Theres more to do than I thought, i just dont know how to..

Started by , Tue 10/01/2006 21:41:13

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I can make my person walk, pick up items and use them, talk to other characters and thats about all i can do, ive seen people have made games where you shoot people!?
wheres that option lol!
I want to make my own pokemon type game, maybe knowing how to attack people will make it easier, also someone has made it so that you can use your keys to move and shoot, please if anyone has made any games like this or knows how to apply these features let me know.


Unfortunately, that tutorial is a little out of date. Those functions are now in the 'Room' menu, on the menu bar. (Only accessable when you're on one of the Room Editor windows.) Everything else about the tute should be OK, it's just that those controls have been moved.
I know what you're thinking ... Don't think that.


Ah thankyou, Your a great man!

Also i have more options on the general setting page than shown in the tutorial, sorry for posting so many times, i keep on finding new problems  ???

Missing the "dont automatically loose inventory" button which the demo says is important.


You know, as a registered member you can edit your posts, other than triple posting...


Yes, please don't triple post in future.

Again, all of these problems are due to the tutorial not reflecting changes made in newer AGS versions - it IS being looked at, but it's a slow process.

The extra options generally aren't important, as far as getting the game to work as in the tute - they'll only become important when you're trying to make your actual game. The "Don't automatically loose inventory button" was removed, as most people turned it on anyway. That's now the default behaviour, so again it's nothing to worry about.
I know what you're thinking ... Don't think that.


Ok thankyou, and i opologise for all the posting.

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