Background Blitz: Animated Background - WINNERS in LAST POST!

Started by Miez, Mon 17/03/2014 22:16:22

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Background Blitz: Animated Background

For this Background Blitz I would like you to make an animated background. Animation can be full screen (as in a scrolling/looping background) or it can be animated elements in a static background.

Additional rules
Entries should be designed as playable backgrounds within an (imagined) AGS game, so they should have: a walkable area, at least one exit, and some clear hotspots.
Any resolution permitted.
Image should be an animated GIF (so there's an implied 256 color maximum).
Animation should run for a minimum of 3 frames.
Any theme or setting is permitted.

The contest part of the Blitz will run for two weeks, with submissions due on Tuesday, April 1st (no joke :D )

EDIT: the deadline has been extended to Sunday, April 6th, 24:00 in whatever your time zone happens to be

Additional Info
There's online websites that will help you turn a number of images into animated gifs, if your graphic software does not support this:

The following awards are up for grabs:

Most importantly: HAVE FUN!



To boldly go where none have gone before...

This would also work in "that other thread," but I choose to dump it here. The light panels were a pain.



Red alert! Red Alert!  Turbolift malfunction!

Cool entry jwalt.



So, only a couple of more days to go and only one entry sofar ???
Are more in the works? Do I need to extend this compo for a couple of days?


Mine is still in the works, I should be posting soon.


Okay, here's mine. A visit to the traveling fair.



I'm working on something as well. As usual, no idea whether I'll finish by the deadline (or at all)... Depending on how it's looking tomorrow I might ask for an extension, if that's OK with you Miez.


Nice background, Hana! There's so much going on...
And just let me know Snarky - extensions are available :D


I may request an extension as well. I never get these things done on time.


Good news everybody! The deadline has been extended to Sunday, April 6th, 24:00 in whatever your time zone happens to be


Damn, still couldn't finish it by the deadline. Well, here's the WIP, anyway:

The animation was meant to be the water (yes, that's supposed to be a river) and the leaves, primarily, with maybe slight movement on the mist as well.
There's obviously loads of stuff left to do before it would be even halfway ready, and these are definitely not the final colors.


I like the trees and the colors already. If this is not a game where you play jesus... where would be the walkable area?


I also love the colours, Snarky. Full of ethereal drama. There's really nothing wrong with it.
I'd say the walking (in this case swimming) area is the river, yes?
Working on a RON game!!!!!


Like in MI2 or that bit in Conquest of the Longbows, this would be a paddle-able screen. (It's very loosely inspired by the canoe outing at the last Mittens.) For some reason, my idea was that you'd be using a big cauldron for a boat...

Also, there was supposed to be a big flower hanging down from the big tree branch, providing the required hot spot, but I forgot to turn on that layer. :-[

Edit: And thanks guys. I think the main tree came out pretty well (though the boughs of leaves are tough to get right); I worked pretty hard to make it 3-dimensional with branches heading towards and away from the viewer, not just out to the sides. But it took so long to do that part that I couldn't finish the rest, or work out a layout or color composition I was happy with. Or, you know, do the actual animation...


Oh sugar - I almost forgot about this one! 8-0

So, without further ado: It's voting time.

We have three entries this time:




(I know Snarky didn't actually finish his entry completely - as there is no animation, but I've decided to include it anyway).

Voting is open till Saturday April 19th. Just vote for your favourite entry (one vote per person). In case of any ties I'll make Final Judgment :-D


so while I'm here, let me say Snarky's piece looks great and promising, but I don't want to vote for unfinished entries that don't fit the contest criteria so my vote goes to jwalt because I like the humor in it :)


Ah, shoot! I actually kept working on this throughout last week, and almost got it ready before Miez called the contest.

(As mentioned above, I wanted to animate the leaves and mist as well, but I've spent way too much time on this already. Well, at least now it adheres to the blitz theme.)

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