AGS - Music Competition 9. July - 19. July

Started by Le Woltaire, Mon 09/07/2007 10:42:54

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Le Woltaire

An expedition of archaeologists has found these strange marks on a titanium plaque in a devastated part of the Antarctica on 1. April 2007.

After a short analysis, they discovered that the plaque is more than a million years old and definitely of extraterrestrial origin.

The plaque was immediately passed to NASA scientists.
Two months of continuous research brought no further results.
But most of the scientists agree that this must be some kind of music notation...

Maybe an alien race tried to contact us over a million years ago.
The NASA now has decided to make a public competition to get the information of this music piece.
Musicians of the whole planet are asked to bring a solution for this problem.

Maybe the future of our planet will depend on this. 
Please translate this sketch into music.



Brilliant! I might enter this one, time fobidding...


I love it. Reminds me a bit of Cartridge Music. (John Cage)


Ok, so I wasn't able to finish my 80s track on time, and a "duet" isn't exactly my style, but this is definitely my kind of thing.  Way to get creative on contest prompt, Le Woltaire!


It's probably better with headphones, since it depends mainly on left and right channels.
But here is the link:
i used to be indeceisive but now im not so sure!


ok, here's my track, even if maybe it's a little short... (which isn't that strange, since i did it in less then half an hour  :P)
Hope you like it  ::)

EDIT: ok, i changed the file, but it isn't a great change, so i don't think it will be a problem


i used to be indeceisive but now im not so sure!


ehm, can i post an updated version? i only switched beetween two instruments, without changing any note...



It's in .sid format, and I'd rather not convert it to anything else, because the whole point of the tune is that the three channels go out of sync with each other and loop forever, creating new music, which means that the whole tune repeats itself only after hours (or days? I haven't calculated) of listening. If you are sid-player impaired, I recommend this:
Achtung Franz! The comic


Ok, here's mine.  It's called "The Turing Test."  Ten points to anybody who gets *that* reference.


By the way, how are we supposed to listen to .sid if we have a mac?


Quote from: djres on Wed 11/07/2007 05:42:08
By the way, how are we supposed to listen to .sid if we have a mac?

first result on google for "sid player for mac"

Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


Quote from: BOYD1981

first result on google for "sid player for mac"

I'm only slightly ashamed I didn't think to do that.



"Invalid Quickkey. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire's development team." for three of the downloads  :'(


Here's my entry. I tried to mix the "earthly" approach with some alien influences.


i used to be indeceisive but now im not so sure!


Hi all

I finally got something in!  I was hoping to submit my first piece like 2 weeks ago, but stuff came up  :(

Anyway, I just started playing with the "analog" waveform synthesizer in Reason.   It's very mathy and fun :)

Hope you like my debut:


EDIT: I've updated the link.  I made a small change to the piece, specifically the loudness, since it was rather quiet.

Permanent Link:


Hello everyone  :)
This is my first participation to these competitions.
I hope you like it!  :D


Quote from: Thaatiba on Sun 15/07/2007 17:20:32
Hello everyone  :)
This is my first participation to these competitions.
I hope you like it!  :D

Hey Thaatiba - I liked your piece a lot!  I think it's well mixed/balanced, something I'm not very good at yet.  Welcome to AGS!


I suck at mixing too, that's why most of my "tunes" tend to be one or two layers, short, and fairly simple.
i used to be indeceisive but now im not so sure!

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