Background Blitz - Crazy Temperature (Winner: Jack)

Started by Cassiebsg, Mon 08/06/2020 22:43:11

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Rules are simple, make a background for an AGS ready game (maybe one that even fits a game you're developing?).
Previous BG Blitz(s):

This time the theme is Temperature. Go crazy and to the extremes... be it very hot or very cold... or both at the same time.  (laugh) Let us feel the temperature in the room just by looking at the BG! You are free to interpret the theme as you like.

Here's a few pics as inspiration (source:

Judging criteria Stolen from ildu:

Concept - Is the idea novel and intriguing?
Playability - Would it work?
Artistic merit - Is it visually impressive?

Accepting entries until [b]Sunday, June 28th[/b]. (feel free to ask for an extension if you need it!) Extended to Friday, 3rd July.


I declare Jack the winner with his magnificent hot and dry Dune inspired BG!  :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


One week to go. Any one working on something?
Remember that you can use the BG for your current game/MAGS entry as well... or just do it for fun.  ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I'll see if I can think of something that will work for both. Or can be modified. Or something.


Is there a connection between the worms and the spice?


How Jack, that's really hot.  (nod) I don't envy that lone man, not at all.  (wrong)

Do I notice a theme in your latest entries?  ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Fantastic Dune-esque background, Jack! It gives a great sense of scale.


Kind of a shame this ended yesterday. The current background I'm working for my Mags game would fit. But ah well. The Spice must flow.


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Oops. I kind of forgot the extended deadline. Ah well, I doubt I could have come anywhere close to as good as Jack's Arrakis scene.


Oh, and I forgot to close this.  :-[

Anyway, Jack you have the ball.
Pitty you have to win by default though. It's a really good piece and it deserved a challenge.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Thanks, glad I had the idea and an excuse to work on it.

Might have to do a roll call to see how many forum members are in the pokey for looting and arson.

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