Background Blitz - A Christmas Tale - Ended

Started by loominous, Sun 20/12/2009 16:53:25

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A Christmas Tale

Depict a scene from your favourite christmas story, or make one up!

Happy painting/pixelating!

(Restrictions: AGS compatible)
Looking for a writer


Here is my unfinished entry
feel free edit and finish anyone, I won't finish this

Matt Frith

Here is my entry.  Once again, I am pretty pleased with it, although there is probably some room for improvement.  Anyway,  I based my design on a wintery Alpine scene (probably Switzerland), since it is a place that I personally love.  It makes me want to go back there right now!

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas!


Sorry about the delay.

As Exsecratus' entry was left in a very unfinished (though promising) state, and considering the delay, I hand over the next round to Tier.

Nice entries!
Looking for a writer

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