Background Blitz- Contest Closed

Started by Kelma, Wed 16/06/2010 01:54:09

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Theme: A Garden

Create a garden with only the limitations of your imagination.  It can be anything from a beautiful paradise to a withered and weedy ruin; you decide.

Winners will be decided for the following categories:

Idea - The creativity and originality of the work
Design- How innovative and intriguing is the depiction of the idea/theme? How well do content and details enhance the work?
Technique-The artistic skill and style employed in depicting the theme.
Functionality- How well the background would work in a game.



I am going to enter, but it won't be in till the end of the day.

I hope some one else is going to do one, I don't want to be all on my lonesome.


I really love that SookieSock! reminds me of a children's book  :)


Quote from: SookieSock on Wed 30/06/2010 03:51:06

I hope some one else is going to do one, I don't want to be all on my lonesome.

I did start one, however the summer heat keeps melting my brain and prevented me from finishing.


Thanks for your entry Sookie!

Unfortunately it's not much of a contest without more than 1 entry, so I've decided to extend the deadline by a few days.  I hope that's okay with everybody :>


That's great news! I hope you get more entries.

I had started an entry - it's literally "a garden" since it was also meant to be a father's day card (my dad's a gardener, obviously) - but it never really went anywhere.

I'll try to finish it and enter it to make up the numbers. No way I can match Sookie's quality though!

Crimson Wizard

I want to try too. Just started though. I have not much free time recently, but I'll try my best to finish in time. Besides, I need practice, and I found competitions are best at pushing me to do something ;)

Crimson Wizard

Umm... I have a question. I want to participate but I will only have time to finish my picture tomorrow (3rd July), but I won't be able to use internet until late sunday (4th July, GMT+3 time). So I wonder, will you wait for me? :)


No problem Crimson!!  I want to make sure I don't cut off any time zones early anyway, so I probably won't start the voting until the morning of the 5th.

Crimson Wizard

Okay, this is my entry. It's a little bit unpolished though, because I must go to bed now (I rise to my work in early morning); also that's why I just painted distant background fast... anyway, I think I succeeded in what I wanted to do :)

My Little Magic Garden

Fröken Björk of the town of Olgrad knows a magic secret which keeps her flower shop running even in the middle of the winter...


That's really good! :)
But Sookiesock's is too!

It will be hard to vote.


Out of time again, so no lighting, no shadows, no finished backdrop and no perspective correction.

....but hey, the flowers look pretty (and it makes up numbers bit.)



 :o WOW! :o Amazing entries from everyone, it's almost a crime to tack my crappy entry on the end=S

Well I did say i'd enter. So here's some filler:

There's plenty I wanted to add -  more shadows, fix the bird table and greenhouse etc, better highlights on the tree.. but i'm shattered to be honest. Gonna call it a night.

Great entries everyone=)

Crimson Wizard

Umm... I am watching my entry on another computer and it looks like there is way too much green hue in it. (I've drawn picture on my laptop, which displays everything in pastel colours)  Is it how other people see this, or its just a weird monitor of mine? :-\


Looks fine at my end. Colour overall is a bit richer than pastel, but I don't see a problem with the green. The whole thing works really well.

It's very good=)


Time to begin the voting!

Winners will be chosen for each of the following categories:

Idea - The creativity and originality of the work
Design- How innovative and intriguing is the depiction of the idea/theme? How well do content and details enhance the work?
Technique-The artistic skill and style employed in depicting the theme.
Functionality- How well the background would work in a game.

Please vote for a winner in each category.

Voting ends July 9th.


Idea - Crimson Wizard
Design - Victor6
Technique - SookieSock
Functionality - SookieSock


Idea - Crimson Wizard.
Design - Crimson Wizard.
Technique - SookieSock.
Functionality - Victor6.
"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


Idea - Victor6
Design - Victor6
Technique - SookieSock.
Functionality - Victor6.

Intense Degree

Idea - Crimson Wizard.
Design - Crimson Wizard.
Technique - Victor6
Functionality - Straydogstrut

Well done everyone though, tough choices.


Idea: Crimson Wizard
Design: Victor6
Technique: SookieSock
Functionality: SookieSock


Thanks to everyone who participated!

Congratulations to our winners:

Idea:   Crimson Wizard
Design:   Victor6
Technique:   Sookiesock
Functionality:   Sookiesock & Victor6

Victor6 and Sookiesock tie for the overall win.
As decided by a coin toss, Sookiesock will be the host for the next Background Blitz.


Yay for joint winning :D

I've got to think of some thing else now. :P Ill post the next background blitz soon.

Crimson Wizard

By the way, Victor6, you forgot to pickup your golden trophy here:

Good thing I did not won, I can participate in the next one :)


Congrats to SookieSock on this one, far more deserved imo.

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sat 10/07/2010 10:39:47
By the way, Victor6, you forgot to pickup your golden trophy here:

I kinda remembered, in the obscure background humor reference way, but not in the obvious forum sig related fashion..... 

that'll make sense in about a year or two, honest.

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