
Started by Vince Twelve, Fri 04/04/2008 13:12:46

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Oh, man...I've noticed this thread just now...Looking soooo good ^^
I am a mighty pirate. Arrrrgh!


Oh NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Now all make sense to me! Nooooo! I will have to wait more one year to launch my game  :'( Resonance will earn every award! Dammit!
LoL just kidding... But the award part is true  :(


Just thought I'd bump this baby thread, since I was tinkering with the music part of a certain scene in the game.

I also wanted to show everyone the poster, Vince sent me, for Xmas (even if it's close to Easter now ;D).

See? It looks lovely, doesn't it (Pic from cell phone)

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens


Well...  :-[

After so much dungeon time with Vince (remember I've been with him since Linus) I deserve it!  ;D

Vince: I'm waiting to finish the acoustic treatment of the room and then I'll find a place to put it on the wall! :)



Just bookmarked... WOW I have not yet bought an AGS game, I always felt like it should be free. I came close with The Blackwell Legacy, but never ended up getting round to it.

But yours, I would buy. The effort gone in on all parts must be huge... A very well done!!!  ;D

Depending on the price of postage I would probably buy the CD version (if there is one lol) You should so include a signed poster (if not just for your own ego lol)  ;D

I look forward to it.

Will there be voice acting in the game or just txt?

P.S. Keep up the hard work...

Vince Twelve

I'd love to include a poster (signed?) with a hardcopy of the game as kind of a collector's edition.  I can't really make any decisions on that until that time gets closer though.

The voice acting question was handled vaguely a couple pages ago.  Basically, the main line of thought on this is that the spoken lines will have voice acting and the internal dialog (like the characters thinking to themselves "It's a door" etc.) will just be text.  So, speech bubble=voice acting, thought bubble=no voice acting.  Probably.

Vince Twelve

Sorry for the double post.  Just bumping to point out the new preview video!  Enjoy!

Privateer Puddin'

Looks great Vince! I think we should allow this double post

(off topic? cute kid! hope she's enjoying america)

Peder 🚀

I am loving this! ;D

I will for sure pay you full normal retail price for a CD/DVD version of this!!
Specially if you do have speech as mentioned before.

Quote from: Privateer Puddin' on Sat 28/03/2009 21:24:40
(off topic? cute kid! hope she's enjoying america)

Seconded! :P.


Awesome! I love the attention to detail you're putting into this, especially the amount of work to make the interface user friendly. I hope it also supports the mouse scroll wheel.

BTW, what was going on with that Little Mermaid card, is there also a picture on the other side?


Very nice job on this. I can tell a lot of hard work is going into it. Definitely something I would pay to play. :)


lol I just saw the video. Fascinating!

PS: You have one very cute daughter. ^^ Sounds really funny when she speaks Japanese. :D You're one very VERY lucky father.  ;D
I am a mighty pirate. Arrrrgh!


Made a comment on your page, expressing my sincere thoughts on this project, and well,  I'm really excited about this!!!
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)

Vince Twelve

I'm glad you guys all feel that the game looks worth the small fee to play!  I appreciate all your comments!

@Puddin and Peder: Thanks!  She is enjoying America!

@Garage: You know, the mouse wheel for scrolling is always something I intended to include but never got around to doing.  I'll definitely have that in there.  Though, personally, the autoscrolling has been so perfectly tweaked (you'll notice that it's slightly elastic in the video) that it just feels so natural and perfect, I'm not sure if anyone will ever end up using any of the other options I'm throwing in.  But choice is always good!

@Spike: Glad you're liking it!

@rbaleksandar: Thanks.  I AM lucky!

@Dual:  Thanks for your blog comment (and the one you posted a week or so back).  And thanks for the blog post!  I'll definitely be asking the generous forumites to help me spread the word of this game upon release in lieu of an advertising budget!  So I'll be counting on you and SSH!

More updates coming daily(ish) on Twitter and the blog!


I realize that I've already cluttered this thread up with so much expression of anticipation and excitement that you are probably bored of seeing my name in here. This, sadly for you, will not deter me from going and adding some more right here.

It is incredibly inspiring to see how much work you people have put into this game! I didn't expect to see anything in this trailer that would make me say "Resonance looks even better than before", but the second I saw that background animating, I realized I was wrong. So wrong!

There are so many little touches for everything in the game! The little circle when you click something, the different transparencies, all of these things completely amaze me. Seeing your auto scrolling and gui in action is really exciting! The character animations and everything, really. You people are talented and great!

Seeing this trailer is evidence that Resonance is filled with the sort of effort that makes a game feel professional. It makes me inspired and motivated to make games, and I really look forward to buying and enjoying this game when it is done.

Thanks for showing us a bit more of your game! I couldn't possibly be more excited about it!


QuoteBen, if and when I make another video, I'll show off the dialog system for ya!



Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Wow, all this new content and the public saw it before I did --  talk about exclusive!  :)


Woah. I have to say, more polish is going into this then any other commercial AGS game I think I've seen so far.
I'm really looking forward to the finished product now.  ;D

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