Space Quest II Remake - Various Positions Available at Infamous Adventures

Started by Klytos, Wed 04/04/2007 15:31:56

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Quote from: Alarconte on Wed 28/05/2008 06:57:28

This project is alive!

How awensome :D

If you are requiring voice acting, means that the game would be released soon or is in final stage?

please, tell us!

Oh sure, the project has BEEN quite alive for the past two years.  I just don't update over here often because we update on our main site quite a bit.

And, yes, the game is nearing completion.

So, voice actors, if you're interested, contact me!

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


Quote from: Blackthorne on Fri 30/05/2008 16:39:21
And, yes, the game is nearing completion.

So, voice actors, if you're interested, contact me!

cool, but I guess it will take some time if you are still looking for voice actors.. No matter what, just keep up the great work, also on 'Project X' as that seems to be an original game, so IMHO is more interesting.. but me loves to play SQ2 remake.. hehe..

good luck


Hi all, just thought I'd drop by and let you all know that progress has been made and it is going awesomely. It's taking a little longer than we'd expected but we are so close I can just... well... we're just close, okay.

Now I had a better reason to bump a topic that hasn't been posted in more than a year, so moderators I apologize in advance but I thought I'd share the trailer we just released today. Here is the new trailer for Space Quest II Remake by Infamous Adventures. Hope you all like it, as you'll tell we went for the classic 50's look. Why, I don't quite know, I just wanted it to be different, just like I hope our game is when it is released.

Hope you all like it, and we'll notify you all when the game is released. Peace!
Infamous Quests
Kickstart Ventures



looks absolutely fantastic!

but dont you think you might get it done quicker if you didnt spend all this time promoting it? I mean that trailer probably took a few hours to produce, when the game could have been being worked on, not to mention all the other bits and pieces I've seen (rogers blog etc).

Its not like it needs to be promoted, everyone who's interested is waiting for this game with bated breath!

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

What a wonderful trailer.  If more games marketed themselves like that...well, let's just say I'd have more games!


I wish I could be involved with voice over. Space Quest is my favourite adventure game series. :(

Should've seen this coming a while back. Anyway, good luck with the completion.


Wow, videos like these make me want to abandon my projects and just sit on the couch and wait for them!!
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Quote from: cosmicr on Mon 03/08/2009 01:03:46
looks absolutely fantastic!

Quotebut dont you think you might get it done quicker if you didnt spend all this time promoting it? I mean that trailer probably took a few hours to produce, when the game could have been being worked on, not to mention all the other bits and pieces I've seen (rogers blog etc).

Its not like it needs to be promoted, everyone who's interested is waiting for this game with bated breath!

Actually, this trailer was a one man thing - Broomie did it all by himself.  Well, I wrote the script, but he made it.  As for what needs to be completed on the game now, it's nothing that Broomie can do.  It's mostly hammering out bugs in the script, which the programmer does, and recording the voice-overs.  (As well as polishing up some graphics, etc.)

With the little extras we've made, such as the trailer and the Roger Blogs, they're made by team members who basically have little to do with what needs to be finished.  It's not like time is diverted from the main project at all.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


Status: Trying to come up with some ideas...


Quote from: TerranRich on Fri 14/08/2009 21:35:49
Bt, are you guys still looking for voice actors?

I think we've got it pretty much covered now, though I'm not sure.  May be a bit part or two up for grabs.  Tell ya what, I'll check the list that the voice director is working on, and send you a PM.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


Sounds good! I'd love to contribute any way I can to this project. The game looks great! ;D
Status: Trying to come up with some ideas...


Oh yeah, I also just realized the Trailer. I actually thought this game was cancelled!

Anyway, it's coming together great! 

btw: Does the position "sprite artist" include inventory items?


Hey there.

Whew.  Man, this game has been in production for quite a long time.  Sorry about that - doing this stuff in your spare time, well, heh - sometimes you just don't have as much spare time as you'd like!

But we're really pushing ahead to finish up the last final details - killing bugs, polishing some art, finishing the audio.... we're working hard to get this out ASAP.   

So, here's a few more teaser pics - and to let you know, the project is alive and well!  We've got new members working on it and they're eager as hell, which is awesome.

I hope all you fans of Space Quest (and Sierra games in general) like the game when we finally finish it! 

As always, for more info, check out our website - - we try to update on the forums frequently.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon



ca. 70% completed


Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore.


I'd write swashbuckler as one word though - or is it a wordplay I am not getting?
ca. 70% completed


Space Quest II is the one of my favorites! I can't wait to play this remake. The screenshots are great! About the work: I'll wanna help, but unfortunately I have no time :(

Infamous Adventures, good luck with all your projects!

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