22:30	Matt	mushy peas are amazing
22:30	SuicidalPencil	with butter
22:30	SuicidalPencil	and bacon
22:30	Dualnames	ur mom is amazing
22:30	SuicidalPencil	and cheese
22:30	SuicidalPencil	some fries
22:30		--- Matt has banned *!*@ags-14A017FA.home.otenet.gr
22:30	SuicidalPencil	and gravy
22:30		*** Dualnames was kicked by Matt (Matt)

Submitted on 2012-04-18 02:33:49 by suicidal pencil [...]

Quote #670 - Vote this quote up[-32]Vote this quote down

17:14	SuicidalPencil	You know what I do when those other 9 doctors start arguing?
17:15	SuicidalPencil	>8O ===================3
17:15	SuicidalPencil	:3
17:16	BrutalSlakt	meep
17:16	qptain_Nemo	you shout out a cock out of your mouth?
17:17	SuicidalPencil	totally
17:17	SuicidalPencil	shuts them right up
17:17	Matt	._.
17:17	qptain_Nemo	that's the right thing to do

Submitted on 2012-03-19 21:23:21 by suicidal pencil [...]

Quote #669 - Vote this quote up[-57]Vote this quote down

Babar: how do you make a pointer to God?
visy: God *pointer;
visy: next question
Babar: but a pointer to the one TRUE God. God *pointer could probably point to any God!
visy: static God *pointer;
visy: next question

Submitted on 2012-03-08 09:03:20 by FSi++ [...]

Quote #668 - Vote this quote up[-34]Vote this quote down

Dualnames: 65 days of static are coming to greece
Dualnames: and i don't like them
Jake: Is that a yahtzee game

Submitted on 2012-02-11 12:52:58 by Babar [...]

Quote #667 - Vote this quote up[-29]Vote this quote down

21:51	Dualnames	she'll make you breakfast, she'll make you toast
21:51	Dualnames	she don't use butter
21:51	Dualnames	she don't use jelly
21:51	Dualnames	SHE USES
21:51	Dualnames	VAZELINE

Submitted on 2012-02-10 02:52:38 by suicidal pencil [...]

Quote #666 - Vote this quote up[-52]Vote this quote down

[19:47]	Constructed: the fbi was founded by a crossdreser
[19:47]	Babar: dresser? Really?
[19:47]	Constructed: yep
[19:47]	Babar: I thought it was a bureau
[19:47]	Jake: ...
[19:47]	Babar: :D
[19:47]	Jake: I want to kick you 

Submitted on 2012-02-06 14:51:26 by Babar [...]

Quote #665 - Vote this quote up[-39]Vote this quote down

07:41	uoou	you are BEAUTIFUL!
07:41	Jake	You're just easy
07:41	uoou	I'm SO NOT
07:42	SuicidalPencil	rog uoou
07:42	Roger	uoou is easy
07:42	SuicidalPencil	Roger agrees
07:42	Roger	Yes.

Submitted on 2012-02-06 12:44:30 by suicidal pencil [...]

Quote #664 - Vote this quote up[-56]Vote this quote down

<Jon> "20:25 Jon: Babar made it. So it'd shit by default"

Submitted on 2012-02-05 19:31:28 by Ishmael [...]

Quote #663 - Vote this quote up[-44]Vote this quote down

<qptain_Nemo> okay a little disrespect intended
<Babar> every disrespect intended?
<qptain_Nemo> but towards Babar not gay people
<qptain_Nemo> y'know
<Stee> they are one and the same
<qptain_Nemo> well
<qptain_Nemo> i'm not sure
<qptain_Nemo> i mean Babar is so gay
<qptain_Nemo> that even hardcorest pro-gayest gay people  would be put off and appalled.
<qptain_Nemo> so while you could say that Babar is a perfect representation of gayness
<qptain_Nemo> you could end up offending some people

Submitted on 2012-02-04 22:06:15 by Dualnames [...]

Quote #662 - Vote this quote up[-6]Vote this quote down

[22:43]	Babar: I once got punished because my sister bit my head
[22:43]	Babar: ...and chipped her teeth

Submitted on 2012-02-01 16:43:49 by FSi++ [...]

Quote #661 - Vote this quote up[-11]Vote this quote down

<Babar> I remember on Conan O'Brian ages ago they featured this guy who had muscular buttcheeks
<Babar> he was able to crush cans by putting them between his buttcheeks
<Jake> I can do that 
<Jake> It's called sitting

Submitted on 2012-01-30 12:26:06 by FSi++ [...]

Quote #660 - Vote this quote up[0]Vote this quote down

 Barcanox porks SuicidalPencil up and down
<Barcanox> and all around
<SuicidalPencil> ow you fucker!
<Bircanox> rog wiki ambrosiaceae
<@Roger> Bircanox, "ambrosiaceae": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=ambrosiaceae
* SuicidalPencil roundhouse kicks Barcanox in the face
<quercaNox> good lad
<Barcanox> O_o
<Barcanox> while I am porking you?
<Barcanox> what kind of weird gymnast are you?
<SuicidalPencil> The awesome kind
<SuicidalPencil> the kind that gives roundhouse kicks to the face
* Barcanox takes advantage of Sue's slow kick to punch him in the balls
* SuicidalPencil laughs as Barcanox breaks every bone in his hand
<SuicidalPencil> BALLS OF STEEL

Submitted on 2012-01-29 21:00:24 by suicidal pencil [...]

Quote #659 - Vote this quote up[-38]Vote this quote down

Cooper:	I bet the anti-racists are fuckin' niggers

Submitted on 2012-01-26 12:07:55 by Bror_Jon [...]