BACKGROUND BLITZ And now they've ruined it! (RESULTS)

Started by Blondbraid, Sun 06/11/2016 09:44:43

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We all know how it goes. For eons mankind has endeavored to seek out new frontiers and find new places previously unheard of.
And then the tourists show up.

The challenge here lies in drawing a background
where only your imagination sets the limit,
and you can make it precisely as beautiful as you want...

BUT you have to insert this sprite  into it when you are done:

Which place will the tourists ruin next? An old castle, a south-european city, a tropical paradise, a remote asteroid or something completely different?


Oh... sounds interesting :)
I'm definitely in! (if I can find the time... already have an idea too!) (nod) :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Awesome idea! Let's see if I can come up with something...

Question: Would it be ok to to shrink the guys to half their size? I might be more comfortable with a lower resolution...


Quote from: cat on Sun 06/11/2016 09:50:08
Question: Would it be ok to to shrink the guys to half their size? I might be more comfortable with a lower resolution...
Sure, feel free to resize the sprite if you want to do a smaller background!



Fred Five

Here's my entry!
-Not even the dead can get some peace nowadays (wrong)



Quote from: Fred Five on Sun 06/11/2016 20:35:23
Here's my entry!
-Not even the dead can get some peace nowadays (wrong)

Funny, albeit macabre.



the tourists notived they must have taken a wrong turn or wrong teleporter somewhere when they arrived at the twintemple on planet Flokko. There is even enough time to take a picture and pick up some ancient alien stones.

incredibly large image in spoilers


Fred Five and Selmiak, those are some nice, beautiful entries both of you! ;-D


Voting time!
The entries are:

1. A tourist trap by Grok.

2. A graveyard by Fred Five.

3. The twintemple on planet Flokko by selmiak.

Winners receive following trophys:

Voting ends on December 9th.



This is a tough one, on the one hand I think the Graveyard looks the best, but the Tourist Trap is just so fitting.  :-\
I've given it a lot of thought, and my vote goes to the Graveyard by Fred Five. Sorry Grok. :(


All the entries are fantastic, but my vote goes to the graveyard by Fred Five.


my vote goes to the graveyard of course. It inspired my entry to the contest :)


I admire all this background work which greatly surpasses my skill level. Kudos to all entrants.
I vote: A graveyard by Fred Five
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Don't know if it's the theme, the art or both... but I really like
3. The twintemple on planet Flokko by selmiak.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I'm voting for the Twintemple by selmiak.  It's just so cool looking!

Mouth for war

Ahh this is hard. I will go for the graveyard but I really like Selmiak's entry too. It has a unique look and I wanted to vote for both but sadly I must choose so...Fred Five you got my vote :D
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer

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