JP and Cosmo :: Soon to be released ...

Started by Darth Mandarb, Tue 09/12/2003 23:14:12

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Darth Mandarb

THE GAME IS REALEASED!! - See the thread in the Completed Games section!!

The Story ...

You play as JP, an average everyday kind of guy.  Your best friend is Cosmo McGillicuddy.

You're just making your way through life when one day it's announced that an asteroid is headed towards Earth and the planet is doomed!!  Not knowing what to do you begin to panic!  That's when you remember Cosmo telling you once that he's got an old bomb shelter in his basement.  You try to call him but you can't reach him.  You decide to head over to his place to seek whatever protection his bomb-shelter might offer against an asteroid impact.

Upon arrival to his house you find him not there.  You must located the bomb shelter and find your way into it.

But once you do, you find something more suprising than the incoming asteroid!

What will happen?  What's the suprise?  Will the asteroid destroy the planet?  Where is Cosmo?

Find out in The Adventures of JP and Cosmo: A Friend Indeed.  Coming Soon!!

Screenshots ...

A. B.

C. D.
A - The garage : B - The Upstairs : C - The groundfloor : D - The basement

Features ...
- 15 rooms
- Custom GUIs

- Custom cursors

- Fully animated characters
- Over 200 sprites/objects
- Alternative (hidden) ending
- Time limited play
- Fully interactive environments
- Intuitive/Logical puzzles
- and more?

Characters ...
This is JP and Cosmo

More characters coming soon ...

Game Status ...
Plot/Story: 100%
Graphics/Animations: 95%
Puzzles: 45%
Game Mechanics: 95%
Music/Sound: 0%

I'm going to add some MIDI music and sound effects after all is said an done.  I want to get everything else done first before I start messing around with sounds.

Expected Completion Date?
The best answer I can give is 2004.  It'll be done when I get it done!


Weeee!!! Super ISO fun! Looks great Darth.



Excellent, excellent, excellent.

Just walking around looking at the detail you put into the house was enjoyable enough for me. It's exciting. The outlet on the wall upstairs made me laugh.

I'd like to see BG animations, DM. Maybe a drippy faucet, or the fish tank, or a rat in the basement, or the clock....

What's the character's name?



I have to say that from playing the short demo for a few minutes that i love it. The graphics are very good, i love the detail that you put into the house.  It reminds me of the perspective used in the game Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Very well done!! I'd love to play a whole game in this style. Don't stop. Hey, even this demo would make a great game.

BG  :)

James Kay

And I'm not saying this because I'm biased in favour of isometry, it is brilliant! I love the wall-disappearing trick (might be nicer if they fade out, rather than pop on or off?).
Reminds me of Little Computer People. Hell, you don't even need to make an adventure game out of it, just make a LCP update in stead.
Either way, I'm gagging for the final, so get your thumb out and finish this!  ;D


Beautiful, Mandarb!  Very professional and clean-cut.  I'm looking forward to see how this shapes up.
Writer, Idle Thumbs!! - "We're probably all about video games!"
News Editor, Adventure Gamers

Darth Mandarb

Thanks guys!

I think I'm going to go ahead and finish this up.  I might add another room (possibly 2) just to liven it up and expand it just a little.

WanderLady - I will definately be adding some animations in.  Just outta curiousity what outlet are you talking about:
QuoteThe outlet on the wall upstairs made me laugh.
and why did it make you laugh?  I'm trying to determine if I acheived humor without trying ;D

I'll post updates as I have them!  The game has been in this state (with just a few changes I made yesterday) for some time but I've been so damn busy lately!!  Darn real-world gettin' in the way of my AGS time!!

Thanks for the praise!



The one on the wall that disappears in the green bedroom. It just gave me a good laugh that you put it there.
Quote from: Darth Mandarb on Wed 10/12/2003 16:59:55I'm trying to determine if I acheived humor without trying ;D
Yeah, you me, anyway.

And about music and sound effects - You might not need music if you put in several sound effects.(a creaking floor, the clock ticking, faucet drip, ...)

I also just noticed the reflections on the table and kitchen floor...very good.

Can't wait... :)



  Wicked. Just wicked.

  As said by others before, very professional...... and fun! Must have taken a lot of planning and testing.  It's nice to see actual work go into a game!

Can't wait to see more.  Innovative, for sure.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


First of all, well done DM. This art style rules. I love it and I look forward to the finished thing, but I have one small problem.

It's not actually isometric.

* Studio audience gasps

An isometric view has three 'dimensions' - one vertical and two at 30 degrees to the vertical. It's hard to explain without an example, but this applet should give you an idea of what I mean:

You see? I'm not trying to sound nasty or mean, I still love the screenies.

Darth Mandarb


Just kidding!

I guess I was mistaken.  I thought Isometric was simply "lack of perspective".

No biggie ... I just haven't come up with a name for it yet!



Very nice graphics. I love how the walls appear and disappear to show you more of the rooms as you walk through them.

Not much of a game yet, but I hope the gameplay will eventually be just as good as the graphics!
Achtung Franz! The comic


I actually think the term for that is 3/4 view.


It's a brilliant idea. The sort of thing that could spread like wildfire ... if it's not too difficult ::)
The background uses planometric drawing, but this idea could work with other systems too.
(P.S. "Isometric" means 'same scale' for each dimension, so it only applies to the everything-at-30-degrees technique).


Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II

big brother

Wow, I'm really digging the new title. Planometric Insanity. Nice.

One suggestion, though. IMO, the main character looks a bit generic. I think it would benefit the game greatly you played as a hyper cephalic Indiana Jones or Luke Skywalker instead. Hey, that would be cool! You could do missions for Marcus Brody or Yoda, respectively.

Food for thought anyways.
Mom's Robot Oil. Made with 10% more love than the next leading brand.
("Mom" and "love" are registered trademarks of Mom-Corp.)

Darth Mandarb

Big Brother - The character is VERY generic.  I'm going to replace him.  I've been thinking of using one of these two characters:
- or -

Haven't decided which one yet.


Joseph DiPerla

Holy moly! Good stuff! You truly deserve the rank of Sith Lord!

I think you should use the guy in the hat by the way.
Joseph DiPerla---
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James Kay

Damn you, Darth Mandarb. I might as well give up on Devco Quest right now.  ;)

big brother

Originally, I was going to say I liked the personality you put into new sprites, and the one on the left's tie wiggles funny...


A brilliant idea hit me!


(rolls off the tongue nicely, I might add)

It's worth at least a MAGS. What do you guys think?
Mom's Robot Oil. Made with 10% more love than the next leading brand.
("Mom" and "love" are registered trademarks of Mom-Corp.)

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