FoY - special xmas intro!

Started by , Fri 17/01/2003 12:25:36

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damn it, I get a 404 error when trying to get the demo, I'll try again later, did you take it down or is the site having maintenence or something, I'm looking forward to the demo, but not the game, i'm more than looking forward to that

Edit: Yay it works now, great stuff, can't wait, only thing I thought was the names went too fast to read them, lucky I knew who they were.


damn! waiting for this game is going to drive me batty.  :P


May I say that FoY is probably the most expected game in AGS history? I´m quite new, but I think it is... I want to encourage screen7: C´mon, shawn, write fast! M0ds, script quick! Miez, paint!!!  ;D
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!

Pet Terry

Looks great, can't wait! ;)

Awesome work, it is really professional :)
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Spectacular! I'll be waiting for this one!
Currently Working On: Monkey Island 1.5

Shattered Sponge

Hmm... I'm rather nervous about watching this - after the demo finishes, is there going to be a low-quality slideshow of bad, amatear porn feature girls, bullwhips and those hats of which I am sure there is a specific term that I can't think of right now?

Ah, screw it, I'll take the risk.


Damn it, damn it, damn it.  M0ds and company, this kicks teh ass.  2004 could nto possibly come soon enough.
Writer, Idle Thumbs!! - "We're probably all about video games!"
News Editor, Adventure Gamers


Quote from: Shattered Sponge on Sat 09/08/2003 19:28:03
Hmm... I'm rather nervous about watching this - after the demo finishes, is there going to be a low-quality slideshow of bad, amatear porn feature girls, bullwhips and those hats of which I am sure there is a specific term that I can't think of right now?

Ah, screw it, I'll take the risk.

Heehee, I sure hope so :P
* N3TGraph airguitars!


Thanks for all the comments :) I presume it ran alright on your computers? Well it must have done - yet people moan and say I should use the Win engine ;) :P


Privateer Puddin'


The demo is very professional and smooth.
This game is going to be amazing.
Great work!


Actually, when I run it it always messes up my video and I have to reboot, so NYEEEEEH.  :P
SHAWNO NEWS FLASH:, not updated because I suck at animation. Long story.


You're a member of the team. You're not allowed to see the games progress :P

Thanks agsking :)


Holy moly! This rocks. I wish you guys would have worked for Lucasasrts back in the late 80's early 90's. Kick FOA II's Butt!!!

If you guys need an Italian Translator, let me know, I would be willing to do some of the Italian trans.

Joey DiPerla


That art is God like!  :o

Wow! Just like in the Indiana Jones by LEC
I do music and visual effects:


Yup, miez has done exceedingly well with replicating the FoA style, as has Alan (and sc0tch) with their character artwork. Superb stuff.



Yeah, oh God those are great!
I do music and visual effects:


Quote from: m0ds on Mon 11/08/2003 14:00:59
I presume it ran alright on your computers?
Actually it doesn't work on mine. :(

When I try to start it it gives me following error message:
QuoteROLLINFOY aiheutti sivuvirheen
moduulissa ROLLINFOY.EXE muistipaikassa 016f:0042a8a4.
EAX=00000000 CS=016f EIP=0042a8a4 EFLGS=00010212
EBX=00890a70 SS=0177 ESP=0076f22c EBP=0076f238
ECX=00000000 DS=0177 ESI=004f7114 FS=3f17
EDX=81987764 ES=0177 EDI=012f12d4 GS=0000
Tavut muistipaikassa CS:EIP:
8b 48 04 83 e1 01 85 c9 74 08 83 c8 ff e9 40 01
Pinon vedos:
0076f23c 004255f4 0076f398 0076f368 00407b1e 00000000 000a03b9 0076f398 0048aa94 0076f378 00468dee 8470b82c 00000000 000000c8 000000c8 00894bf0
I'm using finnish Win98, but it's something like "illegal operation" in english. Not first time I get these so probably someone else has got something like this also.

Surely the problem is my comp, since everyone else has it working, but if someone knew what to do, I'd appreciate it. By everything else I've seen, I just can nothing but add in the choir of praise. :)

Have fun continuing the working! :)


Booooo... It does sound like its your computer - because I developed the rolling demo using Windows 98, and tested it on my Windows 98 machine (and my Win 2000 machine) and it worked fine.

Unfortunatley, I wouldn't know why you're getting that error :/



I get a similar error on windows 2000, surprised it runs on yours.. I've never got a dos ags game to work on here, or my friend's windows XP, strange.

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