Le Mittens 08 - It kind of looks like a...

Started by Miez, Fri 22/08/2008 20:58:03

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Oui oui, I have returned as well!  Unfortunately I've come home to find a bit of a family emergency, so I should have my pictures/vids up later this evening or tomorrow.

Thanks to every single one of you for making this another spectacular Mittens, and I hope to see you all here next year.


Aw, I so regret missing this year's mittens.
Next time I will make sure to be there come hell or high water.


I'm finally alive after mittens. Suffering with the mysterious virus and the usual mittens withdrawl symptoms. Had a great time, as usual. One of my favourite meets.

Many happy memories, including the space center, the caves, the failed boulangerie runs - all those mind expanding adventures - but most of all sitting around talking to all the AGSers I'd met before, the ones I hadn't, and Marijke, everyone is great fun*. Twenty seven people was way more intimate than I expected, so thanks Chateau le Risdoux for managing that.

Now I'm off to my hibernation pod. Wake me up for my flight to Miami.

*except AGA, obviously



Here's Marijke.... still had this idea in my head, so I am going to try something. First going to read the help threads I guess.

Mittens was fun =P

Und wir kampfen immer noch...


OK, I've uploaded some photos and philms here:


These  (and future ones) are without any references to the BJ-movie, and the first one only contains some photos and films relating to the tramampoline (I love that typo someone else made at Mittens [no I didn't come up with it myself: no such honour for me], so I will be using it quite a few times), the 2nd is general and even includes the pony! (fly-breedingface)

I am uploading more RARs, but don't have enough room on my ISP's webspace, so I guess I'll be deleting the old archives to make room for new ones.

And yes, I do fully intend to attend Miamittens 09, and even Mittens 10 (but let's not look too far into the future: it only comes day by day anyway).

Good to see Mittens has even generated a new BBC'er (big blue cupper/forummer)! (Kira)

BTW I'm still recovering from a lack of sleep (those darn beds at the chateau!) and a longish trip (so I didn't have  to cross a sea or travel to another continent, it's still tiring) But it was woth my while, thank you all!
Oh and Grundy: best of luck with the family emergency!


Tramampoline was me, but I stole it from The Simpsons :P


I laughed my ass off when I saw CJ's photo with Bluecup over Jess's crack.


Now, I've just come from my friends 60's (I'm no sure if it's 60ts) birthday, and I'm the mood to warn you all that I am determined to participate the next mittens, and it does not matter where on earth you are gathering, you can't escape me ;D. So be preapared to pack your sense of bad humour, because you will have to bear with me not matter what ;D

Darth Mandarb

One more stop on my way home ... I'm in New York now.  Staying at a Holiday Inn Express.  It's not the nicest hotel, however, tomorrow whenever anybody asks me a question that I would answer no to, I will get to say "No ... but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night" ... so that's good.

I too am suffering from the Mitttens virus ... sick as a dog :(  I sorted my photos on the train ride from Paris to London this morning.  TONS to post ... will post as soon as I'm home and sleeping!


I hath made it home now too :P after leaving the group at CDG yesterday morning I almost could not board my flight to London on time because a half hour before boarding, an unattended bag was discovered and the surrounding 20 gates evacuated while the bomb squad came to inspect. Surprisingly, it was taken care of within 15 or so minutes.

Now after a flight, bus, train, 14 hours overnight at Gatwick and two more flights I am finally in my own bed (first time in 39 days) :D wish I was still there though. A proper round up and photos will follow after I sleep this vodka-esque haze off!


We are also home, got home last night but SLEEPY, I haven't been that tired in a while.

I also haven't laughed that much in a long while, I always love Mittens and can not wait for next year.

Quote from: Quintaros on Sat 23/08/2008 15:15:27
I too had a great time.  So much so that I ve decided to extend my stay in France.  Actually, no I ve missed my return flight to Canada and am trapped in Paris another 3 days.  Merde alors.

OH NO! I think Mills also missed his flight because we slept through the wake-up-call from the hotel and Erin's alarm was set to "Weekdays only!" so we woke up at 8:30, got out of there around 9, got on the train, made a wrong turn, finally got to CDG and he had an hour to get through the entire boarding procedure, I don't think it worked BUT I HOPE IT DID!

I will post pictures later but this one is for Derren:

This is what Mills looked like after he realized that you left without saying goodbye... AND you forgot your granola bar! Love'em and Leave'em, eh?

EDIT: WAIT A MINUTE! Jess was sick at mittens and now all you dudes are getting sick.. JUST WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? pix pls!
"This must be a good time to live in, since Eric bothers to stay here at all"-CJ also: ACHTUNG FRANZ!


For those of you who have yet to post your photos, if you want to make a PhotoThumb gallery (like CJ always does), send me a PM and I'll link you to a copy.


Hey, we arrived yesterday at midnight... I wanted to see some pics and read some threads before posting here... This post for me closes a circle and I wanted the delay it as much as possible. I loved this mittens and I wanted it to last as much as possible.

This has been the best mittens so far, with difference (and the previous were not bad!) It is impossible to share the mittens time with everybody at the same level, of course, you must chose your group of mates, but I liked every mitteneer I met. Some of them becoming to the level of "big brothers" (You know I am talking about you, JP!), some other to, at least, good mates.

For example, for circumstances that had nothing to see with my desire to socialise with everybody (and his, I guess), I treated very few with DutchMarco (We were usually sitting in different places of the table, we went to different activities, we went with different groups...) but the feeling I had of him is that he is a very veeeeery good person. Similar feeling with him now that the ones I had about Disco in Mittens Greece. No need to say that I will fix that in next mittens, as I did with Jet in Greece and with Disco in Benidorm. It's kind a tradition. The one I treat less in Mittens YYYY, becomes a remarkable mate in Mittens YYYY+1. Simillar feelings with Esseb.

(My problems with Jet are thing of the past, we knew that before, but I repeat that in public again for the knowleadge of everybody!)

Who else to mention without being unfair with the rest? I' ll be honest, I think there was a good feeling between FruitTree and me... Same with Miez. Erin has been a surprise, I must confess... After seeing the "sexy" photos she likes to post about her, I expected a funny nice girl, but no more... she finally impressed me for her intelligence and talent. A future Hillary... ^_^. Or a world famous neuroscientist! Mills is also a very clever and funny man.

I was a bit excited about Eric... I had the feeling that during a certain period his secret hobby was to pursuit Nacho over the forums to use his moderatorism powers with me. He told me via PM that the feeling was uncorrect, and I believed he was being sincere, but I still wanted to meet him in person. Reluctances off from the very first moment! I really like him and Jess. Awesome lady, very talented and very funny!

If I don' t mention the rest is because we' ve meet before and you know my feelings about you. I am willing to see you again, ASAP, guys! You have a friend here for everything you need!

And welcome to the forums Marijke!
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!

Creed Malay

Finally got home at ten last night. I am either ill with the virus, or one of my lungs has collapsed. Mittens was truly, sincerly awesome, location was great, being "Bob" in the BJ movie was a blast, and every one was extremely lovely. Could not have hoped for a better crowd.
Off to die now. Farewell.
Mobile Meat Machines - Comics of Animals and Education! - http://meatmachines.livejournal.com/


Damn! I forgot to mention Davy in the commentaries about my new mates! and I don' t really know why, because you are in my list! :D You are great... I really liked you! I won' t spoil anything about BJ' s movie, but what you said and how you said it after seeing what you saw in the swings was awesome ^_^ Lots of laughs. Awakening you everymorning has been a pleasure!
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!

Creed Malay

I love you too, Nacho. When I woke up this morning and no Spaniard leapt onto me and vigorusly humped me, I died a little inside.
Mobile Meat Machines - Comics of Animals and Education! - http://meatmachines.livejournal.com/


Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!

La Lore

Well ... I think it's my turn.

I'm fine, but tired because of the long hours of travel and the 6,000,000 miles that we walked in Paris ... hehehehe .... I am also cold, but it will happen 'cos the pleasant temperatures of Benidorm.

What to say that you don't already know!

For new Mitteners: It has been a pleasure to meet everyone. Jess and Eric, you are very funny. Erin, thanks for being our translator. Mills, sorry, but I did not understand anything you said  :) ... try your luck in Miami. Esseb, Davy, Marco, I haven' t spent much time with us, but happens to me the same as Nacho, I have good vibes about you :). Fruit tree, every morning jumping into the Trampoline ... hahahaha transmitted me great joy, hope to see you in other Mittens. Miez, very kind and sympathetic, I like the background :). Marikje, welcome! And finally Jeremy, "mi hermano mayor" ... has been my greatest friendship of this Mittens, thank you for your patience with my poor English, I hope to talk a lot with you in the msn.

For other Mitteners: I was delighted to see everyone. Jetx hope you heal your nose ... Radiant, I liked your game "Vector". AGA, thanks for the organization, the place is beautiful. Tom and Scotch, a pleasure to see you again, I hope to continue to do so. Darren, I felt sorr for your flight ... :( But I liked being with you and Disco in Paris. Chrille, I feel Nacho' s obsession by your head. Dominika and Golmund, I love being with you, my friends from "Polandia" hahahaha, Golmund, take care of Dominika and "Alien". CJ, I forgive you for having asked Nacho marriage. M0ds, thank you for wanting me to appear in BJ. Ryan, I love your jacket, I think it was obvious :D. .. Paco, my great friend ... I'm very eager to go to Miami in 2009. I especially liked our reunion the first night, hugs ... yours, and then Ryan,  m0ds, and later to Dominika and Golmund.

See my pictures, but in another post.

Kisses to all  :-* :-* :-*
Lorena ^_^/~
"Please, do stop" - m0ds


Lorena, I didn't know your English was so good, otherwise I'd have talked with you more. I now only have the impression of "she seems like very nice girl", and talking would have only confirmed that impression, I'm sure.

Nacho, I also wish we could have spent more time with each other, but look on the bright side: at least my rear opening is intact and unscathed. That's worth something too.

And to Eric and Jess: thanks for the tip about Gogol Bordello. The band I mentioned who resemble him so much is Korpiklaani. I know, slightly bizarre spelling, but what would you expect with this taste of music? (I'm now listening to Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, who I first heard of in NY, btw)

On of the most amazing things was that we could even talk about politics among diferent nations and not start a war! (I now officially close this cesspitt BTW)

What a band of warm personalities! And lots of  fun to be had as well. Makes me particularly regret having not finished my game at least up to the level of being able to show off a credible demo (all I have now is not worth showing).

Luckily I never got so cose to Jess as to catch her virus (I hope she's better now, and Eric, I think they were all smart enough not to take pictures of anything that would have transferred those germs, the most likely kira's plate suspect would have been kitty who'd been licking clean.But I trust that was also treated to the chemical stew that the dishwasher applies to all the washing up. BTW, My photo and philm archves are rather big so downloading them will take some time.

Mark, sorry about threatening to spoil the movie ending, I've been telling everyone about it ("look for Ben Jordan on U-tube in a few weeks time"), that's how excited I am about it, and about being in it, obviously. Thabks for letting me appear in there as a living, not-obsessed  human as well. It's not even the only acting I've done, Ivy kindly asked for some voices for her game-ski.

Oh and Ivy, I enjoyed voice acting for your game-ski, I wish I had made dying noises with more of a stereotypical Soviet-Russian accent
the experience alone is all the reward one could ever ask (unless you're Tom Cruise, which I'm obviously not), and I wish you best of luck in your up and coming career as a game creator.

Oh and I uploaded some more movies:
http://home.planet.nl/~ooije375/Mittens08/Mittens08-bateauing.rar (caution, 100 MB)

BTW Berrian, The Simpsons are a good place to steal quotes from.

Darthm shouldn't you say "sick as a horse"? You said that Mandarb is a horse, and we also had a little hoarse which wasn't too well (I still grinned at the joke, Eric).

And noholiday will ever again without a rubber chicken with a pulley on-it-somewhere  (alas not in the middle, but at the legs was close enough)
Oh well, back to work again for a tomorrow, and no acces to the website

La Lore

Thanks ^_^ but I write better than I speak :)
Lorena ^_^/~
"Please, do stop" - m0ds

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