fatal error with own GUI (SOLVED)

Started by EvilSpirit, Sat 21/06/2003 19:14:45

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Hi CJ,

I'm creating my own adventure and now I'm working on the gui. When I was ready it works fine but then came this error message:

Illegal exception
An exception 0xC0000005 occured in ACWIN.EXE at EIP = 0x0040F7EB ; program pointer is +379, ACI version 2.55.560, gtags (1,0)

AGS cannot continue, this exception was fatal. Please note down the numbers above, remember what you were doing at the time and notify CJ on the Tech forum.

Most versions of Windows allow you to press Ctrl+C now to copy this entire message to the clipboard for easy reporting.

When I export my gui and use another the game will run.
What's the problem???


At what stage exactly does the crash happen? Did you delete any sprites that are on the GUI?


The crash happens when the game starts.
I don't delete sprites of my own gui.


I think I have found the problem source:

I've diabled all functions with the font 1 and 2 (speech), change the @overhotspot@-font into 0 and it works.

There must be a problem with my fonts but I don't use other fonts than the defaults. I've reverted the fonts 1000 times to default but the fonts 1 and 2 wouldn't work.


What text are you trying to display? Is the button or label fully within the GUI?


only a label that displays: "@overhotspot@"
with font0 the game will start correct
with the two other fonts it wont.


with the tut by lucasfan (mi1 I think) I have downloaded some fonts (agsfont0.ttf, agsfont1.ttf, agsfont2.ttf)

I have imported this font in my game, it works
I reseted to default, it works

only problem now: the speech text havn't a black corner

Sorry for wasting your time CJ.


I have solved my outline-font problem too
I have just confused somethig with the fonts

sorry, my failure  :-[

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