Animation Challenge 26/10 - 03/11

Started by Ago75, Thu 26/10/2006 22:13:46

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Show us HOW the egg is opening, and WHAT CREATURE is inside.

256 colors is the only limitation.


not an entry-

i am trying to get an animation here, i am using the ags views animation, but i donno how to get it here.


You'll need to use another program other then AGS to make the animation. There's a free program called unFREEze that will take .GIF frames and animate them. You can get it here.


For Everyone:

I know that everyone uses his favourite software for producing graphics, but for this particular kind of graphics (also called Pixel Art) i suggest you "Promotion" produced by Cosmigo.
This software is like a porting to Windows of the World Famous "Deluxe Paint 2" (originally developed for Amiga and Pc-DOS).
I use any kind of software for graphics, from Photoshop to Corel Draw to 3D Studio and Lightwave and believe me.... there's nothing better than Promotion for creating, modifying and animating this kind of graphics.
It's not Free, but it's worth a try.

N.B.: Deluxe Paint was used to create the graphics of Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis, for adapting the 256 colors version of Monkey Island ... and I thing for almost every old Adventure Game. It's palette cycling function is used in several games for obtaining effects like water, thunders and so on..
It's a piece of History.


kinder surprise egg.

meant to be 'a surprise' but i think a lot of you would think its silly. I am not really good at drawing...


not an entry-

if i wanted to, would i be able to host an animation challenge?Or is it only for the creator?


The winner of this round can be the host of next round, unless for special circumstances.


 :-\ Couldn't decide what to do with this one. So here is my quick, sloppy, Half-thought-out, entry

How: Via Sniper Rifle
What: Makes no difference as one blob of drippy goo is so very like another.


Formerly known as Flukeblake, Flukezy etc.


Here's my entry:

I dunno what exactly is inside, use your imagination  ;)


Slightly improved the speed between the frames.


Blaargh, my gif animator screwed this up. Sorry for the banner at the top and rubbish BG colour...



Here's my egg.Ã,  This was sort of fun.

ps how do you get the gif to actually show up in the post.Ã,  Couldn't figure that part out.
Life is a banquet and most poor sonsofbitches are starving to death


enter the picture URL between Image tags

Code: ags


not an entry-

how do i make gif. images?MSPaint makes it bmp.

Vince Twelve

You don't need to write "not an entry" on each post that isn't an entry.  People write that when the sprite that they're posting isn't meant to be judged in the competition.  Your post contains no sprite, so it's obviously not an entry.

And in paint, use "Save as" and there's a little place to change the file type.  I think it says "Save as type:"  Just change that to ".gif".

But if you want to make an animation, you're going to need another program since Paint can't save animated gifs.  Use the search function at the top of the page to find one of the many posts about these programs if you're looking for one.


Uh Oh! I'm a little late... as always. :P
However, is time to declare a Winner:

The winner is


Nice idea and even nice animation.

Thanks to everyone for partecipating.


woo000t?!1!!@@!!!eleven!!1!!! no medals or 2nd and 3th place?!!1!one!!! 

JK!  ;D


 ??? What ???

I'm too late! Oh nooooooooooo ...

When is the next one?  ;D
- Just another lucky guy.


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