Mittens 2005: The Return

Started by Chrille, Tue 23/08/2005 11:04:02

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Oh my god there is an "The Astonishing Flying Ringâ,,¢" in that girls head!


I thought that there was no need to say something nice about Mittens '05, because I pressumed it was assumed. But hey... here it goes. Let's start with the new ones:

Disco is Kindness made into flesh. I don't think there's need to say more. I hope that my English next year will be better to enjoy completelly the accent from Michigan.

Do you know that feeling you have when you like someone a lot and start caring for him too much? Even in an irrational way? That happened to me with Goldmund, and, even trusting in his intelligence for a good choice, I was a little afraid for Dominika.

A photographer from Warsaw? Let's hope she is not an ellitist snob! It should be a pitty to see my funny polish friend becoming too serious because her boring wife is in the vicinity!

That fear lasted like... 0.2 seconds after meeting Nika. She is like a little girl, lovely and pure. She even signs with a smiley!  :D I am a little in love with Nika!  :-*

I must say that if she cried when they left Athens I dropped a tear as well when their taxi left., sorry, behaved like a rude man and showed no feelings at all. (thanks sunglasses!)  ;)

Goldmundus... I think that you, better than anyone, must know that some things can't be written propperly. :) Palenie Zabija!

Grundislav... Mi amigo de Miami! Viva el Ron, el Oûzo y las mujeres! arrange some gloves with Darthie in Florida and I'll be there!

Petteri is close to Disco in the Kidness championship... And his Goldlagoon looks soooo cool...

About the others... I am quite happy to understand better the brits than the previous year.

Therefore, I've discovered a very special sense of humour in Chris Q___? Jones, and that Portmouth FC rocks, thanks Tom. Adam needs a special mention, Lorena and me annoyed him as an in-joke, but he allways replied in a very sensible and humorous way.

Scotch finally talks, weeeee! Looking for a Spanish gf for him!

Berian is a wel of knowleadge in reference to AGS and games in general... And he emotioned us singing the welsh Anthem.

M0ds is M0ds, marky Mint, no need to say more!

The Swedish... well, I consider Petter a deep friend, don't really know why... I hope he feels the same. 2ma2 is intelligence and talent. And Chrille is... soooo sweet! ^_^ If you were expecting an arrogant guy behing Pleughburgh... you were wrong.

Helm is part of the Beatles band who climbed that Swedish Island in 2003... I think he knows what could I write of him, so, I won't bother to do it...

And then it's Jet... I had a bitter exchange of posts with him. But he left saying "Adiós mi amigo español". You had to be there to realise it was true ^_^ one of the best moments in Mittens for me... See you in 2006.
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


I returneth! FINALLY!

What is there to say that hasn't been said already?  I had an amazing time at Mittens this year.  There were so many great things that happened, and it was great seeing everyone from last year and meeting the new people.

I am pretty jet-lagged and also on dialup, so I will have to sort my photos and stuff this weekend.  Watch this space, though!

La Lore

Dears AGSer:

I have many photos for your enjoyment ;D. Tomorrow I'll try to upload it.

Mittens has been so funny and I have liked a lot of the friendship that there is since the first moment among all.

CJ, the proximo year I will manage to know your second name.  :o  I have washed you the hat for the next Mittens.

:-* :-* :-*

Lorena ^_^/~
"Please, do stop" - m0ds


I'm glad to see everybody liked mittens. I apologize again for the campsite woes, I hope the unpleasant stuff will fade away and only the awesomity will remain. Sorry I did not accompany you to the parthenon, but I've seen it a gazillion times, and it was out of the way.

I was very glad to meet up with veteran mitteneers and new people alike. Disco is a cool guy, Glodmnu's wife, Dominica is an excellent person and Lore can if she wants, can come back to greece and live with me as my personal servant instead of being stuck with Farl. Petteri who I never met before was very nice and his games look awesome. Grund was a big surpize for me because while I never had any problems with his internet persona, in real life he's a million times better. This seems like an insult of some sort but it isn't! I was very pleasantly surprized. Scotch came out of his shell a lot, and it's cool because he's a funny, smart guy. Now he's off to join a club, or something. Jerk. Farl, Andail, Glodmnu and myself rekindled ye olde Swittens '02 nonsensical broken english hilarity. nothing of the magnitude of 'You are very smart' or 'Use your brown eye' was mentioned, but bits and pieces were hysterical. There was much adventure gaming discussion, and most people left inspired to make things. I know scotch, myself, grundy and chrille are working on games directly or indirectly influenced by the stuff talked about. Seriously, besides the funny stuff, if someone was to keep notes, the game theory discussions would make the basis of a good resource I think. As far as wealth of information and stimulating discussion goes, Grittens was awesome. 

There's so much these pictures cannot capture (and also a lot of stuff that they SHOULDN'T have - I'm looking at you, whoever took the picture of mod's nuts). Now that the tiredness has faded all that I can remember is how much I enjoyed your company. I wish there could be teleporters so we could hop in and have mittens whenever we feel like it, without 231256 hours of insanely tiresome travelling. Just make sure you don't give the teleportation details to Esseb.

Mods will post his highlights/midlights/lowlights list soon, along with his pictures I hope. Dominica, being a professional photographer should also grace the thread with a few developed ones! They are - would you believe it - for an article that Glodmnu was supposed to research on his trip to Greece, hah I have taken no photos sans those taken with my HEART CAMERA and the film in that one will never be develop... what am I saying?

Spainttens next year is a very strong possibility, and the rates will be cheap, Farl promises a nice place ( with no annoying screaming children like this time. It's not my fault they can't contain their painful yelps when I punched them! ) and so no excuses! Everybody should come.

I'd like to thank all the people that answered the Mittens call this year. It's been a priviledge. Thank you so much. I love you. I love you, but I hate what you stand for.


Looks like you had a great time. Wish I could have gone. Might be at the 2007 or 2008 mittens. Hopefully :)


YEY! Well, that took a little while longer than expected to get back online but after metallic airport keyboards its good to be back to a plastic one... Thank you tommeh for your recommendation of AVG free anti virus which has helped a great deal. Now I should look into a commercial product, and sometime before buying it - earn enough to afford it :P I've had along sleep in a comfortable bed, I did try posting after this thread had reached 2 posts but teh virus crashed my PC before I got to post (hopefully this one will see its way through to the end!!).. I have all the photos of what I can only describe as an excellent holiday!! Sun, sand, peachy peachy by the pool - what more could you ask for :D Visiting the ruins on the last day and being back at home the same day is an awesome feeling!

The company lacked though :P Nah, everyone ruled! That goes without saying really, it was nice to meet Disco, Dominika & of course La Lore - it was nice of Farlander to offer to draw me some backgrounds too :D ;) in exchange for the coding of you know what, of course..

Though I was quite tired some nights, when people slept out on the beach, every night was great fun - chilling on the beach (after being kicked out of the "lounge"), having fires and drisocialiasing. :)

It appears my pc is okay at the moment so I'll have the photos and quotes up shortly!!!11 theres milliuuuns of them and first I want to look at other people's :D THANK YOU Helm for all your organising of this trip, all the Greek you had to speak for us (I don't think anyone could say more than thank you, and one of us couldn't even say that ;)) - and it was a good thing the transport police spoke English on the last day too! Hehehe


CJ & Disco eat ice cream at Halkida bus station


I managed to sort, resize, and fix up my photos, but it will still be a bit before posting them.  In the meantime, I have taken by far the best of the group and uploaded it for all your viewing pleasure:

Mittens always brings us closer together.


Helm cooked food for the Mitteneers the first night. It was a great success.

Watch out CJ! That molten lava ice-cream is really hot! Better stick to vanilla like Disco does.

Pet Terry

I whipped up this quickly, only to annoy CJ. :P

(PS. if anyone knows the name of the original song, let me know!)
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7

La Lore

My picsÃ,  Ã, :D

I'm sorry for posting the "urls" but I don't know still how to use "photobucket".

Arrival at Athens
Lorena eating a chocolate stick
Disco and Mark
Meeting Helm for 1st time
Adam scared
Nacho pretending to be interesting
Chrille is "horny"
Greek church

Mark in a rude pose
Teh Yankees
Dominika and Blazed
Helm is nude
In teh sea
Nacho makes art in my tommy
Petter is here

CJ and the big blue cup
Mark playing air hockey
WhereÃ,  is the ball???
Swimming dress
Peachy peachy 1
Peachy peachy 2
Peachy peachy 3
Grundislav's T-shirt
Charlie says...

The dinner
At the beach
The secret beach 1
The secret beach 2
Nacho and Mark
CJ and Adam
Mark sleeping
Only me
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Adam
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Golmundo and Dominica

Peachy Peachy by the pool - Nacho
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Petter
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Mark
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Tom
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Jetxl
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Golmund
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Scotch
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Grundislav
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Petter again
Peachy Peachy by the pool - Helm

Peachy Peachy by the pool - 2ma2
Peachy Peachy by the pool - AGA
Peachy Peachy by the pool - CJ behind the window
Petter building
Photo of Group
Nice view 1
Nice view 2
my tattoo
The night of the Quiz
Grundislav and Lorena

Nacho, Lore and Petteri
Mark, Lore and Chrille
CJ, AGA, Lore, and Disco
Adam, Lore, and 2ma2
Lore and Petter
Lore and Jetxl
Grundislav, Dominica, Lorena and Helm
Scotch and Lore
MARMITE .... agggg
The Card tells "a can over your head"

I am sexy, sexy, sexy
Mark seems to have just had shower ... mmm
CJ eating pizza
Petter and Mark
Mc Farland??? Wine or beer???
Subway 1

Subway 2
Theater of Dionisos
A Temple
The Floor
To Acropolis
The Entrance
Nacho and The Parthenon
Lore and the Cariatides

The Parthenon
Nacho and The Parthenon 2
Lore and The Parthenon
AGSer in the Acrópolis 1
AGSer in the Acrópolis 2
Athens 1
Athens 2
Athens 3

Athens 4
Athens 5
The Cariatides
Scotch, Steve and CJ
Adam sleeping
Munich 1
Munich 2
Munich 3

:-* :-* :-*

Lorena ^_^/~
"Please, do stop" - m0ds


Wow, watching these pictures really makes you feel... funny. Almost as if you'd have been there, although I am sure for you who have actually been there, they don't express that much... Nice pictures everyone, I am happy everyone had a good time and came back safely.


You called the dog Steve? Bastards!
Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II


Steve was the dog's name! It said so on his tag.
We called him Acropolis Steve.


Those pictures are great, La Lore... specially the ones of the acropolis; they're wallpaper quality. I wish I was there.  :'(


Quote from: Petteri on Wed 24/08/2005 19:37:22

I whipped up this quickly, only to annoy CJ. :P

(PS. if anyone knows the name of the original song, let me know!)

Petteri, that's just pure evil!! I'd finally managed to get that stupid song out of my head and now you've gone and shoved it right back in ;)

If anyone does know what the original song is called, please do let us know so that we can go round to the artist's house and dispense some justice.

Nice pics by the way, Lorena :)

Oh, and Mills, please don't read anything into that moment I shared with scotch. It meant nothing, you're still the one for me.


Great pictures everyone. I still have a ton more to look at.  Looks like it was another awesome Mittens.  I still feel bad i couldn't make it to last years in NY. I'd love to meet all of you.

I'm off to look at more pics.


I made it home finally! :D There are many photos to sort out for later but I have a few for now plus two videos (no sound).

The village by the campsite had much to offer, including a martial arts shop.

Apart from the group, Helm managed to appear quite waitstaffy.

Call it a draw- She won't blink but at least Petteri has pupils. Yeah, I went there.

CJ failing at card-castle building 3.4 MB
Lorena massaging Scotch 2.5 MB


Welcome back Disco, only a week after WE all got back :P Here are all the listed highlights and quotes, my photos are still pending!! Just like the Matrix, I like the way we've got pretty much every event from a number of angles - I guess it really is just like being there :D

compiled by miteneers

- Assumption day
- Joe the Stool!
- Professor <insert name here> night
- "Professor Jones, Professor Jones!"
- Playing poker in 3 different airports in 3 different countries in the same day
- CJ just getting to sleep in Athens airport, being awoken moments later by a cleaning machine and yelling; "Aww, are you kidding me!?"
- Almost rolling ornamental tree stump into fire
- Scotch realising that Helm & Goldmund talk nonsense most of the time
- The AGS Choir performing AGS operas at the beach (& Bo-rap)
- Pizza envy
- Disco stopping, dropping & rolling to avoid a wasp, then going after it with a knife
- Tom's Pizza turns down 17 customers (and about £200)!!11!1
- Pizza Place 2 call in extra staff to cater for AGS
- Mini-bus driver goes mentol at Helm
- CJ's girly gestures & screams
- Berian is drunk!
- Berian madly pokes Scotch with a bottle of ouzo
- Burning most of the beach for fireword
- Greek Mittens starring Christopher Walken
- Helm taking a swim with our food coupons
- Mittolympics arm wrestling - big Greek blokes try to take part too
- CJ is mauled & chased by yappy, mangy dog

- Flukeblake comes up twice in card game
- CJ's insane knowledge in everything Space Quest
- "Docking"
- Stingy, Fred & Stingy jr (that got Disco)
- Sand (in shoes)

- The ex-bird...
- Where are the chicks in bikinis?
- Swallowing sea water
- Disco spending 3 days at various airports
- Ordering fried pumpkin and getting cucumber
- Berian is drunk!
- Vomit, sunburn, diohrea
- Campsite women are 3-13 or 30-60 :(
- Getting home and realising DisplaySpeech doesn't exist anymore, & using AGS for 1 minute before giving up because of it :(

- Having time to sit down & design a game
- Getting critique from 2ma2 & Andail re my game
- Visiting ruins in Athens & being at home on the same day
- Reading info on Try not to Breathe & other AGS projects
- Swimming and jumping off rocks in secret bay
- Burning stuff for fires
- Teh super quiz!

"It's the Greek WAY" - Helm
"I like you, I just hate what you represent" - CJ
"Oh, you mean Fagman as in, cigarette" - Grundislav
"I like my penis very small" - 2ma2
(Goldmund to Disco) "Hey, Berian!"
"I ate lots of drink" - Custard
"Is it on your side of the fence?" - Helm
"TELL ME!" - Berian (drunk)
"How DARE you!" - Christopher Walken
"Don't take my picture! It captures my soul!" - Trinket seller
"I always thought six inches was smaller than that" - Dark Stalkey
"I'd prefer not to serve you" - Old pizza place woman
"I hit a child!" - Disco
"I rock out on my laptop" - Dark Stalkey
"I sense owls in the swamp" - Andail
"If you see wood, GRAB IT" - everyone
"Now it looks like semen!" - Nachos, on how ouzo mixes with water
"If I was a female frog I'd be all over you in a second" - CJ (to Andail)
"Use peg on peg" - Grundislav
"Ken, I really can't open my tent" - Berian (drunk)
"I'm going to make pee-pee" - Dark Stalkey
"Are you taking your clothes off??!" - CJ, as AGA exits sleeping bag
"Jumping jiggawatts!" - Christopher Lloyd
"You people scare me!" - CJ
"Excellent" - CJ
"Is it the Acropolis? Or the Poppadopolos?" - CJ
"Is Belize where the Fresh Prince was set?" - CJ
"If I thought before I spoke, I'd never say anything" - CJ
"Apparently you can get herpes for £4" - Scotch
"Reality in Athens!" - greek bystander in airport, seeing us all in sleeping bags

La Lore

Dear M0ds:

I have read the quantity of stupid things that everybody said in a week.  Personally, I believe that Greece causes speaks rarely to the people... with me included. 

It was I seated in the Peachy, Peachy when Nacho told me: "I like the bees because they do honey" and I answered him: "THE BEES DO HONEY, THE WASPS DO MARMITE"

I believe this phrase can be added to the list of QUOTES.

:-* :-* :-*

Lorena ^_^/~
"Please, do stop" - m0ds

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