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Quote #516 - Vote this quote up[21]Vote this quote down

<Jake> I'd be pretty honoured if my game got torrented
* Hajo floods Jake's house

Submitted on 2006-09-14 10:53:12 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #513 - Vote this quote up[-2]Vote this quote down

* Rustvaar has a plot brewing
<veryweirdguy> what is it?
<BOYD1981> perhaps it was a typo and he's making tea

Submitted on 2006-08-30 12:03:52 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #510 - Vote this quote up[3]Vote this quote down

<custard> roger choose lucasarts or sierra
<Roger> I choose sierra.
<custard> how surprising

Submitted on 2006-08-16 14:46:45 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #507 - Vote this quote up[-8]Vote this quote down

<Creed_Malay> Hooray for codeine phosphate! I haven't had to race to the bathroom for over an hour. Also, am feeling delightfully light headed.
<veryweirdguy> how delightful! :D
<Creed_Malay> misusing perscription medicines that aren't you're to begin with = good idea. Or so it seems so far.

Submitted on 2006-08-03 12:05:51 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #36 - Vote this quote up[-3]Vote this quote down

<RobertEric> My cat is sleeping near my electrical outlet.  My computer may shut off soon...with a fantastic firework show

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:24:51 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #35 - Vote this quote up[18]Vote this quote down

<veryweirdguy> you know tier, you're just too damned cute
<|Tier|> eh?
* veryweirdguy gets tier a leather jacket and motorcycle
<|Tier|> ¬_¬
<veryweirdguy> we gotta toughen you up a bit
<veryweirdguy> for your big boxing match against annie
* |Tier| trains
<|Tier|> eye of the tierger
<|Tier|> ^_^
* Flippy_D plays teh trumpet
* veryweirdguy brings out a lightsaber
<veryweirdguy> whoops....wrong franchise...
<Flippy_D> dumbass
* Flippy_D uses his big rubber stamp and prints 'RETARD' across vwg's forehead
<|Tier|> aww ._.
<veryweirdguy> right over my 'REJECT' stamp :(
<Flippy_D> yup
<Flippy_D> it's illegible now
<veryweirdguy> it's not illegal
<veryweirdguy> don't be stupid
* Flippy_D stamps 'ILLITERATE' across vwg's forehead
<veryweirdguy> right over my 'RETARD' stamp :(
<Flippy_D> yeup

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:24:00 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #34 - Vote this quote up[-27]Vote this quote down

* |Tier| shoots VWG
<|Tier|> har i win!
<veryweirdguy> win what?
<|Tier|> dunno ._.
<Flippy_D> he just wins, VWG
<|Tier|> yeh :|
<veryweirdguy> I always lose

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:23:24 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #33 - Vote this quote up[-20]Vote this quote down

* m0ds is now known as What
* What on earth?
* What is now known as m0ds

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:22:38 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #32 - Vote this quote up[9]Vote this quote down

* Flippy_AGS drops several small countries on VWG
<veryweirdguy> how'd these get here?
* veryweirdguy shrugs off several small countries
<veryweirdguy> somehow...
* Flippy_AGS gapes
<Flippy_AGS> but...
<Flippy_AGS> but-but...
<veryweirdguy> you must remember - I defy logic

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:21:10 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #31 - Vote this quote up[-15]Vote this quote down

<BOYD1981> stupid jimi
<BOYD1981> roger tell jimi you're stupid
<Roger> Ok BOYD1981, I'll tell jimi that when I next see them
<BOYD1981> yeh, you better
<BOYD1981> or i'll hit you

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:19:23 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #30 - Vote this quote up[4]Vote this quote down

<Vel> Man, I felt awful yesterday.
<ErsatzYak> I suppose it's good that you don't feel awful today.
<Vel> I puked 7 times
<ErsatzYak> Awesome, sounds like a party.
<Vel> no
<Vel> it wasnt
<Vel> I felt awful when I got up
<ErsatzYak> Okay.  Bummer, sounds like a party.

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:18:46 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #29 - Vote this quote up[-12]Vote this quote down

* femme stabs vwg with a cursor
<veryweirdguy> ouch
<veryweirdguy> good job it was the egg timer and not the arrow

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:18:01 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #28 - Vote this quote up[-37]Vote this quote down

* veryweirdguy is now known as femmefatale
<femmefatale> roger tell |jimi| I love you
<femme> :O
<Roger> Ok femmefatale, I'll tell |jimi| that when I next see them
* femmefatale is now known as veryweirdguy
<veryweirdguy> muahahahaha
<femme> :O
<femme> That is sick
<veryweirdguy> payback...
<femme> and twisted and evil
<veryweirdguy> so?
<veryweirdguy> is there a point to all this?
* femme is now known as verybadguy
<veryweirdguy> uh-oh
<verybadguy> :D
<verybadguy> >:D

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:17:34 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #27 - Vote this quote up[-10]Vote this quote down

<N3TGraph> have you ever been to a 3 day festival and you only drink beer and eat snacks?
<N3TGraph> then you start to shit funny
<veryweirdguy> like purple?
<N3TGraph> almost :P

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:16:02 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #26 - Vote this quote up[-32]Vote this quote down

<Farl|work> There was a special prize for the worst quiz gamer...
<Farl|work> a secret prize
<Farl|work> 400 $ for spents in next mittens
<veryweirdguy> so what you're saying is.........losing is good?
<Farl|work> For Mittens yes... 
<Farl|work> There was a famous mittens quote... loosers are winners :)
<veryweirdguy> have the next mittens in Las vegas then

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:15:47 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #25 - Vote this quote up[-15]Vote this quote down

<MeliaF00D> Anyone want a bite of my cherry?
<ShatteredSponge> I do!
* ShatteredSponge bites Melia's cherry right away
<MeliaF00D> I was going to get you a fresh one from the carton...

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:15:01 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #24 - Vote this quote up[1]Vote this quote down

<ErsatzYak> Greetings and salutations, fine citizens.
<veryweirdguy> we're not fine
<ErsatzYak> Greetings and salutations, mediocre citizens.

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:14:27 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #23 - Vote this quote up[-7]Vote this quote down

<Visti> Happy Birthday, Boyd.
<BDAY1981> thanks
<Visti> Now we can finally get married!
<veryweirdguy> YOU SKANK! I ASS YOU BAD!
<Visti> OH NO!
<veryweirdguy> :O
<Visti> I ARES BOTH!
<veryweirdguy> WHO ARES MA DOGGEE?
<Visti> BOYD ARES!
<veryweirdguy> '#ags - if you want intelligent conversation, go somewhere else'

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:12:47 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #22 - Vote this quote up[-8]Vote this quote down

* Neccy|PSing wonders if a new mags starts tommorow will he enter???
* veryboredguy wonders if if a tree falls in the woods and no-one is around, will it 
 hit a squirrel?
<Neccy|PSing> lmao
* Neccy|PSing wonders how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
<veryboredguy> 7.5 pieces
<veryboredguy> of wood
<veryboredguy> how much beer would a beer drinker drink if a beer drinker could drink beer
<veryboredguy> which he could
* BDAY1981 wonders if he would discovered any hidden wonders if he went for a 
 wander in the forest hidden wonder wanders
* BDAY1981 wonders why the bloody hell he actually said that too
<Neccy|PSing> well if a beer drinker would drinker berr and a berr drinker could 
 drink beer then a beer drinker could drink any amount of beer should a beer drinker 
 drink beer
<veryboredguy> ...
<veryboredguy> shut up

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:10:45 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #21 - Vote this quote up[-20]Vote this quote down

<Half_Flippy> this makes me uber-leet
<CheeseMonger> You spely leet wrong!
<Half_Flippy> you spelt 'spelt' wrong, what's your point
<Visti> You spelt Flippy wrong.
<Half_Flippy> now that's confusing.
<CheeseMonger> You spely underscore wrong!
<Visti> You spelt that wrong.
<veryweirdguy> taht
<veryweirdguy> cos you touch yourself at night
<CheeseMonger> Good answer.

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:09:41 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #20 - Vote this quote up[-6]Vote this quote down

<Half_Flippy> oh, great
<veryweirdguy> what is it, flip?
<veryweirdguy> Is Timmy stuck down the old mine shaft?

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:08:02 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #19 - Vote this quote up[-23]Vote this quote down

<Flippy_D> www.agsforums.com/stats
<veryweirdguy> whatcha looking for?
<Flippy_D> not updated in 28 days ¬_¬
<veryweirdguy> 28 days?
<veryweirdguy> That's like 26 days plus a bit
<veryweirdguy> the 'bit' being 2 days
<Flippy_D> .....
<Flippy_D> well done

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:06:05 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #18 - Vote this quote up[-49]Vote this quote down

* [Jimi] kicks verywierdguy
<veryweirdguy> and after i showed you that tut
<veryweirdguy> :(
* [Jimi] takes back his kick#
<[Jimi]> somehow
<veryweirdguy> use the time machine, m'boy

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:04:09 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #17 - Vote this quote up[2]Vote this quote down

<veryweirdguy> '~*._.*~'
<veryweirdguy> Don't ask me what the hell that is, I just scared myself with it...

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:02:10 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #16 - Vote this quote up[10]Vote this quote down

<tab_the_ratt> I want lunch
<tab_the_ratt> feed me
* tab_the_ratt opens mouth
* veryweirdguy inserts a sharp stick in tab's mouth
<|Annie|> lol
<tab_the_ratt> mmm... a bit sticky...
* [Jimi] inserts fireworks and leaves for someone else to light as to avoid court case

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:01:02 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #15 - Vote this quote up[-29]Vote this quote down

<Iqu[mia]> hobo is politically incorrect, we prefer the term "residentially challenged"
<veryweirdguy> homo is also politically incorrect - they prefer the term 'hetrosexually 
<Iqu[mia]> you residentially challenged camel orientated sexual encounter <insert 
 something for slobo when i work out what slobo is> person who is female and may or may 
 not be attractive

Submitted on 2003-08-20 13:00:21 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #14 - Vote this quote up[-6]Vote this quote down

<BOYD1981> nah, it's because i am shy
<BOYD1981> even more so around girls
* femme thinks she knows why and shackes her head because the thought hurts her brain
<veryweirdguy> my brain hurts anyway
<veryweirdguy> Too little usage
* femme gives vwg some aspirin
<BOYD1981> heh, why is it then?
<veryweirdguy> Is this a suposetory?
<BOYD1981> might aswell shove it up your arse for all the good it did you
<veryweirdguy> OK...........

Submitted on 2003-08-20 12:55:55 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #13 - Vote this quote up[-21]Vote this quote down

* Neccy is now known as Neccy|Playin
<BOYD1981> what you playing ?
<femme> I can't wait till I get my drawing tablet :D
<femme> with himself
<BOYD1981> how do you know he's playing with himself?
<femme> I'm guessing
<BOYD1981> i see
<BOYD1981> i want a graphics tablet
<BOYD1981> so i can draw penises
<femme> dad promised me one
<BOYD1981> a penis?
<veryweirdguy> I have a web cam in nec's room
<BOYD1981> :)
* femme slaps boyd
<BOYD1981> :(
<veryweirdguy> he's playing with barbie
<veryweirdguy> .....and his penis

Submitted on 2003-08-20 12:55:34 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #12 - Vote this quote up[-26]Vote this quote down

<veryweirdguy> I miss roger & bluecup...
<Gilbert> yeah
<Gilbert> re probably hided bluecup in his basement
<veryweirdguy> heh
<Gilbert> roger went with pumaman to mittens
<veryweirdguy> oh yeah
<veryweirdguy> i forgot about mittens
<veryweirdguy> why did CJ change his nick anyway?
<Gilbert> I'm not sure, probably trying to get rid of some of the annoying newbies
<veryweirdguy> maybe he was being sexually harassed by them
<veryweirdguy> did I say 'sexually'? whoops...
<Gilbert> hehe

Submitted on 2003-08-20 12:53:33 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #10 - Vote this quote up[-21]Vote this quote down

* femme hides her plots so no one may steal them
* [TK] activates the burglar alarm
* veryweirdguy hides his lack-of-plots so no-one may steal them
* femme steals vwg's lack of plots anyway :P
<femme> >:)
<veryweirdguy> lack-of-plot no 1: MONKEYS ARES TAKNE OVRE TEH EARTH!11!
<veryweirdguy> lack-of-plot no 2: 'If this horse goes below 15 mph, it'll explode!'
<veryweirdguy> lack-of-plot no 3:a journalist in a South East Asian country, in the 
 middle of a revolution
<Esseb> lack-of-plot no 4: Monkeys, on an Island!
<veryweirdguy> heh
<femme> lack-of-plot 5: drugs.money.sex.lots of sex
<hotshot25> lack-of-plot 6, 2 people in a car
<hotshot25> name: MAx & Sams big adventure

Submitted on 2003-08-20 12:51:05 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #8 - Vote this quote up[5]Vote this quote down

* Now talking in #agsfun
* Topic is 'Comunnism is good!'
* Set by joseph_stalin on Fri Jul 25 11:41:43

Submitted on 2003-08-20 12:47:42 by veryweirdguy [...]

Quote #7 - Vote this quote up[0]Vote this quote down

* verynakedguy is now known as very1337guy
<femme> How did you becone 1337?
<very1337guy> i passed the three trials
<Neccy> :)
<very1337guy> hack0rz a site
<very1337guy> and eat an AGS member
<ShatteredSponge> Those aren't the three trials at all.
<ShatteredSponge> Basically, he let me kick him in the 
 face three times, and I told him he was 'quite 1337, 
 I suppose'.

Submitted on 2003-08-20 12:47:07 by veryweirdguy [...]