Pirate Fry 2: The Hand of Anturus...

Started by Squinky, Thu 24/10/2002 06:27:23

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Yep, Pirate Fry 2: The Hand of Anturus is still in production.....

Pirate Monty Fry finds himself thrown into the middle of a diabolical plot when he accepts a mission to find the mysterious Hand of Anturus.  I've been working on this game for awhile and I guaruntee it will be a worthwhile download...

Recently I've started over the project from scratch. I originally was working on it in ags 2.14, then had some problems importing it into a newer ags...

I've been re-doing all the backgrounds, characters, dialoges, everything....I'm hopeing to have some real progress in the next couple of months...

Download the demo here:

Now this demo was made a couple months ago, and the full game will feature enhanced graphics and puzzles and general betterness....

----Edit 11/14/02----

The game will be divided into these categorys just so I can better describe at what point I am at. It might seem goofy, but to me it seems like an easy way for me to describe my progress...

Playable intro/Demo area
Act 1, the real begining of the game
Act 2, the middle of the game
Act 3, which is the ending portion of the game
Finale, the final cutscenes and credits

Currently I am finished re-doing the Intro/Demo, and have a good start on act 1. I really have most of the elements finished for the next three acts, I just need to re-do backgrounds and character art, and add some more goodness. So theres where I'm at...More updates soon...
Maybe some screen shots.

-----Edit 11/26/2002-----

Act 1 is nearly finished, just needs some additional tweaking....
So, I just posted here to let you guys know....

------Edit 11/30/2002------
I've finally added some screenshots, with my newer style....So if you played the demo, you can see what I've been wasting my time fixing...

-----Edit 12/18/2002----------------------------------
Okay, act one is pretty much finished, Yep, I'm always saying that....
Act one alone consists of 26 rooms so far, about four are non interactive scenes for cutscenes and titles, and it's jam packed with Pirate Fry goodness...
I am really doing some cool stuff, this is pretty much the game I've always wanted to play...

I had figured I'd be done by now, but am I....no.
I've started cutting things out of the game, stuff that I realize now is crappola...I'm taking my vacation next week, so I'm hopeing for some real motivation to get this thing done. But anyway, with the cuts, It should speed me a bit...


Heh, can't wait to play the demo. I'll download it tomorrow though...need sleepy....

I'll start promoting EN tomorrow too!1! EEEE!

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


and from what i have seen of the newer screens, etc Squinky is working on...

yeah...can't WAIT to play it...cept the bastard won't release an updated Demo he has said..

i guess i do get to test it ?
*kills the psychosomatic concept of love*

"Life, the gift you sometimes want to return for something better."


Yes, you get to test it and make all of the music, yay!!

Speaking of which, does anybody want to  be an official beta-tester?


I wouldn't mind beta-testing it for ya, Squink. As long as it doesn't reach the beta stage in mid-January when my exams come up...


"Gonzo [New game site coming soon - watch this space]"

I've been watching that damned space for ages...

SQUiNKY!1! I love the demo! This game is gonna kick ass, man. I can't wait...hurry up :)
Heh, I forgot all about that pirate gambler guy being named after me, cool. I loved the intro sequence with Fry's bowling ball headed friend. Some funny shit ;) Will he join Fry during his adventure at all?

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


I've changed it just now, coincidentally, just before I read your post! Crazy! My site's hosted by Sylpher, so thanks to him. Post on the dead forum I have, or else. :)

The Pirate Fry 2 demo is awesome, as was the first game, I much look forward to the full game, with the enhanced graphics (rubs hands). :)


Cool, Gonzo, I'll contact you when I get to a stage for beta-testing, then if your busy, you can just tell me to go to hell...heh...

And Snake, In the revamped version the character named after you is actually going to speak, yay !!!
The bowling ball guy is going to appear off and on during the adventure too....so yay!!! Yay for me, yay for pudding!


I can't wait for this game...Squinky. I love your sense of humor.



*kills the psychosomatic concept of love*

"Life, the gift you sometimes want to return for something better."


wow that demo is awesome. But im stuck, how do i get the ball off of the roulette machine, or isnt thta possible in the demo. Im assuming i have to use that ball on the mans cup to win the game and get the prize?


Demo Spoiler
You need the magnet from inside the roullete machine....
Look around outside the pirates guild....in the alley...


Updated the original post with a teeny little progress report....


QuoteAct 1 is nearly finished, just needs some additional tweaking....
So, I just posted here to let you guys know....

Don't you hate it when nobody cares?

lol, just kidding, man

Hurry up, damn you! We've been waiting for fricken ages ;)

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"



I'm planning on getting it done soon man...


I've added some screenshots....Finally....


Sweeet! They look awesome, man. Great improvement from the demo's graphics ;)

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


As if I wasn't enduring an agonising enough wait for Pirate Fry 2, you go and post these absolutely awesome screenshots! This looks incredible, I played through the demo for the second time last week and the improvement is so huge. As much as I liked the graphics of the first game and the Hand Of Anturus demo, this looks just wonderful. I can't wait man...keep us posted in this thread. :)


Okay, so I've put a little update on the top post, and thanks Gonzo, thats really motivational....:)


Ohh, Act One finished, cool! How many acts are there in the game?

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