AGS Archives archive torrent

Started by Peder 🚀, Sat 27/10/2018 16:39:25

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Peder 🚀

Here's a torrent of everything ever hosted on AGSA:

Both the legacy and the current AGSA website will stay as is until end of year, in the new year the website will be replaced with just a link to download this torrent.

There might be duplicates, and typos etc, a lot of file names also are just the original file name and might make it harder to know exactly what game it's for.
I'm open for outside contributions to adding any missing games and for cleaning up naming etc. (Not really sure of the best way to do that though)


Nice, Peder.

A lot of games have the complete titles put in the exe metadata by AGS, but not always. I used them in AGS Launch Panel.


Crimson Wizard

This is wonderful to see that there are old editors too. I was looking for one of these earlier, but could not get it since AGSA website no longer provides download links.

Peder 🚀

Crimson, the old editors were available here: just kinda hidden :)


Hello, there are also some old AGS-Versions on the Maniac Mansion Mania - Wiki:

Peder 🚀

RIP AGS Archives 2009-2019 and good bye from me!

Thanks to all the individuals whom supported me throughout the years, it was highly appreciated!

As you may have noticed I've not been very active lately in the community, main reason being I've come to the point where I no longer want to be part of the AGS community. (I won't go into any details)
This is also the reason why the AGS site/forums were just recently moved to shiny new servers, as I am now no longer providing the hosting.

Mods, feel free to re-close this section of the forums, though it would be appreciated if this thread were moved to another section of the forum, though all links to AGSA now shows a page with a download link to the torrent so perhaps it's not needed...


Hey, Peds. Sorry you're leaving us, dude. I hope you pop back and say hi sometimes. Thanks for everything you've done with the archives and everything over the years. Don't stay a stranger, man. ❤️


Yeah, thanks for all the help with hosting AGS stuff.  You'll definitely be back (no one ever leaves for long...), so see you then!


Well, good luck with your future endeavours Peder. And thanks so very much for what you've done for the AGS community up to this point.
A decade for the AGS Archives alone, is quite a feat.

I hope to see you on the forums again one day. But if that doesn't happen. Goodbye!  :-D


Thanks for all the hard work, and hope you find the time and will to pop in once in a while... :)
Take care and enjoy life!  (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


It's a pity you are leaving. Thank you for all you did for the community including hosting, the service, MAGSAN, the games you worked on, ...
I remember meeting you at AdventureX and that it was nice to finally meet you IRL.

I wish you all the best and hope you will drop in here from time to time.


Maybe create some site anyway? There're free games


I'm working on site but will be hard to create over 4k posts for games.
But i think I will finish what I started, first creating posts than will create menus
And rest.. And last will buy domain..


will be slow 10 post almost 30 min, commercial games have link to steam or other store
free games have direct link on archive or drive,maybe half year to complete site ,dont know will see.

Crimson Wizard

Does anyone have this torrent file? I think the one on agsarchives is no longer available.

Privateer Puddin'


I'm seeding right now, for anyone that wants to grab a copy.


Thanx for anyone who shared!

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