Started by , Tue 18/05/2004 15:30:13

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Matt Goble

Just purchased my tent.

Hopefully the weather will be good enough next week for me to have a dry-run at putting it up!



I can bring two tents and offer 5 spaces, book now, i'll take the first five people or any sexeh females coming... no..... then just the first 5 people.
When I was a little kid we had a sand box. It was a quicksand box. I was an only child... eventually.

Pet Terry

<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


won't be able to come...
money problems

sorry guys, I'd really like to have met all of you  :)
think of me when you're all having fun, allright?  ;D



Boooo Fruity! :( Oh well, I'm sure we'll see you at something in the future, start saving for next years Mittens! ;) Or perhaps there'll be a reunion Swettens.


Fruittree - Noooooooooo......
Petteri - OK dude ;) will save room for you  :-*

I need to try to get this demo done :/

I have Tuesday evening, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning, hope i can get it done in time. I have lots to do, so forgive me if it is rushed.

Anyway, must go revise for my exams tommorow, my last exams, 6 hours of exams..... :/ *groan*
When I was a little kid we had a sand box. It was a quicksand box. I was an only child... eventually.

Pet Terry

Great Magintz :) Btw, are you going to stay to monday? If not, then I have to sleep the last night in someone's tent who is staying to monday...

Sad to hear about that Fruity, maybe I'll meet you some other time then... :/

Oh yeah m0ds, Pessi and I arrive Staines probably around 11AM. Dunno if we should get off bus at Staines station or Staines bus station though...
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Get off at the bus station (which is where the bus will probably terminate). Even if you get off at the station the bus station is only a few minutes walk away.


Whoa, this is weird. I hadn't checked in on Brittens before, because I (usually) live in Denmark. And now, just of curiosity I look at the thread and discover that I'm actually right now located just south of where you're going to be at - working at EA in Chertsey, and staying in Walton-on-Thames, ! I doubt I'll have time off in the weekend, but man would I love to come.

Privateer Puddin'

Awww, you know you want to just pop up to brittens for a bit :)

Pet Terry

m0ds, okay, we'll get off at the bus station.

GG: Yes, come for a day! Or for an evening atleast! Or do you work 24/7 ? :P
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Petteri, yeah actually we work pretty much 24/7 (or at least 15/7 - a guy's gotta sleep :)) - often till 11pm or later. And we're supposed to sign off on this project on the 27th, so I don't expect to get time off during the weekend  >:(

Privateer Puddin'

Some (at least 3 :P) of us will be there on the 28th for a few hours ;)

Matt Goble


Are you beta-testing at EA?

I spent a week working at Bullfrog when they were in Guilford - a group of us were divided into two, with half working on one floor for Bullfrog, and the other half working for EA.  The Bullfrogger's started half an hour later, much to the disgust of the EA Beta Testers!



Matt: I'm a language tester, which means that I test the localized (in my case Danish) versions of the games - for bad translation, third party (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Warner Bros.) guideline violations, faulty implemention of translated ressources (length problems etc.) and stuff like that. Currently I'm testing Catwoman on the Xbox. We're at the EA offices in Chertsey, although the game is developed by Argonaut in Sheffield.



Pet - I'm staying till monday, when's your flight home?
When I was a little kid we had a sand box. It was a quicksand box. I was an only child... eventually.

Pet Terry

Coolness, my flight'll depart Heathrow at 18:05.
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Quote from: GarageGothic on Tue 22/06/2004 20:07:39
Whoa, this is weird. I hadn't checked in on Brittens before, because I (usually) live in Denmark. And now, just of curiosity I look at the thread and discover that I'm actually right now located just south of where you're going to be at - working at EA in Chertsey, and staying in Walton-on-Thames, ! I doubt I'll have time off in the weekend, but man would I love to come.

Dude! I worked at EA in Chertsey only two months ago!



I lost everyones emails where you sent me details, but here's the FORM THING to bring! SEND it to you Briteneer companions!


Man oh man. How cool would it be to go over there and make fun of you all! Hahahaha! No, just kidding. I can't make fun of people if they out number me. :D Wish I could come but I'm poor, jobless, a freeloader and not to mention I hate the idea of flying or taking a boat and since I live in the US I most likely will never be able to come to one of these events. Almost 22 and still poor...the shame! Actually even if I had some money and liked flying, the chances of me coming to one of these events would be slim...the main reason is...the plane ticket would cost way more than the visit and that would be too much to spend. Plus, If I did have that much cash on hand it would most likely all go toward games. :) Shamefull, eh? :D

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