Background Blitz (and the winner is...)

Started by Mad, Mon 17/04/2006 14:34:06

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So here goes the new one:

Since we're all doing so good over at the Sprite Jam let's give all those great critters a place to ooze, globber, vapour or just glide about in:

The Mars Cafe

I would like to see a nice spacy (in all meanings of the term) alien cafe or diner where denizen of all species find a comfy place to seat their bostriebees and glogboosts and get their kind of food and drink (maybe even from vending machines).

There are no restrictions in size or color.

The voting categories:

Best Idea
Best Functionality
Best Design
Best Technique

Let the blitzing commence:

...and remember to buy your very own Mars Cafe badge: !!!

Privateer Puddin'

Not very good but -

I'll probably try something more interesting if i get the time.


Can the backaround be inside the cafe and will we have throphies?
- They are all from AGS coloringball


Yeah, interior views would be very appreciated!
Actually that's what I had in mind, when I thought of the topic:
A place where space travellers could lounge about in!

Outside views are welcome aswell, of course, but should put emphasis on the diner and not the surroundings.

Keep'em coming in...


Oh! Mars Cafe have spread through other comps. That's a cool thing!
I'll sure enter this one. My entry will be right...

X here
Trying to make my first AGS game.



Too bad you can't see infra-red. The floor painting is amazing!
I look just like Bobbin Threadbare.


A quick entry here:



- They are all from AGS coloringball


This is my first attempt at a bg! *woot*

hope'sh ya like it! (i hate it)


Here is my bg


This place is located in the outher space in Ajmojo galaxy.
If your really lucky you may find it.


Gameboy your getting very good at this...

ps new screen?


Thanks!  :)

Not actually a new screen.


Edit: I decided to change my entry:

Edit: OH NO! Not again:

Beware the space monkey holo-poster!!!

And yet another edit: This background was made entirely on MSPaint. No other software was used, no layers were involved and no tracing was even mentioned.


So, it's the 26th (at least where I am), which means there's only a day or so to go. (Wow, that sentence rolls of the tongue!)
Although we already have numerous and great entries, how about you, yeah YOU participating too before this competition closes!

@Anym: I especially bought some infra-red goggles, just to have a look at that floor of yours, but my monitor doesn't seem to support infra-red, darn!


The Mars Cafe with a little bit entertaiment.

Tonight - the snake woman!

My Blog


OK, let the voting commence:

Best Idea: Anym (has some nice touches with the toilets, picture etc...)

Best Functionality: Anym (I can just imagine some aliens sitting there, and there a things for a character to do, like going to the toilet...)

Best Design: Krysis (for me it has to be, it's just so cubistically cool!)

Best Technique: gameboy (Nice simple shading and high-lighting.)


Best Idea: Privateer Pudding (that's exactly how I imagined the mars cafe!)

Best Functionality: Anym

Best Design: Krysis (yes very nice and clean!)

Best Technique: gameboy (the same mad said:P)


Best Idea: Anym (for his infra-red floor painting) ;)

Best Functionality: Anym (there is alot to do in here and alot of space to do it)

Best Design: Anym (Its very interesting bg)

Best Technique: gameboy ( I like gb's style and if it was laid out more interestingly he would probably have all my votes.)

Just wanna say GREAT bgs everyone!!!

Welcome Sham_Yesh! Not a bad bg for your fist atttempt.

Privateer Puddin'

Krysis. For all of them. I want to go there now.


Best Idea: Privateer Pudding, because his entry makes me hum "Stairway to Heaven"
Best Functionality: Krysis, not too empty, not too full; I especially like the hatch next to the door to the kitchen (?)
Best Design: Krysis, but I prefer the version before the one with the space monkey; I like the perspective and the colors, but I dislike that the poster seems to have a lower resolution than the rest of the background, yet not a low enough one to look pointilistic
Best Technique: gameboy, very realistic

I'm actually not enirely sure what "Best Design" refers to. Stuff like layout (which is what I judged mostly) and positioning of light sources?
I look just like Bobbin Threadbare.


All the backgrounds were nice and had good points, but my votes are:

Best Idea: Anym
Best Functionality: Clip
Best Design: Krysis
Best Technique: Gameboy


I vote for Krysis. (all)
Since I do NOT like to eat unther such picture on the wall :)

it seems that Clip had the flying table idea first... ;)

where is the Stefano's picture? ???
My Blog


Best Idea: Anym
Best Functionality: Krysis
Best Design: Anym
Best Technique: Anym


Best Idea: Anym
Best Functionality: Gameboy
Best Design: Privateer Puddin'
Best Technique: Gameboy


Best Idea(s): Anym
Best Functionality: yarooze
Best Design: Privateer Puddin'
Best Technique: Gameboy


Best idea, design and functionality: Krysis,
best technique: gameboy.
a.k.a. johnnyspade

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

A winner is:

Best Design:  Krysis, it's left open enough to add alot of details.

Best Idea:  Privateer Puddin'.  Though it doesn't really show the actual cafe, the layout is nice.

Best Functionality: Krysis, again it is an open enough area to allow for alot of movement

Best Technique:  Krysis.


best idea: anym
best design: anym (i like the detail, no empty spaces)
best functionality: anym
best technique: anym

creator of Duty and Beyond


So, if I've counted correctly:

the winner is...(insert drum roll here)... Krysis with whopping 20 votes,

hard on his heels we have Anym with 16 votes

and a good 3rd place goes to gameboy with 9 votes

runners up are:
Privateer Pudding with 5 votes
Clip and Yarooze with each 1 vote

As winner Krysis may collect his very own, original Mars Cafe Badge for free, yes Nogmorzes and Fooblobs you sensed correctly with your versatile organs, for free!!!


I thought Anym's going to win this one. I'm starting the next one as soon as I think of a good theme... ;)
Good luck and - I love all of the entries. Awesome.

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