Background Blitz - April 23 - May 6 - WINNER

Started by Neil Dnuma, Mon 23/04/2007 18:21:14

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Neil Dnuma

Most game shows are incredibly lame. Except maybe some of the Japanese ones. Now, I want to see some designs for a show to spice up the lives of the TV slaves.

Usually these shows are made inside a studio, but there's nothing wrong with taking it outside, anywhere you like.

Any AGS resoultion
At least 2 colors

I give this one and a half week to begin with, if there's less than 3 entries, I'll extend.

About the voting categories:

Idea - The underlying idea to the background. Doesn't
necessarily have to coincide perfectly with the theme of the
week, just strike you as interesting/amusing/inspiring; a place
you'd really enjoy visiting within a game.

Atmosphere - How well the image manages to evoke a certain feeling or mood.

Design - How well the elements in the image are designed,
such as landscapes, buildings, decorations, clouds, doorknobs,

Composition - How well the elements in the image work
together/are positioned in relation to each other.

Functionality - How well it would work when adding sprites, i
ncluding appropriate walking distances, a good angle for
character sprites, clever walkway solutions, easily understood
exits, etc.

Technique - How well the ideas are executed in form of

Anyone is welcome to vote, and it would be
great if all participants could provide their own.
You don't have to vote in all categories, and
if you provide multiple names in a category,
then please be clear about which one is your pick.


Oh good! I can just use a background I will be making for raven. I will have mine ready soon.

Steel Drummer

I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you have to use something made exclusively for the competition.
I'm composing the music for this game:


Nah, it's not that strict. As long as it hasn't been completed before the blitz, it's ok. So if you have any bgs in the works, they are acceptable.


O.k. here is my entry

Who wants to be queen of Hellenas!? I couldn't think of much to put on it so I added some people in the foreground watching. I would have had a camera, but that wouldn't fit the setting. The contestant and the Host will sit in the chairs at the center.

Steel Drummer

I'm composing the music for this game:


joelphilippage, that's very Quentin Blake! I like it.


Quote from: markbilly on Wed 25/04/2007 20:22:25
joelphilippage, that's very Quentin Blake! I like it.
Actually he's the person that gave me the idea for raven with his illustrations for the book mortimer that i read when I was little.

Neil Dnuma

I'm extending this one by request, till the 6th of May (which happens to be my 30th birthday).

That means we will get at least one more entry, by one of the masters of the trade.

Since this Blitz has been so popular (irony), I'm now raising the stakes! Every entrant will recieve one beer, free of charge. You will have to visit Oslo though, but I'll guarantee you'll enjoy the beer!

Now get painting!

Daniel Thomas
The Medieval show - With your favorite actors, jokers and music from the local pub band. Also features the latest and hotest gossip from the kings castle, and not to forget the daily update on the hangings and head chopps.

Ok, Didnt turn out how I expected(almost never does anyway) :)
Was first going for a more cellshaded style alá Day of the tentacle, but it ended somewhere in the between of that and how I usually do.
Somewhat messy, but I wanted to take a break from it and leave it like this for now.

I hope its not too dark for you in the forum - as always: best viewed in fullscreen ;P
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Wow! Awesome :D, zynd. I think this is my favorite from yours. I love the colours, although the bottom left corner is just a tad washed out. Nevertheless, great division of lighted and dim areas, and absolutely friggin fantabulous composition. Great job, dude :).

I think I might enter this one now :D.

(note: this post is more congratulatory than critiquing.)

Daniel Thomas

Yea, I never tweaked it that much, you can see that most of the colors arent inside the lines - I wasnt going for lines first.
If I only had done it in flash it probably might been cleaner and less messy, but you havent done that tutorial yet ;P
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio

Steel Drummer

It's very nice, but don't think it's very 'game friendly', as the image would be very hard to animate.
I'm composing the music for this game:


Steel Drummer

The camera, the legs on the very side of the stage, and lots of other stuff. Without background animation, it would look static and lifeless.
I'm composing the music for this game:


Unless it's a set after production.

I think it looks magnificent zynd! One of your better! :)

Daniel Thomas

Hard? I disagree, looks easy to animate in my eyes (I enjoy animating too). I could do backgrounds thats "game friendly" but then probably some of the things will be gone and done with sprites - which doesnt do the composition justice. Its not like I never worked on adventure games :)
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


An amazing background. Really great. Is the doodle your signature?

Daniel Thomas

Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


 ;D lol you drew it. From the feet of the guy in the foreground a little to the right, there is the outline of a clown doll. I thought you hid it as a gimmick.

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