Background Blitz: From the Mountains to the Sea (Winner announced)

Started by Sinitrena, Thu 23/09/2021 01:23:15

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From the Mountains to the Sea

Someone once told me that you can either like the mountains or the sea (as a holiday location) but not both. I'm not sure that's true, but I certainly would say I prefer the mountains.

Which one is it for you? Where would you rather live or spend your vacation? Is it swimming on a tropical beach or skiing in the wide ranges of the Alps? Maybe a bit of tracking and mountain climbing? Or perhaps you'd rather have a surfboard or a jetski? Maybe it's kind of both, with a sand mountain instead of a sandcastle on the beach or maybe a wide lake to swim in among high mountain ranges?

(Somewhere close to the border between Germany and Austria - I forgot to properly index my photos)

Show us your nice little idyllic (or less idyllic, that's not actually a requirement) depiction of a mountain or ocean scene. It can contain elements of human inhabitants, but please focus on the nature.

Deadline: 7 October 2021
New Deadline: 10 October



There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I'm planning to do something, but it'll be tough to meet the Thursday deadline.


Deadlines are there to be extended. That's how we always handled this, didn't we.

Here, have a weekend!

New Daedline: 10th October


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


This is Castello Filla Compo near the Baglorian Sea. There is a small dock on the base of the rock on which the Castello is built, but it is not shown in this image.



The Day after the Storm.

The sea gives you freedom and shares its vast bounties as readily as it kills you. Not today, though. You are spared. You are were you need to be.

The cliffs and the downs are always so calm and kind when the storm-cat is quiet. The Islanders know this. The cost in flesh is agreeable when held beside the returns.

The fishermen took you to safety when you washed up. Your pocket-watch did not survive, but you did. Costs and prices. Another day under the sun, at the mercy of the sea.

Carry on, Agent. For crown and fatherland.


I think we've got some voting to do here! (Sorry for the delay, it seems I mixed up my dates  :-[)

We'v got two lovely holiday destinations by blur and Reiter.

Voting is done in the following categories:

Concept: Your background should tell us something about the place you have depicted.
Playability: Does it have clearly defined walkable areas, things to interact with, etc?
Artistic Execution: Does the image convey the wanted atmosphere? What's the feeling of the place?

One vote per category, please, and remember that you do not be an entrant to vote. Everyone is welcome. Additional comments to the votes are also welcome, but not necessary.

Voting Deadline: 16. October


My two cents :). Big ups to both!

Concept: Reiter. The theme involved focus on nature over human-built elements, so I think this is an interesting take. The shipwreck expresses directly nature's dominion over our puny ships :).
Playability: Blur. While Reiter has a more conventional scene with greatly interactable intriguing areas, I would like to see how Blur's would be used, with the overhanging cliff and descending stairs.
Artistic Execution: Reiter. I think this one just oozes atmosphere with the shipwreck and everything. It's also nicely rendered, has calm muted colors and shows depth in an interesting way.


Do you know what it takes to vote here?

- looking at two beautiful pictures
- having an opinion
- the ability to copy-paste the categories and putting names next to them

It's really easy!

You can do it!  (nod)

(I want more votes; come on, guys and gals.)


Concept: Reiter and Blur - I simply couldn’t decide between the two for this category.

Playability: Reiter - I like Blur’s cliff side steps and it has plenty of walkable area, but Reiter’s boat wreck, on top of the detailed textures of the rocks and grass, provides more to do in terms of searching and interacting.

Artistic expression: Reiter - I’m particularly impressed by the way you captured the motion of the water with just a few curvy lines. It really works, and the details of the boat wreck are also well done.


Concept: Reiter - I love the concept of the castle by the sea, maybe it's just my love for medieval adventure.  But Reiter's shipwreck reminds me of King's Quest 6, while at the same time evoking familiar scenes from my new home on Cape Breton Island, so that gets the vote.
Playability: Blur - I'm certainly interested in searching the remains of the shipwreck, but I can immediately imagine what I'd like to do in Blur's room.  As exciting as the castle looks, I'd like to go down the stairs and check out the dock.
Artistic Execution: Reiter - Just good pixel art.  Simple and understated colour palette.  Easy to understand.  Well done!

Both entries are great, and I debated on a couple answers.  Good job!


Concept: Blur - I really like the idea of this castle by the clip/rock shore, but all I get is a transition screen, with 3 (maybe 4) exits but not much more to interact, explore and click on.

Playability: Reiter - There are really several places I want to explore and click on, in the hopes of finding useful stuff to help me in my quest. There are even berries on the grass and the potential of digging in the sand to find extra stuff!

Artistic Execution: Reiter - Lovely pixel art with rich detail, even though it's a simple enough room. Just right amount of detail might I add.  (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


And we have a winner!

A pretty clear winner at that:

blur's Castle recieved 3 1/2 points. I really like the scene and would love to explore the castle and especially the dock down below. In real life, that is. For a game, it does give the impression of a transition screen with not a whole lot to do. I find it a bit weird that no path leads from the street to the steps even though one would assume people regularly go that way. The style is fairly easy and straightforward with not a whole lot of details, but I like it nonetheless. It seems to fit the scene well enough.

Reiter got 8 1/2 points and is a clear winner here. Congratulations. A shipwreak to explore, cliffs and flowers to give the scene depth and waves in the ocean with just a few lines of blue. It's not a very eleborate style either, but offers more to interact with than blur's scene. There are some really nice details here.

And that leaves the job of Background Blitz Competition Administrator to Reiter. You may start a new round.


Goodness! I am happy that you liked my piece. I shall confess that I was unsure if I had time to participate in this competition, despite being very fond of the theme. Still, in the end, I decided to make some time for it, and sketch a piece together in the last minute. Luckily, I had a plan already for the background. It was very good practice.

The ship is a stand-in for the replica east indiaman Götheborg, which is a truly beautiful ship. One that has fared better than the one in my picture, at least.


The shore, meanwhile, is mostly inspired by the rocky, crumbly coast of north Wales, although it became the chalky downs of Dover once I sat down to draw it. Those type of cliffs are very MS Paint-friendly. It is, however, very difficult to get across that feeling of the shore, on a calm day after a storm has passed. It is out of this world.

I do love the sea. It is blue when the mood strikes it, but it has so many different colours and variations. It can kill you the moment it likes, but it gives so much that it seems only fair. I am quite happy with my picture; only that now I feel an obligation to make a game for it.

With only two pieces in, I did not want to vote, but I shall say I really like blur's castle on the rocks. It is splendid, and it is an excellent setting for a game. There are so many possibilities, and I like the clear marks of where the player is expected to go. Endless possibilities. Very good, indeed!

I shall see about starting another leg of the Background Blitz shortly!

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