Animation Competition: Fight! Fight! Fight! (WINNERS ANNOUNCED) [April 20-May 1]

Started by The Awesome, Sun 20/04/2008 12:56:38

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The Awesome

Okey Dokey!! Here goes!!

With the bloodthirsty slaughter of that defenceless slightly rabid bunny still fresh in our minds, I decided to make this comp another amusing violence-fest.

This is Kyle and Kenny.

Say hi boys.

The thing is, these two absolutely hate each other, and want to settle things the manly way!!

Your job is to make these two fight each other. The winner of the fight is up to you.

No colour constraints! Yay!!
No image size limits!! Wahoo!!!

Get cracking peoples! Trophies to the most awesome fight!!


The Awesome

oooookaayyyyy...... 3 days till judgement day, and not a single entry. Not one.

Is this my fault somehow? Did I do something wrong? Are we picking on the new guy? one wants a trophy? :'(


Well despite me getting very ill this week, and just being my normal super lazy self, I was able to get something done so here it is, enjoy.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


I really wanted to do one, and had it all planned out, but had no time with working on my game and all. :)  Sorry!


Sorry, all apologies. I want to enter, but I don't have a good idea and am a little short on time.


All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


I thought about taking part on this competition, and making some LEGO boys fight, but had to much work...  :'(

that's all I have till now:

My Blog

Ryan Timothy B

I'm trying to pump out a big animation, but stickam and the AGS room is slowing me down.
It's a good thing I've got until the 1st of May.  We'll see if GTA4 gets in my way.  Arghhh

The Awesome

Just a heads-up, I might not be able to declare winners on the 1st, due to my Internet ****ing up as it does :'(. More time for you guys then!


Ok, here's my entry!

Working on a RON game!!!!!

Ryan Timothy B

Nevermind, I managed to finish it even sooner than expected.  And it's still the 1st (my time, and only 8:30pm).

Enjoy.  There's a total of 340 frames.


You are an insane crazy freak who has spent way too much time on this and I enjoy this animation.

Well done.

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Very nice work, ryan.  Good to see you got it done on time!


Awesome work Ryan Timothy! :)
Great fun to watch this animation!
Working on a RON game!!!!!


Woah!!! I didn't even look through this thread when I edited my post. Ryan that animation is...  :o  If only I had the time, will, and skill for such a creation. Outstanding  ;D
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Well shit... If I knew someone was going to spend time on their animation I wouldn't have just done some half-hour thing...

I have you Ryan. =P  (Nice Ani, in all seriousness though.)
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!

The Awesome

OK! 5 days after the competition was supposed to close, WE HAVE OUR WINNERS!!

1st Place: Ryan Timothy!
That was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time! Good quality animation, and a nice background to boot!

2nd Place: Questionable!
The first entry, and the best Fatality I've ever seen!

3rd Place: miguel!
If only those platforming games really WERE that violent!

'Grats Ryan, that was brilliant. I'll upload the trophies when I get home (doing this from school)


Congratulations, Ryan. One of the coolest entries I've seen in an animation comp to date :).


I'm surprised no one thought of doing something with South park. I kinda expected it with a name like Kyle and Kenny.  :P


Thanks TheAwesome,
if I knew RyanTymothy was doing such a long and beautiful animation I would put down some more frames as well just to keep the gratuitous violence a bit longer :)
Well, congratulations to Ryan and Questionable (nice choice of  "air" color ;))
Working on a RON game!!!!!

Ryan Timothy B

Thanks Awesome, and everyone!

I'm surprised no one made fun of my 1 frame walk cycle; cut and paste as they hop up and down.  :P

It was worth the many hours spent on making it.  I'd have to say my favorite part of my animation was when Kenny got punched into the inside of car, and he exits the passenger door.  And I also loved my unexpected ending *crunch*.

I guess this means I have to make the next challenge? hmmm

The Awesome

Keep waiting for the trophies peoples, my computer has decided it hates me and won't let me in. I should have t fixed soon!


Good job Ryan!

Miguel: I'm in the same boat, he he he.

Buckethead: Huh, didn't even realize the names. Nice spot!
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!

The Awesome

Behold, for I have (finally) produced THESE!!

Sorry for the wait.
And well done Buckethead, I had just finished watching an episode of South Park before I started the comp, so that's wherre names came from.

EDIT: O.K, before you take the trophies, can anyone tell me how to remove the f**king black background from them? I've used three different programs now to no avail.


One free choice is to use the GIMP, add an alpha channel to the image, select the black colour with magicwand (with fuzziness set to 0) and delete it. There should be many other smaller alternatives for this, but that's just one way I often do as I have the GIMP installed.


When Irfanview saves as PNG or GIF, it asks you to select the transparent colour...


I use IrfanView to batch convert images a lot, but I seldom use it to operate on 8-bit images, as it most probably would mess things up. Also, the recent 4.10 is so buggy in manual cropping and zooming, I may downgrade it but I'm just too lazy to. :P

The Awesome

I have been making the black part transparent, and it shows it as transparent when I view it in other programs, but for some reason it goes all black when I upload it. Arrggh!! I'll keep trying anyway.


I copied the image out of Firefox, pasted it into Irfanview 3.98, saved as gif with transparent colour selected on save, uploaded via Filezilla.

The Awesome


Thank you SSH! Saves me the trouble. I think I have the solution now, but that was helpful. Can I have a link to this Irfanview doohickey?

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