JP and Cosmo :: Soon to be released ...

Started by Darth Mandarb, Tue 09/12/2003 23:14:12

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I think you have too much time on your hands. But then again, I probably would get it so what do I know.



are you going to tell us how you were making the walls appear/disappear?
are they objects?

btw... nice top down graphics. 8) to me it kinda suits rpg style (console rpg) as well.

Darth Mandarb

Quote from: evilspacefart on Fri 12/12/2003 06:05:40
are you going to tell us how you were making the walls appear/disappear?

Yes they're objects.  Each wall is an object triggered by HotSpots.

This image is with ALL objects removed and the HotSpots trigger some on and some off.  For example; when you step on the dark blue hotspot it removes the wall at the bottom of the living room but it also makes visible the wall at the top of that room.  It does both because you can enter that room from two different spots.  So if you enter that room from the den/office room, where the top wall of the living room would be gone, it will then come back on.

I'm working on a feature (as suggested earlier) to make them fade in and out.  If it slows down too much I won't use it.  I kind of like how quickly then just appear/disappear so I don't know ...


big brother

QuoteI think you have too much time on your hands.

Not to mention nicks and scratches.

Mom's Robot Oil. Made with 10% more love than the next leading brand.
("Mom" and "love" are registered trademarks of Mom-Corp.)


wow darth, thats amazing

thats the edzact style ive been working on for ages! the only problem ive had is the wall on/off thing , ive been trying to draw the camera angle so you can see enough of the room, but not to loose the wall style.

I really hope you dont mind me using this planeometric style, its just perfect for what im doing. If you really do have a problem with me using your unique style then say and i could try and change my current bg's.

again, nice one darth

Darth Mandarb

Quote from: oversizedchicken on Fri 12/12/2003 20:43:18I really hope you dont mind me using this planeometric style, its just perfect for what I'm doing. If you really do have a problem with me using your unique style then say and i could try and change my current bg's.
It's mine I tell you ... MINE!!!!  ;D

I don't mind at all!  In fact I'd love to see what others can come up using this style.  So keep me in the loop :)



Look's like we'll have to fight for it! lol jk

Cheers darth, im making a small 1 room kinda game in this style set during the aftermath of the jewlery heist from RESORVIOR DOGS!

Whoo, im working on a low-res mr brown (quentin tarrentino) at the moment.

I'll pm you as soon as ive finished , should be a week or soo.


-a chicken


Wow! These screenshots look fantastic, so I'm downloading the demo right now! The pictures remind of those old Japanese games like Cobra Mission, but yours look much better. Good work!
None shall pass!

Paranoid Factor


Damn it! This looks superb! Just walking around the house was great- nice touch with appearing/disappearing walls.
One suggestion though- make the character's movement a bit faster :)

Darth Mandarb

James Kay

Stop wasting your time posting here and get that mother finished already! Want want want!

BTW: still looking gorgeous of course, but you might want to do something about the doorways. I mean, see the living room downstairs (with the telly), it has a very obvious entrance, However, on the 1st floor (or 2nd floor depending on where you live), if you're standing in the hallway and the middle wall is invisible it can be a bit hard to discern where the doorways are. Sure, you have the light thing going on, but maybe something a tad more obvious. No, sorry, I can't think of anything either. But I am splitting hairs. So feel free to ignore me.  ;)


Wow, I love the demo. That's such a nifty style.
I bet, with a little programming, you could make the walls fade in and out instead of blinking on and off. Unless the game's only 256 colors...


Just to let everybody know, I've done up a little article about this game on "A"

And from the stuff I've seen, this game is gonna rock...

Darth Mandarb

I have updated a lot of the screenies since last posting them.

Here are the updates +1 new screenie.


The upstairs.
* Added some doors to make them more obvious and easy to locate when walking about.
* Added in 'exterior' elements as well (grass, garage roof, driveway)
* no more stairs to 'attic' ... now it's a secret 'suprise' room!!  But how do you get in it??  

The Groundfloor.
* Added in 'exterior' elements (bushes, address plaque, driveway, garage)
* Changed the kitchen around to make it better (dishwasher, oven/stove, etc.)

The Basement:
* Added dirt surrounding a subterrainian level!
* lowered the little mop-bucket room (bottom right)


The Garage!
* This is where you go if you exit the open door at the top of the groundfloor level.
* Ignore the player character in this shot, he's completely redone now.

This will be the last new screenshot(s) until the game is released.  I'm not going to spit out a release date 'cause nobody ever makes it!  It'll be done when I finish it!

Progress Meter
Graphics: 98% (I think I'm done ... but there's always the little ones that pop-up!)
Story: 100%
Puzzles: 100%
Coding/Scripting: 60%
Music/Sound: 0%

The music is my biggest setback!  I can add in sound effects myself, but the music will knock me down.  Since this is free I might just snag some midi of songs I like and toss them in there.  We'll see ...

I have 1 person who is beta testing stuff for me ... anybody else interested?




That's coooooool... Make sure to do some graphics in that style for me, Arizona Scott will need them...  ;)
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


The graphics in this game easily look like some of the most impressive AGS work I've seen. Really top quality.

Darth Mandarb

Penguinx - thanks!  Talk about motivation :)

Here's the newest GUI update.  I wanted to try something a little different with this:

It's like a normal popup GUI only instead of opening by the Y location, it opens by the X location.  Just move your mouse to the left side and it pops-up!  It's pretty cool and functions flawlessly!  (at least on my machine)  The Actions (walk ... take) have cursors that are the colors of the little 'bullets' next to them.  So you know what mode you're in.  (I don't like the feet, hands, eyes, etc as cursors.) (thanks James Kay!)

Just give me a little bit longer and maybe I'll release a small, playable demo :)

What do you guys think of the GUI?



Seems pretty cool, but you could have right-click change the mode, like in the SCI1 GUI... Unless you already have right-click do something else...

James Kay

Looking cool as ever!
The new GUI looks cool there, just hope it doesn't interfere with clickable objects in that general area. But I'm sure you already thought of that.  ;D

Can't wait.

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