Another constructive idea

Started by InCreator, Fri 20/06/2003 09:58:42

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I thought that it could be cool to see all my sounds and music in AGS, separated into slots and folders like sprites or in a list with *descriptions*, like dialog topics.

sound99.wav doesn't say much. If I really had 99 sounds, I bet I couldn't remeber any of them. This is where my idea could be useful.

Same thing about music.

And maybe in this... lets call it "sound resources" thing were basic play/stop buttons so developers could listen to their sound resources right at the time when making the game.

I know that this is lots of work and could be major improvement, so -- this is an idea far away from reality, but how about it?

You can just rememeber this until you run out of  ideas, Chris. (Although I don't believe THAT could ever happen  ;))


Sounds good to me, sounds like an obvious step, but seeing it hasn't been done, there must be a reason behind it, or not enough people have brought it up.


The reason was that there're many feature requests and you can just make a text file and record the descriptions of the media files already.

See for more details.


Indeed, it would be nice but let's be honest - you can make a text file in notepad that tells you which is which almost as easily ;)


I understand that, but keeping the game all inclusive in AGS would make it nicer.  One folder for sound effects, and so on.
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT


Indeed it would - it's a good suggestion and it's already in the tracker, but when there's so much to be done, it's just not top priority I'm afraid :)

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