Beyond Reality - Newer, more AWESOME update on Main Page

Started by Meowster, Sun 06/07/2003 02:13:39

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Odd, I was just thinking I was being a bit too enthusiastic. In fact I have another update. I'll just put that on the Original Post for this thread this time, because it's only a storyline correction. I wouldn't want to be all, "OoooOOOOo I'm so EXCITED" and then get bored and abandon the game or anything. But I am. Excited, I mean. This whole project smells of ass! Sweet, CANDY ass! Ass like no other!


But a demo without music would be poo! :P


Gosh, I guess if you truly insist...
*supresses vast amounts of excitement*
My ribcage is going to implode!
You could do one thing.... just to make dialogue writing easier... to you know, harmonise the finished conversations with the music....

You could do the REALLY EVIL DUDES theme!!! Want me to send you a character bio?  ;D   ;D   ;D

God, M0ds, we really really really have to make out some day!


I'd just like to point this smiley in the direction on Annie  :P and this one in the direction of Jimi  ;D

And sure, send me a bio, pic if you've got one, and then you can sit back, relax and let me....

...Make you a MIDI.



Hey everybody! Ain't he cute?

His project name is Eshna, and he'll be making your life hell! ;D ;D ;D

I know he is mine.


Quote from: Yufster on Tue 08/07/2003 19:33:23
So ha! Ha ha ha! I'm 17 and I was writing (Or, copying out of magazines) codes before all of you! And when I was 8

Nice try, but I made a car game using ascii characters in basic on the C64 in about 1984 [the car was a "*" and the sides of the road were "I" you had to keep the "*" inbetween the "I"'s with the keyboard or you would "CRASH!!!", copying from a book, but it taught me some code and I made a 10 pin bowling game myself, I was about 8 then, so that's about the same thing.

Nice to see other people did that sort of thing when they were so young, I guess lots of people around here did the same.

Nice Character, although He doesn't look that evil.


Quote from: Yufster on Mon 07/07/2003 20:04:13
You email address is hidden and you don't provide an AIM SN


Sorry about that problem. But as Jimi said the e-mail thing wasn't my fault. I know Jimi is already helping but if you want any other help my e-mail is here.

P.S By instant message I mean't the one on the AGS site.



Quote from: Tìmosíty on Wed 09/07/2003 07:09:43
Quote from: Yufster on Tue 08/07/2003 19:33:23
So ha! Ha ha ha! I'm 17 and I was writing (Or, copying out of magazines) codes before all of you! And when I was 8

Nice try, but I made a car game using ascii characters in basic on the C64 in about 1984

Pah! I was programming a 3D flight sim in EBCDIC on a PDP-8 in 1974 while I was still a fetus!

And you tell that to the young folk of today, and they won't believe you!


I wish, i wish i started stuff like this earlier. But noooooo..i had to only start this year.

*Jimi kicks a table

PS. Coffee is our friend. It keeps us awake on those long, cold nights in front of the PC.


Quote from: Jimi on Wed 09/07/2003 20:21:44
I wish, i wish i started stuff like this earlier. But noooooo..i had to only start this year.

Me too but I couldn't get the hang of it a few years ago.


Yabababa. Website for Parasite Games here. This has a few screenshots you haven't seen, also a picture of the main character, Ian. And also some stuff on Madinsari and some really really bad english usage. And Some other stuff, including a "Guestmap" which will have you all making out in no time... IF Bravenet weren't a bunch of lying turds, anyway.


Hey hey hey! What's the latest news? I can't wait for this game ya' know :D

Awesome site, I love the main page ;)

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Yeah! This game is gonna rock!


The demo will be released on Sunday... Tomorrow. This is not a drill!

I really am having problems with the idiotic scripting. At the moment, I'm weighed down with work/projects/musical. I have to have two book reports (haven't even started reading the two books), a Home Ec. Interior Design Project, Religion Project, some other project... in by the end of September, and I also have to work on the School Musical which is held at the end of September I think... I play a cast character so I'm in for all rehearsals :( . Then I have work on the weekends because I need money for the school tour.... so I'm completely all busied up, plus 20 hours travelling every week. It would be okay if I could script, but this means that I don't have enough time to sit down and actually LEARN how to script. You know what I mean?

But the demo will be finished on Sunday. It won't be the smoothest demo, but... it will give you some idea.

This is not a lie.

Also, there are a few midis from the game and... the OTHER, SECRETER game, on the main page... just scroll past the nonsensical rambling to find them.

See?! You thought I'd abandoned BR but nooo! I work in my own quiet, humble way.


Excellent!  It's good to see you haven't forgotten about the project.  Sorry about all your commitments, but I'm glad you're making progress on what seems to be a very promising game.
Writer, Idle Thumbs!! - "We're probably all about video games!"
News Editor, Adventure Gamers


This is one of the games I'm looking forward to. I'll definately download the demo when it comes out. Glad to hear it's still being worked on, despite real life. Mine isn't nearly as hectic and I haven't gotten a demo out.

Just shows how lazy I am.
ACHTUNG FRANZ: Enjoy it with copper wine!

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. - Douglas Adams


YIPAAAAY! Can't wait, Yuffy!

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Demo is finally available!!!! I love life!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!


Welp, I downloaded and finished the demo.

The good side:
*I like the art style
*The music was good, I love the map song.
*The main character graphics are great. You did a good job in the walk cycle animations.
*I love the animations! (the meeting and the sneaky trick)
*The smoking hobbo I liked and I laughed outloud at this:
Ian: "Did it just get ugly out here?"
Hobbo: "Sure did."
(slight pause)
Ian: "Damn. That one came out of nowhere."

I like the humor so far in what you've shown.
lol, Ian thought he was going to get him, but the hobbo slapped the grease right back in his face :)
*I love the BG style in the woods area! Will there be anymore closeup areas like this later on?

The other side:
*There was no title screen or intro!!!1 Snake NEEDS these things!! :) What I'm getting at is, when you run it, it skips right to the gameplay giving the player not a clue on what they are doing.
*You need to fix the buttons so that you can't see the words behind them (it makes it hard to read)
*When you talk to the soldier guy, the first thing he says is "Yes it is.". I thought it was funny at first thinking it was going to be a joke and Ian was going to make fun of him or something, but it wasn't..must be a bug? They start talking about the led melter right off...
*There are very little descriptions...
*It was too SHORT

Overall, I enjoyed what little you had to present :)

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Yes, I agree with what Snake has said. The demo was a little too easy and short, in my opinion, mainly because there were very few hotspots at all, so what you had to do was always fairly obvious. Although some of this may because you had a deadline to stick to.

But I saw a lot of potential here. Overall, I'll say that I enjoyed the demo - the graphics were quite good, and the humour was better than a lot of stuff we see here. Here's to the full game! I look forward to it!

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