Background Blitz 8/12 - 8/21/07 - Results are in!

Started by Tiki, Sat 11/08/2007 18:39:24

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Idea - Neil Dnuma. No question for me. I've had many furs stolen by Nanouk Jr.'s minions.

Atmosphere - Neil Dnuma. Really great atmosphere. Makes me wanna visit.

Design - Neil Dnuma. Awesome colors and shapes. I like the style very much. Shadows work great as well.

Composition - cobra79. An Unusual composition makes for an interesting image.

Functionality - Neil Dnuma. Most functional image and a sure contender to be included in a game.

Technique - Mr. Buckéthead. I want to support 3D entries, although this is done in a game engine rather than everything from scratch.


6 votes for Neil Dnuma. A really outstanding background.

Neil Dnuma

Idea - cobra79 - Great job! There might be a perspective issue with the ladder, but this is such an ambitious take in the first place, and a great, good looking result.

Atmosphere - cobra79

Design - cobra79

Composition - cobra79

Functionality - Buckéthead - I'd like to see one where you were not using a game enginge. Nevertheless, this is the best I've seen from you so far.

Technique - cobra79

Great theme Tiki, too bad about the participation.

Thanks alot for all the nice words, it's very appreciated :)


Idea - Neil, unexpected and carried out well

Atmosphere - Neil, has this naive charm without being juvenile

Design - Neil, the trees in particular, and the colour scheme are all great

Composition - Neil, though I'm bothered by the way the trees on the right cover up the walk area to such a large degree, and robs the lower area of some breathing room.

Functionality - Neil, though I guess Buckethead's entry might have worked equally well. Some compositions are very easy to pull off those, like a straight on one point perspective, so I tend to favour trickier solutions, if carried out well. cobra's seems a bit extreme and uncalled for though, and the angle wouldn't justify, for me,  the animation required. Is it based on a photo btw?

Technique - Neil, sparse enough values to create a nice stylized look, but detailed enough to avoid the empty lifeless look they often have. Just great.
Looking for a writer


No it was not based on a photo. To be honest though I wanted to draw a tree...the tree-house was just an afterthought.  ;D


And the winner is...

Neil Dnuma with a full sweep!  You deserve it man, start the next one!

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