Mittens 2005: The Return

Started by Chrille, Tue 23/08/2005 11:04:02

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Okay, after a good night's rest I'm feeling better, but I must have hurt a muscle in my stomach or something because I can't stand up straight or walk without feeling a terrible pain. I'm glad it didn't happen during Mittens.

It's nice to be back, one week was a good length for Mittens, although I wouldn't have minded staying another week. The camping site was good although it would have been nice if we could've gotten one big tent-spot somehow instead of being spread out. The food we got at the campsite was pretty crummy, but the nice restaurants in town made up for it and the ouzo (sp?) was nice as well (as long as you didn't mix it with water ;) ).

Overall I've really enjoyed this past week and it was great meeting everybody from Mittens 2003 again as well as Grundislav, Disco, Lorena and Dominika.

Thanks alot for organizing this year's Mittens, Helm!
GASPOP software

Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

Y'all are back already? Golly, don't time flies. Ah well, that way I didn't really have time to miss you guys too much. :)
Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.

Pet Terry

I got back home an hour ago too. My socks smell bad, hair is greasy, I'm tired and hungry but I have never had as much fun as I had at Mittens.

m0ds'll probably post the lists of highlights and quotes when he gets back, but to mention few:
- "Professor <insert name>, professor <insert name>..."
- 1000 blank cards
- Joe the Stool!

Pictures to follow!1
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Welcome back guys. I hope you had a good time. I'm sorry that I couldn't be there, but it looks like I'll be stuck in Canada for another couple of months. Looking forward to hear about the trip - from the photos it seemed great. Oh yeah, and Goldmund's girlfriend is really cute :)


She is indeed... but what about Farl's gf?  >:(
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


Um, it's actually Goldmund's wife already ;-) And she's much cuter in toxic green swimming goggles, everyone may testify.

And come on, Farl, you know Lorena's a cutepie! We have great photos of her doing this ballet routine (post them soon).

My second Mittens experience was as fantastic as the first one, and big thank you to Helm for making it possible to happen.
And I liked the food at the camp! Lots of meat! Alas, the idea of cooking potatoes in vinegar doesn't appeal to me.

Discussions at the beach and at the restaurants... seafood... home wine... sleeping at the seashore under myriad of stars (although they were only cheap replicas, I couldn't find the most common constellations! Scandal!)... eh, it was sad to leave, in fact, Dominika even cried when we got to Athens!

I urge M0ds to post the highlights list! And everybody - photos!

Edit: Chrille, make sure if it's not appendix which hurts you!


Mittens was good, I have to think of the week rather than the trip though. It has been a bit gnarly getting around, but it has been worth it overall (though I might need to do something to get myself deported just to get home  :) :'( >:( ) Hehe, I don't mean to drag down the topic but I might leave tomorrow at 0800.

I'll post properly later, but highlights for me were nightly fires, starry beach sleeping, "TELL ME!!", and the food not being as bad as others may affirm.

My super-favourite quotes this week were:
"Ken (Disco), I really can't open my tent"- drunk AGA
"You could slash it's throat at the point of orgasm"- scotch


scotch here are my photos.
Mittens was so great, my photos don't cover much of it.

D: Disco, very D:

Pet Terry

My photos are up,

I too would like to thank you, Helm, for organising the whole thing, you did great job! And everyone else, it was awesome to meet all of you. The campsite was neat (though cold spaghetti + wasps != good) and Greece was a great place to visit.

Christopher Walken's pick up line: "Hello. You want me to eat you? No? Then have sex with me!"

EDIT: I uploaded bigger photos, same link!
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Quote from: Farlander on Tue 23/08/2005 15:52:37
She is indeed... but what about Farl's gf?  >:(

I like Lorena's hair! But, uh, I'm not sure, because there's Helm's hair... which one is more beautiful?! ???



Hmm, I think that mine quote of the week would be:
"For spanish every sentences is funny!"


Good to hear you all had a good time. It's nice loking at the photos and seeing what happened.


I am also back!!

It was great to meet you all again, bask in the Greek heat and regail stories of how kids were much more respectful in our day. I thoroughly enjoyed the week!
Getting onto the plane back in Athens heat, and getting off it to a cold rainy evening at Heathrow was one of the most depressing moments ever ;)

Thanks to Helm for organising everything and being our translator; thanks to m0ds for running the quiz and for starting Mittens in the first place; and thanks to everyone for coming!
Thanks to Grundislav and Disco for making the trek over from the US, I hope it was worth it  ;)

Nice photos so far everyone; mine are here:


I wish I could've been there to annoy CJ and make him drive me around for hours. Only he probably didn't bring his car so I would've had to mount wheels on my recliner, wouldn't I? Andail looks as photoshopped as ever. And I really wanted to beat Farlander in a downhill bike race. Oh well. Dreams are meant to be fullfilled. Just you wait!


Ahh, if only I could come, too :( It is the most depressing the Mittens was held so close to my country, but I couldn't come ._.
Games are art!
My horror game, Self



Quote from: Haddas on Tue 23/08/2005 18:05:57
Andail looks as photoshopped as ever.
I am yet to decide whether to take this as a compliment or an insult :)

Mittens 2005 was as great as ever. Helm did a great job on hosting it. The only bad thing was that I was a bit ill during most of the week, with a bit of fever towards the end. Then again, this made me less disappointed about the slight lack of physical activites. Now I could join in with most people's favourite activity - to sit or lie down - without feeling restless and impatient :)

Meeting Petteri, Lorena and Disco were only positive surprises, Lorena was happy and communicative despite her not speaking English (luckily I know many Spanish words myself), Disco was hilariuos and a really colourful personality.

Today I looked through old pictures from mittens 02-03, and it was fun to see how people have changed through the years. Especially the younger members, who have undergone great changes since the days of Staines and Orust.

So, cheers to Helm, mittens and ourselves.


Time for some photoshopping! (PNGs, transparent background)

I made some avatars, too.. pick your favorite and use it!


Quote from: Edmundo on Tue 23/08/2005 20:26:13
Time for some photoshopping! (PNGs, transparent background)

You took them out of context... this will prove usefull later, hopefully. :D
I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.

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