Le Mittens 08 - It kind of looks like a...

Started by Miez, Fri 22/08/2008 20:58:03

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Aah! now THAT's gonna come in handy... thanks AGA. ;D

La Lore

I miss youuuuuuu  :'( and Nacho is in France again... with his bike... and without me :( I´m alone  :'(

My photos will be soon.... I hope...
Lorena ^_^/~
"Please, do stop" - m0ds


hahaha, what an excellent Melt the Limit this year.
And just for the hell of it I went back and watched all the other ones again, man, Nacho had so much hair! Haha!


Just to show you that Mittens 08 at le Chateau was a kick in the creative nuts, here's that background I started. Not the best background in our little game, and it still needs some tweaking but it's there in record time because of you and all the creative juices you were excreting ;D :

Rough sketch

As far as I got at mittens

The Ivy

Photos are here here here!

Okay, now for the mushy stuff.

Eric and Jess, wonderful to see you as always. We'll push all mention of penises out of the way so I can get on to saying how cool it is to know such creative people. I'm always inspired by the things you guys create, and I look forward to whatever it is you're working on next.

Grundislav, it was great to see you again and I must say, you had your A Game going for that entire Ben Jordan movie. I had a fabulous time acting alongside you (I was impressed by your star power even during shooting!). Thanks for voicing you-know-who-Cat in you-know-what-Game. And thanks for agreeing to be slave labour for the project. ;)

CJ, once again I enjoyed your deadpan sense of humour and insider wisdom about the Brits (that goes for you too, AGA). I also enjoyed your attempts to pronounce French words, despite how many times I tried to correct you. ;)

m0ds, I am so grateful that you decided to include me in your movie. Having had zero acting experience (with the exception of my one line in the Clumsy Fop movie), it was incredibly exciting to have a role with some lines. I'm looking forward to the film so much. Oh, and thanks for agreeing to be slave labour for the secret project as well. Are you on MSN? We should chat some time. :)

Layabout, FruitTree, Chrille, Miez, and the others who frequented the "drawing table," you were a constant source of inspiration for me during the trip. Somehow I found the doodling kept me going in my own work (you may have noticed I didn't move for about two days). Anyways, keep in touch dudes! (P.S. Layabout, will we be seeing a reappearance of Jean-Pierre next year?)

Nacho and Lorena, thanks for being a constant source of incredibly cute pictures. It was great to finally meet you after seeing you on the forums for the last few years. And Nacho, you're really too kind. Although I think I'd rather be a "Tina Fey" than a "Hillary" though. ;)

Disco, great to see you again, you were a top-notch roommate this time around. Thanks for putting up with my constant attempts to straighten my hair in front of the mirror. Jet, Radiant, and Quintaros, it was great to see you again too, although we didn't talk nearly enough this time around.

Darth, it was really cool to meet you in person, as you were one of the first AGS "personalities" I knew when I started posting here. Hey everyone, there's a really nice guy behind that pixelly avatar. I look forward to seeing you in Miami. :)

Goldmund and Dominika, thanks for some of the most intellectual conversations I've had in months (seriously, some of those topics were more intellectually stimulating than anything I learned at university). Goldmund, thanks for all your kind words about Nanobots, it really meant a lot to me. Seeing "Donna" has inspired me to try adding background flourishes to my games, among other things.

DutchMarco, thank you for lending your voice to my rather silly little project. I also thought you played an excellent ghost victim in the Ben Jordan film. "It's so beautiful..."

Mills, thanks for rescuing me from the airport on the first day. I really enjoyed your sense of humour throughout the trip, puns and all. Please keep making Mills jokes! (yeah, like the world needs any more sarcasm).

Creed, I thought your performance in the Ben Jordan film was inspiring as well. It was also good to have another redhead around so that it wasn't just me getting compared to the pony. I look forward to talking to you more at the next gathering.

Custard, Scotch, Esseb, and Kira, perhaps we'll actually talk next time! ;)

Whew, that took a while! I'm trying not to be too sad that it's over, but I'll probably write a sappy blog post about all the events shortly. Enjoy the photos and I'll talk to y'all soon. :}

P.S. I'm working away at the secret project; hopefully it'll be done soon/fantastically.

Darth Mandarb

Quote from: The Ivy on Tue 26/08/2008 03:30:22Darth, it was really cool to meet you in person, as you were one of the first AGS "personalities" I knew when I started posting here. Hey everyone, there's a really nice guy behind that pixelly avatar. I look forward to seeing you in Miami. :)

* Blush * Thanks :)  It was most excellent to meet you too!  Sorry we didn't get to say an offical goodbye the last morning in Paris!  Hope your phone charged successfully!!  See you in Miami for sure!

I too have posted some of my pictures (I took 1050 pictures total) weened it down to a select few I thought worth sharing:

And here they be


Hey all, I've done something weird (isn't that what Mittens is all about?): I've recorded the yelping (that's how you call it, right? someone told me, but I forgot) of the little pony on the Mittens grounds, and made some ringtones out of them.

So Ring1 is the loudest sound on the recording, but I thought I'd include ring 2 as well as it sounded so funny. The sound is a bit too soft though, so I've placed 3 copies of it: one unmodified version (clean) and 2 amplified versions (wihch are both a bit overdriven, but one more so than the other and you might not like the sound of the more overdriven one), so there's plenty to choose from. Just do us all a  favor, OK, and next Mittens, let's not all have the same ringtone on our phones, as that'll be confusing.


I am Jean-Pierre.


Great pics and vids, everyone ... Melt the Limit 3 is certainly deserving of its title!

Ivy, I can't believe I almost forgot to thank you and Radiant for your translation services, you guys were lifesavers a good few times! And of course good luck in your new career as a tour guide.


Yay, I'm finally home. 

It turns out that missing a flight is a bigger deal than I thought.  My extra days in Paris were kind of ho-hum where there wasn't anything new to see or do that I hadn't done the week before.  The highlight was having a French pot dealer approach me and pantomine getting high.  He was probably the friendliest Parisian I met the whole trip.  Then I got food poisoning from trying Steak Tartare and spent a day curled in the fetal position in my hotel room.

Anyway, Mittens this year was awesome, surpassing the previous years.  The chateau was great and the laughter shared with everyone was terrific.  I'm kind of in withdrawl right now and can't wait til Mittens '09. 

Mills, I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye at the airport.  I was kind of in a whirlwind at the moment and in retrospect I should have cut my losses and joined you guys for another day in Paris. 


We're back!

We stayed in Paris for one more day; miraculously, weather on Sunday was fine and we could sit on our favourite bridge, wander around and eat crepes with nutella!

French Mittens I deem very fine, the quality of company outweighted the usual crappiness of the weather.

I am very happy for getting to know these from among you that I now consider friends, and I am sorry that I did not get to know some others as well as I could (and I'm talking not only about sodomy).

Mittens is important, and if you rascals won't abolish the no-kids rule, we will join forces with Vince and SSH and Nikolas to form Kiddens. We're going to have strippers, casino, paraglides, balloons, zeppelins and orgies (with children under custody of SuperNanny tm)

The Ivy

For those of you who were there:

Are you as frightened of her stare as I am?


Quote from: The Ivy on Wed 27/08/2008 14:23:56
For those of you who were there:

Are you as frightened of her stare as I am?

Not as frightened as I am of that nasty looking weapon... Little girl looks good, Ivy!

Creed Malay

Mobile Meat Machines - Comics of Animals and Education! - http://meatmachines.livejournal.com/


hahaha, she looks awesome. And frightening.
In Soviet Russia, stick find you.


Mittens Rant, begin:

This was easily one of the top five Mittens events I've been to. It truly is one of the happiest, carefree, and enjoyable moments in my life, and I have a pretty good life...well...um...still Mittens is pretty awesome. I'd talk about France/Paris and how exciting it was to be there, but really we could have had mittens in a sewer pipe (Miami), and I would still have had a somewhat good time. So onward to the people, in no particular order, other than alphabetical.

AGA - Who reads five books during mittens?! In between reading, sleeping, and a bit of drinking...wait where were you?

Chrille - We didn't get too much one on one, but it was still very much a pleasure meeting you. You're far less scary than your games...even with a bald head.

CJ - What can one say but, amour and fromage

Creed Malay - Can't wait to meet you again, we didn't get any one on one time, but orgies will do that to a person.

custard - An Ace Quest fan...what's wrong with you?

Darth Mandarb - We need to do a gloves event...seriously. I think there's many Space Questy things to be gleaned from you.

Disco - Best trampoliner...ever

Dominika - You took my sweet suite, and I still managed to enjoy your company.

DutchMarco - One of my favorite mitten moments was your story about your friend who died...how morbid. You have a wonderful sense of humor, and I couldn't imagine being funny in another language, it's hard enough doing it one. Can't wait to see you next year.

Esseb - My feet still hurt from the 18 quarters we walked, but you made it worth it.

Finkenstein - [insert penis joke] [insert ass out of pants joke] [insertion] (giggle)

FruitTree - You gave me head...well a balloon with a (very) convincing picture of my head...that goes a long way in my book.

Goldmund - I owe you dinner...flirt with me a bit and we'll add a movie.

Grundislav - Gloves...you know the drill.

JetXL - I didn't take out the pack of gum I saved from last Mittens, but I guarantee it's still in mint condition.

Layabout - You were a very convincing Frenchman, but we need to work on your Australian...I didn't hear Crikey one time.

Lorena - I didn't understand anything you said either...other than "NACHO!"

miez - I'm still amazed at the board game, and the model, and the art work. In general...I'm amazed. You amaze me.

MillsJROSS - Where'd your hair go?

m0ds - It was nice to see you outside of you shell this Mittens. The movie was fun to make...thanks for allowing me some freedom with my lines.

MrColossal - We will communicate more often, but right now my voice is a little hoarse.

Nacho - I want to be a Nacho man.

Quintaros - You complete me...in a completely straight heterosexual way, with amazing sex on the side.

Radiant - I didn't say it when we were playing the game...but the sex change was for you.

scotch - You should drink more often...you're more amusing that way.

The Ivy - I held up a sign that said Mittens in an airport for an hour waiting for you...you didn't even notice...everyone else did. I promise not to stop making puns...frankly, it's not in me to stop.

Tony The Pony - RIP

Alright, wonderful time. Not much more to say. See you guys next year.



Quote from: The Ivy on Wed 27/08/2008 14:23:56
For those of you who were there:

Are you as frightened of her stare as I am?
I'm not easily frightened, but she goes a long way towards achieving that, esp. the stare when combined with the kniving action. Can't wait to see walkcycles!And there were lots of Aargh!-lines to be voice-acted by all actors. Somehow I get the impression that this game won't be rated for little children (well,you know: in Soviet Russia game rates you). I'm looking forward to playing this twisted little game.

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

That background looks great, miez - but what's with all the artifacting?


Quote from: ProgZmax on Fri 29/08/2008 14:28:09
That background looks great, miez - but what's with all the artifacting?

Thanks :) ... but as I said: it still needs some work. There's a very noticeable noise map in it (the artefacting you can see) that is either going to be turned down or removed alltogether. The wall tiles need some work and the Golden Penis Statuesâ,,¢ will be cleaned up a little - these are a little too eroded...

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