hi res GUI suggestion

Started by Frogman, Sat 14/06/2003 23:19:02

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Hey.  I was working on this GUI for my hi res 640x480 game, and noticed that since GUIs and buttons are displayed in low res here, there's always one pixel skipped, so I can't place everything on the GUI exactly where I want it.

Is there a way around this that I'm missing?  I think a hi res GUI display in the editor would be helpful.


Because all game co-ordinates use the 320x200-system, you are right in that you can only place objects with a 2-pixel granularity on the GUI. Is this a significant problem?


Well, it could become fairly significant...but I can probably work around it somehow, so I suppose it won't be up there to high on the priorities list :)  Although it'd still be a helpful implementation.


Yeah, I can understand that.

A workaround for now would be to add a row of transparent pixels to the top of the image, in order to make the button appear to be lower down than it is :)

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