Kanji Gakusei

Started by cat, Sun 04/01/2015 15:24:21

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The game has been released!

Originally created for OROW 8, this is going to be the enhanced version of the game.

Kanji are Chinese characters that are used to write the Japanese language. There are several thousands of them. All Japanese children have to learn about 2000 kanji at school. Gakusei (pronounced "gucksay") means student.

Help our little girl to finish her homework by finding the six required Kanji.

Once you have found the characters, it is YOUR task to write them in her notebook.
An animation shows the correct writing stroke by stroke. Can you write them in the correct order?

The game uses Besh's MOUSE GESTURE SYSTEM script module that I enhanced a bit to support kanji.

06/01/2015 Testers found

04/01/2015 Testers needed!
I'm looking for testers who want to test both, the adventure as well as the drawing part of this game. Ideally, there would be one person who knows Japanese and a few who don't.




This is pretty cool! So, by playing the game we get to learn to write Kanji? :shocked:
I would gladly test it if I had time, but now I'm all busy studying.


I would love to test this as a person who knows the kanji!

I played the original game and thought at the time what a great learning tool it could be in classrooms teaching Japanese around the world!

The kids get to play a game and have fun learning for once!


I remember liking the original of this.
I'll have a testy. I've got a few kanji under my belt :-)


Thanks guys, I'll send you a testbuild soon. Now I need a few brave people who don't know Japanese (yet) :)


Would love to help!
I don't know Japanese, but always wanted to learn (just have lacked to courage to cast myself into that task, yet). So this is perfect, play and learn! (laugh)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I have planned to learn kanji, but unfortunately, this plan always got pushed back. I would certainly love to help out with the testing of this game.
Chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized.


Thanks, we have enough testers now.


Wow, has it really been almost 3 years? Well, I dug out that old game and realised that not that much was actually missing.
The drawing recognition system was further improved and some animations added.

The plan is to release the game this year. I'm now looking for some testers to give it another go. I'm mainly looking for people who don't know any Japanese to see if the drawing system is working fine.


I volunteer again. (nod)
Only Japanese I know was learned from this game, and 2 years... I'll be learning it again. (laugh)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I'd like to help you. The game itself is not in Japanese, I hope.  (laugh)


Let me test this cute game too. It was fun in the OROW version already :)


Testbuild sent - thanks!


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