Background Blitz (and the winner is...)

Started by Mad, Mon 17/04/2006 14:34:06

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All the backgrounds were nice and had good points, but my votes are:

Best Idea: Anym
Best Functionality: Clip
Best Design: Krysis
Best Technique: Gameboy


I vote for Krysis. (all)
Since I do NOT like to eat unther such picture on the wall :)

it seems that Clip had the flying table idea first... ;)

where is the Stefano's picture? ???
My Blog


Best Idea: Anym
Best Functionality: Krysis
Best Design: Anym
Best Technique: Anym


Best Idea: Anym
Best Functionality: Gameboy
Best Design: Privateer Puddin'
Best Technique: Gameboy


Best Idea(s): Anym
Best Functionality: yarooze
Best Design: Privateer Puddin'
Best Technique: Gameboy


Best idea, design and functionality: Krysis,
best technique: gameboy.
a.k.a. johnnyspade

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

A winner is:

Best Design:  Krysis, it's left open enough to add alot of details.

Best Idea:  Privateer Puddin'.  Though it doesn't really show the actual cafe, the layout is nice.

Best Functionality: Krysis, again it is an open enough area to allow for alot of movement

Best Technique:  Krysis.


best idea: anym
best design: anym (i like the detail, no empty spaces)
best functionality: anym
best technique: anym

creator of Duty and Beyond


So, if I've counted correctly:

the winner is...(insert drum roll here)... Krysis with whopping 20 votes,

hard on his heels we have Anym with 16 votes

and a good 3rd place goes to gameboy with 9 votes

runners up are:
Privateer Pudding with 5 votes
Clip and Yarooze with each 1 vote

As winner Krysis may collect his very own, original Mars Cafe Badge for free, yes Nogmorzes and Fooblobs you sensed correctly with your versatile organs, for free!!!


I thought Anym's going to win this one. I'm starting the next one as soon as I think of a good theme... ;)
Good luck and - I love all of the entries. Awesome.

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