The Oceanspirit Omnibus

Started by Ponch, Tue 12/07/2011 03:55:21

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Updated with source for Last Boss. Now we officially have source code available for all the OSD games.  :D

Monsieur OUXX

I don't know if the character is meant to be Dennis, but this robot should definitely included in a game and become part of the Canon ;)



At risk of having an angry mob of pirates turn up outside to burn me alive inside a wicker phallus.....

Sorry, but you can't commandeer any of my work as open-source for OSD. There's nothing in the Sprite jam thread that states all entries will be open-source, if there had been, I wouldn't have entered.

The problem here isn't that I don't like OSD, it's the same reason that I never release anything :- I have certain personal standards regarding my work, and it's use.
If I'm not happy with something. I don't throw it out the door for the sake of a release. I prefer to take it back to drawing board for another go*. I cannot guarantee everyone who creates OSD games will do the same.

I know it's inflexible but bear in mind that I actually code my own RPGs (and take the piss out of rpg tropes). I'm simply not willing to take the risk of having my work appear in a game that does not meet my own requirements (which are pretty low, but I've played some fucking awful games featuring OSD) and have my own image tarnished as result.

If someone wants to use it, they need to ask me first. Hopefully everyone understands and will refrain from breaking out the torches and pitchforks.

* Unless the compo date runs out and I lose interest, in which case it either gets banished to the archives or entered when I think i can salvage it later.


Wowwzers that's kindda harsh  :o  jk

But I gotta agree, That's why I stay in the Iceyverse cause I just feel weird about others playing around with stuff I put a lot of effort into(despite how the outcome of the game looks) and the Iceyverse isn't mean't to be ventured into by anyone except well, me.

Anyhow, I think it would be cool to see that creation in a OSD game, So maybe one day someone can ask if they could use it and hopefully and It will get animated right.

Monsieur OUXX

Quote from: Victor6 on Fri 13/04/2012 02:43:10

Sorry, but you can't commandeer any of my work as open-source for OSD. There's nothing in the Sprite jam thread that states all entries will be open-source

Wow, wow, calm down! I never said that! :-D
I was thinking more of a parody -- a robot inspired by yours, with Dennis and his canon-penis used... wisely... in the gameplay. ;-)


On the other hand, if that's how you feel, maybe you shouldn't post art based on characters from an open source universe?


Would like to share that I had thoughts of making a OSD comic book series for this thread. I was thinking a page a day. I would like to start it but I wan't to know if anyone thought it would be interesting? No point in making something no ones gonna like, right?  ;)


I think a comic is a good idea. But one page a day seems a lot. I think people would appreciate if it was only one or two pages a week but in good quality. This is certainly better than many rushed pages. Also you should do this in a separate thread and just link here to keep things tidy.


Sounds like a plan. I should be able to start this week.


Updated the first post with the three games from the Oceanhumble Dennisbundle as well as Icey's DLC for the same. I also added my June MAGS game to the list.

Goodness, that's a lot of OSD games on the first page. I'll have to make a proper web site for them all one of these days.


Quote from: Wonkyth on Mon 10/10/2011 08:57:23
Websiiiite, I say!  :D

Your wish has been granted! After much consideration, I think I've put together the perfect web site for Oceanspirit Dennis -- one that is truly worthy of his awesomeness.  :cheesy:

Check the first post for details!




Quote from: Radiant on Sun 08/07/2012 09:40:30
Geocities? :P

Hell, yeah Geocities! Now be a pal and sign my guestbook! And be sure to view my site in Netscape Navigator. It looks best that way! :cool:



Quote from: Radiant on Sun 08/07/2012 17:37:36
Real Men Use Lynx.

Not in 1996, I didn't. I was all about my Navigator-optimized, super sweet Geocities page. Man, it was awesome! I kept all my Duke 3D maps there. They were sweet too.  8-)


Cool site Ponch, do you think that maybe a darker BG color could be used? Maybe like a darker blue?


Well, the site is supposed to look like a Geocities site from twenty years ago, so being hard to read is kind of the point.  :wink:


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