Background Blitz - 100 Years in the future - WINNER ANNOUNCED!

Started by 2dMatty, Tue 17/04/2012 11:30:13

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This rounds Background blitz is... 100 Years in the Future!

Will Back to the Futures hover cars finally exist? Will the world look as Cyberpunk as Blade Runner? Will we be able to take trips to the moon? Will the apocalypse happen and the world turn to a barren nomads land? Or will everything be exactly the same?

Thats up to you guys to envisage!

Voting will commence May 1st!

Restrictions: AGS compatible.




Cool entry!

I'm hoping to get a background in by the 1st!  3 days by my time, I can do it! :)

*Spot reserved for entry*

EDIT: Entry is now guaranteed!  Finishing up tonight and posting tomorrow :)


Great entry, gameboy. Looking forward to yours, Joshy.
Here's a floating colony for the mega-rich, drifting over the ocean. Outside international law.

Answer their docking questions or they will politely blast you from the sky!


Nice work oraxon! :)

Here's my entry.  I'd have loved to have spent more time on it, but I didn't get onto this until later.  Ah well, I like the idea! :)

It's an underwater colony, encompassed in a giant dome.  How else would you live underwater? ;)


So...100 years in the future...what will it be like?

Didn't want to draw some futuristic city-scene, so I tried to come up with a more original interpretation of the theme. In a hundred years I'll probably - most likely - be will my cat. But that won't stop you from finding us, sitting behind the television (hopefully there's something good on). It's a good thing the electricity is paid automatically every month.  :)

On a technical note: The entire image was drawn digitally in Corel Painter X using a tablet. The image was drawn at 100% (640x480) unlike my usual 300-400% images; this accentuates the sketchy-lines look that I went for. Also, I played around with a slightly different colouring/rendering style than usual (except for the skeleton which has flat-shading to make it animatable).

Ps. No, he doesn't look like me (he doesn't wear black), and neither does our interior bear any resemblance to his (we've actually got taste).  ;)


Very nice entries so far everyone :D

1 Day Left! - If anyone needs a little time extension let me know else voting starts tomorrow :)


Misj, wow. Amazing entry :)

I should mention, as this is my first background and whatnot, I'd love some critique on my entry (maybe PM me to keep this thread on topic?)

Excellent work everyone! :)


Your world has died...

Start again? Y/N

Awesome entries guys:)
Not much time to spare so I thought I'd throw something simple down. The dithering took me a while though... ;)

32 colors, 320x200 res.
I made a song to go with it but that'd be cheating to include:D Plus it'd probly make your ears bleed.


Voting Time!

The categories are:


There's some excellent entries this time around :P
Good luck to everyone!

Voting will end on Thursday 3rd May.


Idea: oraxon
Atmosphere: gameboy
Functionality: Misj'
Technique: gameboy


Really excellent entries â€" all of them! And it is a big fun to watch them.  (nod)

If I imagine them to be used in a game, my votes for the one I like most go to ...

Idea:                 Misij'
Atmosphere:    gameboy
Functionality:  ./. *
Technique:       Misij'

* I wasn't able to make a decision between Misij' and gameboy about that, because both bg's would be cool for me to “walk around and act in”. So please count then both as a tie or none.

You don't get much post over the years, do you?


Good theme and great entries

Idea: Oraxxon
Atmosphere: Pinback
Functionality: Misj
Technique: Misj

Quote from: Tabata on Tue 01/05/2012 11:55:28
You don't get much post over the years, do you?
Also, that's one hell of a lightbulb  :P


Idea: Misj' - nice humorous take on the topic, and altough I'm a sucker for dark sci-fi cityscapes, it's also good to know that some people can manage to creatively weasel out of drawing one. :)
Atmosphere: Pinback - a very close one between Pinback and gameboy, since they both have a very strong ambiance. I decided to vote for Pinback here, because his vision is more unusual.
Functionality:  Misj' - not much of a competition here, since this background is absolutely perfect for pointing, clicking and walking around and the others - not so much. :)
Technique: gameboy - it's minimalistic, but pitch-perfect.


Idea: oraxon
Atmosphere: gameboy
Functionality: Misj'
Technique: Misj'


Idea: Misj - hilarious idea for a game
Atmosphere: - gameboy - love it, screams toxic wasteland at me, I need to hold my breath just looking at that picture
Functionality: - Misj
Technique: - Misj

Great entries everyone, well done!!

Misj, absolutely love that style and I would love to see a game about you and your dead cat :-D


Looks like we have a winner....
Congratulations Misj'!!!

Thanks for all the most excellent entries everyone

Gameboy - Awesome colour choices and I get a very moody feeling looking out onto the new city from the rubble of old :P
Oraxon - Sitting in the vast space of nothingness with a hint of civilization miles away, very cool! I'd love to see what your space colony looks like closeup :)
Joshy - A second Atlantis underwater :P Leaves me thinking what brought these humanoids to live underwater and is the player secretly watching them from the distance?
Misj' - Really like your cartoony style! I was actually hoping someone would twist the rules a little bit and do something very modern day but not :) A very nice touch with your skeleton and cat also :D
Pinback - Your picture would make an excellent "Game over - your planet has been obliterated" screen, looks like those aliens have some mighty powerful ships!

Thanks again everyone!


Congratulations Misj!  :-D
Well deserved.

What fun!! I can't wait for the next one. Obviously I'm just starting but hey, what better way to practice and improve! :)


Quote from: 2dMatty on Thu 03/05/2012 10:18:16
Looks like we have a winner....
Congratulations Misj'!!!
Thanks guys for all your remarks and votes. I really liked how this one turned out, so I'm glad everyone likes it.

I'll set up a new've seen what life looked like a hundred years in the future...It's time to go back to the past. :)

ps. no indeed, I don't get many probably has to do with the fact that nobody likes me. It's sad, really, but I'm in this, like, social isolation and stuff. Actually, the original version had a pile of letters, but they kinda ruined the scene, plus they were partly piled up against the door so they would require an animation if the door were opened. I felt it didn't work and didn't really add anything, so I removed the pile. Wasn't that big of a pile know <sigh>

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