5 Years of MAGS Special: Anniversary Contest

Started by Klaus, Thu 01/06/2006 03:36:32

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Ok well Bartimaeus and I are entering a game called "The Netherworld."

We're using "The Underworld" set of rules, and we'll have the game by 00:00 GMT on 30 June.

It's good to see we're no the only entry :)

Dave Gilbert


Quote from: Dave Gilbert on Thu 29/06/2006 16:14:34
Quote from: SSH on Thu 29/06/2006 10:09:07
I can see that anyone who DOES enetr is going to win by default...  :(

Don't jinx it!  I hope I'm not the only entry AGAIN this time. :-(



I think Mordalles has a good point. There is no reason why this "M"AGS couldn't continue for another month - or maybe just a week or two.


doesnt the M stand for Monthly? I think that's a pretty good reason.
Bye bye thankyou I love you.


But what if it stands for... Umm... Months-long?


Well, no need for a big discussion:
Quote from: Klaus on Thu 01/06/2006 03:36:32The idea is to use AGS to create a game in under a month

And you already read:
Quote from: Klaus on Wed 28/06/2006 23:26:22
To go in detail the end is reached in 48 hours from now (see timestamp of this posting). So game creators had the whole month - 30 days - for game creation. Much longer than for usual MAGS competitions, but it's all special this time :)

So now you still have 12 hours left to submit your entries (see timestamp of this posting). Good luck!

By the way:
Don't get confused by this other competition out there that's also called MAGS: The Millenium AGS contest, that is passed from one generation to the next over about 1000 years. Very exciting as the AGS engine might slightly change over this short period of time and it is expected that some participants won't remember the exact deadline in the end. So also good luck to all families and clans that take part in this challenge. I hope you make it in time ... when it's time. But that contest has nothing to do with our MAGS here which is limited to one month only! ;)


m0ds has told me that he now thinks he wont be bale to make the millenium AGS deadline....


Count me in!

As one not making it before deadline..

Too bad. This time it was not because of megalomaniac plans, but just the usual shortage of free time like I predicted earlier.

Dave Gilbert

My game should be up shortly.  Hard to believe the deadline is actually here.



The Netherworld.

Okay there we go.

It's playable right through, though are still a few things I'd like to add in a later release.

- Cheerz, Zor and Bartimaeus

Edit: Added some screenshots


~The more adventures I go on, the more sand I get in my shoes

Dave Gilbert

Made it with an hour to spare. 


Join Russell Stone, embittered Rabbi, as he struggles to solve the murder of a former congregation member. 

Written, designed, and conceived by: Dave Gilbert
Character portraits: ProgzMax
Music: Vel
Backgrounds: Dr. Scary

Featuring an original score, tons of dialog, men with skullcaps, and multiple endings!


What an amazing month!  Working on this game has been a great experience.  Special thanks go to Dr. Scary who virtually held my hand during the making of the game, as well as Vel and Progz for all their fantastic comments that improved the game mightily. 

I hope you enjoy the game as much as we did making it.


Okay. Three entries in the end. Not really the number that I hoped for in this anniversary contest and I awaited some more entries rushing in during the last few hours. But okay: Three is not bad and all entries look very promising. So it will be hard to make a choice. Let's start the voting now:

For voting please visit the MAGS site or make your choice right here:

The Shivah by Dave Gilbert
The Netherworld by Zor and Bartimaeus
Infinite Monkeys by Radiant

Please vote only once and be sure to have played all games before sending your voice! Good luck to all participants.

For the time of voting now you're invited to post your opinion about all entries: Pros and cons of the games. What did you like, what not. In this case it's interesting how you compare the games - if this is possible at all.


Klaus The Netherworld is by Bartimaeus AND me.


okay, great mags games.

creator of Duty and Beyond



I used a lot of references for that room but it was all drawn by hand, with the pencil tool, by myself.
It took a lot of time.
I forgot how similar I made the composition though and I'm really sorry if it looks like I stole your idea buloght. I used your cave for inspiration and ended up doing basically the same thing.
I can change it for later versions if this is a problem.

~The more adventures I go on, the more sand I get in my shoes


Oh, hi, just playing your game really fun! :)

No it's no problem, it doesn't look exactly like mine, and I'm honoured you would reference something I made :) But it doesn't look exactly the same, I don't mind :)


Lol thanks dude.
It really wasn't intentional that it look so similar.
~The more adventures I go on, the more sand I get in my shoes

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