METRO CITY : Resistance (+DEMO & Trailer)

Started by Rik_Vargard, Sat 27/04/2024 14:08:39

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Well, I hope you'll have fun playing the demo! :)


I'm excited to see this coming along already! I look forward to trying it out.  (nod)
They/them. Here are some of my games:


Quote from: RootBound on Sat 27/04/2024 16:56:52I'm excited to see this coming along already! I look forward to trying it out.  (nod)

Hey thanks, I hope you'll have fun  :)


Ian Aloser

Hi Rik,
Although I have absolutely no time to play any games at the moment,
yours caught my attention since I really liked the first part.
I finished the demo and I found that you surpassed yourself.
Great story, soundtrack and graphics.
My compliments !!!


@Ian Aloser Thank you so much for your words, and for playing. It's very motivating!  (nod)


Hi! I finally got around to playing the demo, and it sucked me right in! Highly atmospheric. The music and sounds (where there were any) and the seamless animations starting from the stills are very well done.  8-) Very good job!

Does the demo have an ending? I had to put it aside for a few days in the middle of playing, and may well have overlooked or forgot something - it seemed like all I could do was pick up scrap and drive back and forth until running out of moves.


Quote from: heltenjon on Wed 10/07/2024 20:22:47Hi! I finally got around to playing the demo, and it sucked me right in! Highly atmospheric. The music and sounds (where there were any) and the seamless animations starting from the stills are very well done.  8-) Very good job!

Does the demo have an ending? I had to put it aside for a few days in the middle of playing, and may well have overlooked or forgot something - it seemed like all I could do was pick up scrap and drive back and forth until running out of moves.

@heltenjon Thankyou so much for your feedback, I'm happy you liked the whole audio-visual ambient! (nod)

Ah yeah, you can go on and run out of turns. I should have put a message at that point. Didn't think about that :P

The intented ending of the demo:
If you finished both the Extraction Facility and the Scrapyard Puzzles:

Did you go back to HQ and talk to Nancy about that song she's working on?  ;)


I may be able to help here, yes the demo does have an ending and there is a lot more gameplay to be had. What a splendid demo this is in my opinion. However it lacks something to direct the player in the right direction, be it a readme file or more appropriately NPC feedback, but I'll try to give direction in this forum - I hope I don't spoil anything.

The player's objective is to restore all parts of the resistance base (headquarters, extraction facility and scrapyard)
then use the extraction facility and scrapyard to manufacture raw materials. In the headquarters the cargo transfer system is used to move the raw materials to the Konstruktor 3 machine which can then turn them into Health boosters, stungun charges or EMP bombs, which you will use when you go back to Metro City.

When you have made sufficient stocks, or have used up all your time you can end the demo by asking Nancy to play her song. There's still a little more gameplay left, and a quite surprising plot twist. The next release will be very interesting indeed. Well done Rik_Vargard.



@Wiggy Hey, thanks a lot for your feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed the demo and your words are very encouraging. :)

Quote from: Wiggy on Thu 11/07/2024 21:27:04The player's objective is to restore all parts of the resistance base (headquarters, extraction facility and scrapyard)
then use the extraction facility and scrapyard to manufacture raw materials. In the headquarters the cargo transfer system is used to move the raw materials to the Konstruktor 3 machine which can then turn them into Health boosters, stungun charges or EMP bombs, which you will use when you go back to Metro City.

When you have made sufficient stocks, or have used up all your time you can end the demo by asking Nancy to play her song. There's still a little more gameplay left, and a quite surprising plot twist.

Well, I couldn't have in any way summarized this demo better than you just did. And without any spoilers.
Cheers to you!  (nod)


I went back and replayed it, and as it turns out, my problem was
not spotting the hackit tool on top of a crate
. Without that item, the puzzles weren't available for me. Thanks for the outstretched hands of help, anyhow.  :)

I'm even more impressed now! Cool and well thought out puzzle and action sequences. I'll need a lot of medshots when the game is finished, though. I'm laughably bad at fighting.

Bugs: There seems to be a problem with the saved games. When I restored games, I experienced setbacks like having reported 2 completed repairs instead of 3, or not having the scraps with me any longer. At one point I also had no option to get my gun back from the tech guy, though I'm unsure if that had to do with a saved game or if I had used the tech machine before the tech guy had talked about it in dialogue.

EDIT: Bugs discussed in PMs, and it looks like I had an earlier version and it is already fixed.  :)


@heltenjon Thanks for your feedback.  (nod)

I played through the whole demo again and I don't really know what those "bugs" are.
I'll try to give an answer of what I think I understand.

Did you play an early download of the demo? I uploaded a newer version some time ago.
That might explain the StungGun and the Scraps problem.
And I never heard of someone losing inventory like that.
And those problems don't show up when I play.
You should get the gun once you come back to HQ after the first mission at the Extraction facility.
About the Repairs reports. Did you save the game just before going back to the main map?
Because, when you enter the main map, and when the delivery drones are automated, there's a random chance of damage on the machines.
When those are not 3/3, the maintenance bots, if active, will start repairing.

I hope this is somewhat useful?  :P


I played the demo and it was wonderful!

The graphics and smooth animations were a pleasure, as last time. Driving around the wasteland was very atmospheric and I liked the day counter idea. Puzzles were very good, they made perfect sense but still had to be put together on your own. Even the combat was a step up from the previous game!

Yeah, all positive. Good job!
What is Palace Cheese?
A dodge move in Romanian swordplay.


@MIGGO Hey thank you so much for playing and for your motivating feedback!
I'm happy you had a nice time playing the demo. (nod)


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