The Legend Of The Lost Lagoon *UPDATE IN THE 1ST POST*

Started by DanClarke, Thu 08/04/2004 13:16:27

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Oh great goslings! When by the tortured soles of Nike, is this game coming out? I am salivating like Billy from "grim adventures of Billy and Mandy" {SLERPPP!!!!} anyway, take your time and get it done right before you release it to the tortured masses,
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall

i k a r i

Thanks for bumping this xD
Maybe we could get an update now =P
*hears loudy steps*... moderator alert! RUUUN!
QuoteWell, one think is not liking him, and the other is making humour of the retarder people!
Nacho speaking of Bush.


Well it's not three months, and true Darth, maybe a tad upset, on the other hand this game deserves an update, and the 18 pages seem like a lot of updates have been happening and a lot of attention as well.


Dan? An update? ;D


I hope dan is still working on this! It will be spectacular. Why do I have this feeling he abandoned the project? I'm sure dan if you are have a hard time doing the animation and scripting then there will be plenty that would help complete the game with you, there are many here skilled enough. You cannot let your awesome bgs be wasted :)


maybe he lost his way to the forum. he is somewhere out there wondering in the dark (not unlike his character in his game i guess) please may he find his way back to us.


Hi All,

No i havent abandoned it, and im not lost, it's just that i've started 'real' work, so everything bar that has had to be shelved up until now....

But good news! I've just ordered my new Intel-based Macbook Pro, which as some mayknow has the ability to run Windows XP as well as OSX. This of course means i'll now have full use of AGS, and can start to make steady progress! Im also relatively quiet in terms of work for the next week, so im taking the time to redesign my yeki website in Flash, which will feature a full LOTLL section. I'll save any new bits and updates for the site, but it should be up in the next 7 days.

thanks for your patience!



     Well get to work on this game damn it!!! J/K! Wow, there are sooooo many games that I am looking forward to...... It's just that all the one's I want to play have been in production forever! But I guess it takes time to do something the right way. I want to play great games, not just good games..... Well good luck on your continued work and sorry for rambling..... (we all are entitled to ramble every now and then)

Goo, goo, ga, joob!!!

"Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come!"


Yeah, hurray up and make the game so we can play this beauty.  ;)



New logo (above), and the new yeki site is almost here, complete with the official LOTLL minisite! Woo! I also have a new team member coming aboard, but i cant say too much!

Exciting times i'm sure you'll agree. :P


any news on this project is exciting times. whee



Since the original post was last updated on Nov 27, 2006, I do see something about July 2006 launch.

When people see it might cause some confusions.

I always refer to original post, so if you were you I would remove "launch date" out or if you another date then add that as well.

Good luck

TastyCrisp - Art,Wallpapers and Profilioish stuff..oh and Killa Bunnies!


Dan is the man!
Show us some love
He's got a plan,
Abruptly Stated, from above

This game looks awesome. Can't wait 2 play it!
|--> The Bionic Blog


seems you didnt read the rules. isk tisk. we are all wish to know when to see this but we knew better than reviving this post


I've been informed that this game has been completed but the creator doesn't want to release it because he wants some money for it and so isn't releasing it free.

He's asking for a measly $10 but personally I'm pretty mad that he isn't doing it for free!

For god sake Dan, just give the public what they want, why finish it but not release it.

i k a r i

Quote from: manny.p on Mon 25/06/2007 22:31:03
I've been informed that this game has been completed but the creator doesn't want to release it because he wants some money for it and so isn't releasing it free.

He's asking for a measly $10 but personally I'm pretty mad that he isn't doing it for free!

For god sake Dan, just give the public what they want, why finish it but not release it.

This is either a joke or a bad lie, where did you get this information.

I was hoping for an update  ::)
QuoteWell, one think is not liking him, and the other is making humour of the retarder people!
Nacho speaking of Bush.


All the power to him if he wants to go commercial. He should get compensated. Still, sounds like someone is pulling your leg. Where's the evidence and where'd you get it from?

Darth Mandarb

Did you intentionally wait 89 days to dig up this thread?!?!?!

Read the rules!

I spoke with Dan yesterday, the game is still in production just going slow.  If he wanted to update it, he would have.

Dan - I'm going to lock this to prevent it being dug up again in 90 days.  Hit me on MSN or PM when/if you want me to unlock it.

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