Tip of the Day suggestions

Started by Pumaman, Fri 17/10/2008 19:01:06

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Ok, I mentioned this in the 3.1 beta thread but I don't think anyone noticed, so I'll try again.

The next version of AGS will include a "Tip of the Day" area on the Start Page, to give you random tips on using AGS.
Initially I have two:
"You can right-click sprites and use Assign To View to easily set up views"
"You can right-click a variable in the script and use Go TO Definition to see wher eit was defined"

Does anyone else have any suggestions for tips? Ideally these would be things you can do in AGS that aren't immediately obvious and are easily missed.


Don't have much in my mind ATM, I think something like:

"Object index starts from 0"
"xx index starts from 0"

May get to this later.


"You can right-click the colour palette (in 256-colours mode) to export it to or replace it."

"Click the pulldown menu at the top of a script to easily navigate through it."

Not sure how to phrase this, but:
"Use #DEFINE to make AGS recognise a word as a value. Example: #DEFINE Left 1  will make AGS recognise the word Left as the number 1."


I'm not sure that #define macros would be a good idea for a tip of the day as it would be likely to confuse beginners.

I do have some suggestions for this though:

1) Could it be made possible to view the Start Page without having to open it with the editor? AFAIK unless it's the first page opened, it doesn't open at all. I don't normally want it opened, but I would find it useful to look and see what everyone else is seeing from time to time. ;)
2) Could Tip of the Day be made into a window that could also be opened separately (in its own tab perhaps), from say, the Help menu?
3) Would it be reasonable for a "Next tip" option?
4) Could the tips have hyperlinks to relevant help file entries and/or game tabs?

As for the actual tips...

-Trying to use variables between several scripts? Take a look at the Global variables pane where you can create variables to use in all your scripts. For functions, see import.
-Trying to set up that first character and feeling a bit lost? First you'll need to import the sprites into the Sprite Manager. Next, assign the sprites to a View. Finally, set the view in the character's properties window.
-For smooth-edged sprites you can use alpha channeled sprites. However, these are only available in 32-bit mode, so consider this carefully as it will run more slowly on some older systems.
-Looking for a scripting solution that you're not quite sure how to tackle yourself? Check out the script modules in the AGS forums! Many useful scripts have been provided to make your job easier.

Things like that I guess would be useful for new users.


Some of these are serious:

Take two bottles in to the shower? I just want to wash and go!

Trouble managing lots of audio files? You could try the media manager editor plugin (LINK)

There's lots of information in the AGS Wiki (LINK) about scripting and AGS topic in general

If you find that MS Paint isn't powerful enough for you, check out the big list of paint programs in the forums (LINK)

Does your artwork need a little help? Check out the tutorials thread (LINK) on the forums

For the latest goings on in AGS and game reviews, check out SSH's AGS blog

Limescale is just calcium that sticks! Cillit Bang and the dirt is gone



SSH, you're such a dirty big pimp! I agree with you're suggestions, though, and Monkey's.

I think the Tip of the Day feature would also be a good place to highlight some of the most requested basic scripting solutions. Using a inventory item on a hotspot, changing character views, the old "locked door" conundrum, etc. Of course, these are scripting tips, and not technically related to the workings of the actual editor itself, but I think they would prove popular.
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Press the 'F' key to quickly flip frames in views.

The Character's Loop variable may be set manually to change their direction without using FaceLocation.

Stuck and the AGS help file isn't solving your problem?  Try searching the official forums for a solution, and if there is none, post your question!

Want an object that can change rooms and talk?  Use a Character instead!

By setting the LightLevel of a Region you can effectively make a room lighter or darker without having to redraw it.

Want to organize your sounds, music, and speech?  Try the Audiomanager plugin!


"After making a walk-behind area, don't forget to set its baseline!"

"You can select multiple sprites and move/delete them!"

"You can make a template out of any game to use it later- just make your GUI and save it as a template!"

"You can add a custom icon to your game and setup."


Quote from: Ghost on Sat 18/10/2008 02:36:33"After making a walk-behind area, don't forget to set its baseline!"

This reminds me... Wouldn't it be more logical to have walk-behind areas be always drawn on top by default, if one forgets to set its baseline?
You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
Congratulations! You just won! You got 0 out of 500 points.

Trent R

Quote from: Laukku on Sat 18/10/2008 07:46:54
This reminds me... Wouldn't it be more logical to have walk-behind areas be always drawn on top by default, if one forgets to set its baseline?
No, because what if your walkbehind is something like a table? On one side, you'd be behind it. On the other side you'd be in front/on top of it.

As for a tip,
"Want to make a game other than an adventure game? It's possible with AGS if you know how to script."

"There is a 'Recruit A Team' thread in the forums where you can post about your project to recruit other team members. Or you can browse through the recent posts and find someone that's already submitting their talents to the public."

That's all I got for now, though I will back up the ones that have been already said.
To give back to the AGS community, I can get you free, full versions of commercial software. Recently, Paint Shop Pro X, and eXPert PDF Pro 6. Please PM me for details.

Current Project: The Wanderer
On Hold: Hero of the Rune


"Check player.ActiveInventory to find out which inventory item was used."

"Your room background flashes like crazy? Delete the second background animation frame."

"Got a question you think nobody has ever asked before like 'How to make the player change rooms?'
Post it right away, using the forum search is overrated anyway."

"Want to create a complex remake of a commercial game without any programming experience? Ask for help in the technical forum, others will gladly post huge working scripts so you don't have to bother learning how to 'program'."


Thanks for your suggestions so far, guys. I'll incorporate some of them into AGS :)

I'll leave this thread open though -- as with the splash screen's tagline, this is something that can be continually added to over time.


Quote from: ProgZmax on Fri 17/10/2008 21:34:27By setting the LightLevel of a Region you can effectively make a room lighter or darker without having to redraw it.

Huh? This tip seems a bit misleading. The LightLevel makes characters/objects appear lighter/darker, not the background. So you would still have to re-color your background or use TintScreen (which can't really be recommended due to the CPU load). Come to think of it, we should really have a module that uses DynamicSprite tinting to temporarily change the lighting of room backgrounds with a simple function call. Perhaps I could add that to my LightMap module.

Trent R

Quote from: KhrisMUC on Sun 19/10/2008 10:55:16
"Check player.ActiveInventory to find out which inventory item was used."
Good lord, yes!!! I searched the manual for forever before I finally found this...

Another tip idea (to be worded as you please, CJ)
"Got a tip of your own you'd like to share? Post it it the designated thread in the Technical Forum."
Hopefully a 'tip' like that will get more suggestions from people that might normally shy away from the foreboding sounding Technical Forum.

To give back to the AGS community, I can get you free, full versions of commercial software. Recently, Paint Shop Pro X, and eXPert PDF Pro 6. Please PM me for details.

Current Project: The Wanderer
On Hold: Hero of the Rune


"Contrary to popular belief, eating the crusts does not make hair on your chest grow."

Alright, to be honest, all I can think of are tips like that, useful as they are!


Well, in that case it does not fit in the "AGS Tips" category, it's actually more like the cheesy subtitles, which are implemented already.


- Did you know that you can right click on a variable or function to goto it's definition?

Ryan Timothy B

Here's an old thread, but I just accidentally discovered a very handy method of tabbing multiple lines. I wish I knew of it long ago.
It definitely should be added to the tip section on the start page.

To indent multiple lines at once, highlight the desired lines and press TAB to add or SHIFT-TAB to remove indent.


Fantastic, this will safe so much work aligning my tabs, thanks!


"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


Quoteas with the splash screen's tagline, this is something that can be continually added to over time.
The splash screen loads/disappears too quickly for me to be of any tipping use. Incidentally, CJ, are you still considering taking me up on our new AGS 3.3 splash screen I designed for you a couple of years ago?

To refresh your memory:

You should still have the PM with all necessary files/icons, chief!



Quote from: subspark on Thu 16/09/2010 10:19:46

I like this, but I don't like how it shows what's inside the cup.  Removes the mystery :P


"Always do a test import of one sprite just to make sure it looks ok in AGS before creating an entire sheet of animation."


Huh?  :)

Agrees about the cup contents, btw.


Quote from: subspark on Fri 17/09/2010 17:00:18
Huh?  :)

That was a tip of the day, and not a comment on your cup, which looks great.  Agreed on removing the contents for added intrigue.


I think these tips are very useful for beginners and this thread gives a chance for every user to contribute, so I'm stickying this.

Mouth for war

how about something like... "Don't forget to create a Gui called ghotspot for example then add a lable inside the gui and make sure the text for the label is @OVERHOTSPOT@

Could probably simplify that text but I've seen many people over the years asking "How can I have the mouse pointer describing hotspots,objects etc"

oh well...Just a thought keep 'em coming guys
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


"A GUI label with '@OVERHOTSPOT@' as its text will change to the name of the hotspot under the mouse."

Dave Gilbert

Quote from: Dataflashsabot on Thu 04/08/2011 14:03:41
"A GUI label with '@OVERHOTSPOT@' as its text will change to the name of the hotspot under the mouse."


I never knew that.


Quote from: Dave Gilbert on Thu 20/10/2011 21:47:19
Quote from: Dataflashsabot on Thu 04/08/2011 14:03:41
"A GUI label with '@OVERHOTSPOT@' as its text will change to the name of the hotspot under the mouse."


I never knew that.

This is a joke, right, I mean, well, this is the first thing I've learned in ags before everything, so well, Dave, this has to be..eh..a joke. Please tell me so!
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Following a recent discussion:

- Some functions work well in cutscenes (e.g. Character.Say()), while others won't make you happy there (e.g. Dialog.Start()). Choose wisely.

Something very nice I just learned:
- Organize your global variables into structs (e.g. one struct per chapter) to reduce the mess that a lot of these variables can create. Exporting a struct will export all its contents in one go. Nice.

- Character walking weirdly? Check whether its feet are centered in each image of the animation. Add a blank border to one side if necessary.

Edit addendum:
- Character walking weirdly when passing another character in a cutscene? Try setting the character property "solid" to false.
123  Currently working on: Sibun - Shadow of the Septemplicon


I guess this thread is still active as it is 'sticky'
I started with AGS some weeks ago, so here's things I would have loved to stumble upon earlier than I did (some AGS specific, others general scripting).
… oh, and I leave the wording to one of you guys

- you don't need {} brackets if there's only one action after a condition
- want your character.say() not to time out? Change the behaviour in 'General Settings'
- lots of rooms looking the same/similar? create a basic room, right click and make a template out of it (god I wish I'd known that one earlier!)
- walkspeed 10 means a character moves 10px on each game cycle (at least that's what I heard)
- a quick&short note that about 1 second having 40 game cycles on default settings
- interested in a specific feature? take the time to read into it (manual!) or search the forum. most things are wasy enough to understand even for new scripters if they're willing to concentrate.

Crimson Wizard

Huh, - seeing as people keep posting here, - someone should select good tips and put 'em into editor... obviously Chris Jones won't do that now :).


Well, should I just unsticky it and lock it; or move it to Editor Dev. if you people really want to continue with it?


Did you notice you have to change your sprites after you finished an animation?
No problem! Just edit your graphics and save them in the original place on your PC and then click on "Import sprites from source" by selecting and right clicking on the Sprites you want to change! No need to create a new view from scratch!

Oh I just noticed that this thread is really old after I posted it, I'm somewhat too late.


I don't know if this counts as a necropost but I do have a suggestion I wish I had known earlier:

When you import a gif it imports all the frames as individual sprites.  You don't need to cut out the spritesheet in that case.

Crimson Wizard

Do people read "tips of the day"? I did not even remember that AGS has this thing... how useful it is?

imho it might be best to have proper articles in the manual.

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