Good puzzles in AGS games released in 2024

Started by heltenjon, Thu 09/05/2024 17:00:07

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I'll start one for this year.

The Best Puzzles award may be water under the bridge, but that doesn't mean we can't have a thread to discuss it. The question is simply: What puzzles in AGS games released in 2024 did you like? Why did you like them?

Please make the thread user-friendly with well marked spoilers, for instance like this:
And something about it in here.

Hopefully, this may give devs some feedback on what type of puzzles work well, and the players a chance to discuss and (dis)agree.

(In addition, I could imagine similar threads for the current year could be useful if we started them now and run them all year. It may be helpful when the year is over and we try to remember what games we liked months back and a help for nominating to the AGS awards. If the interest for such threads is there, of course.)


I'll start. I really liked the ventilation puzzle in In Our Midst.
I liked that the puzzle involved several locations and characters. You had to exploit the engineer's lazyness, understand and manipulate the vent system and the cleaner droid, play to the captain's sense of duty and finally sabotage the air lock.
That's quite a few steps, yet in feels organical and natural.

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