Background-Blitz Jan 21st - Feb 4th

Started by Simonsez128, Sun 21/01/2007 09:38:09

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Ok :) After counting all votes the results are as follows:

joelphilippage - 6 votes

gypsysnail - 17 votes

Zapper - 3 votes

Postmodern_Boy - 8 votes

Esper - 14 votes

So the winner is gypsysnail !!!
Congratulations, start the next competition as soon as you like!

To all the other contestants: Thank you very much for participating! Keep on making backgrounds!

To the voters: Great input! This way there's really something behind this competition.

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I'd like to add, Simonsez, that it was a really good topic for the Background Blitz. It inspired me to do a background (a screen from Heart of Darkness, which I think could actually make a good adventure game), but a period of lethargy kept me from completing it.


Hi all!!! Wow!! My first ever win in the AGS competitions, thank you everyone for your votes, comments and ways I could improve the background for a future game - will take it on board for certain. And thank you for appreciating my background and for all the support we get for our work. Everyone did very well with their backgrounds, so all are a winner for trying. I will be thinking of a good theme for the next background competition. Ideas rolling in my head now... and possibly a trophy. Once again a big thank you to all! :)
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congrats gypsy. this was indeed a nce topic for the blitz. i wanted to enter but didnt have the time

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