Echoes in the Static - A short horror adventure.

Started by GooseKult, Thu 23/05/2024 05:09:12

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Echoes in the Static is a free, short, first-person, horror adventure game that I've been working on recently. I'm working on a larger AGS game at the moment and this was a nice break.

It can be completed in probably less than 5 minutes and is an escape room of sorts I guess.

Inspired by old horror flash games I played when I was younger like exmortis etc.

Something spooky is stopping you from leaving the house and with the help of an old PC, a strange radio and the crazy rambles of your missing uncle you have to figure out how to get around it and home safe...

Should be up at soon!
My games:
Echoes in the Static !
Midnight Madness at Moon Forest !
Carnival of Shadows - coming soon!
Aryeonia - in a couple months !

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