Background Blitz - Jan 28 to Feb 11- Winner Announced

Started by ThreeOhFour, Wed 28/01/2009 13:47:04

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Time for another Backround Blitz! :D

Theme: Graveyard

This theme is open to interpretation; while you are welcome to do a spooky cemetary, I would also love to see some entries like old car junkyards or similar sorts of ideas!

Restrictions: Background must be drawn at a resolution supported by AGS, however if your background is clearly scrollable this will be allowed. No other restrictions.

Voting starts 11th Feb 2009, unless more time is requested.
The voting will be done in these categories:

Idea - The underlying idea to the background. Doesn't
necessarily have to coincide perfectly with the theme of the
week, just strike you as interesting/amusing/inspiring; a place
you'd really enjoy visiting within a game.

Atmosphere - How well the image manages to evoke a certain feeling or mood.

Design - How well the elements in the image are designed,
such as landscapes, buildings, decorations, clouds, doorknobs,

Composition - How well the elements in the image work
together/are positioned in relation to each other.

Functionality - How well it would work when adding sprites,
including appropriate walking distances, a good angle for
character sprites, clever walkway solutions, easily understood
exits, etc.

Technique - How well the ideas are executed in form of

Have fun, and I look forward to your entries!


Wow, thats a great one  ;D But i will not participate i think... It will depends


Okay, I guess I'm the first entry... I decided to give a peaceful and serene feel to the sacred grounds of the cemetery: 

The epitaphs read: "RIP Mrs Person" and "RIP Mr Person" (original huh?)
"Hail to the king, baby!"


well, this is a Monsters cementery

Image was drawn at 1574x768 for a game at 800x600 or 1024x748 resolution, but i set width=820 height=400 in the link to be contained here.

EDIT: Thanks and sorry, i removed non-static elements. I can't think on remove other elments because this picture was drawn specificaly for this background blitz.


Wow, not bad. I wanna see that game with those graphics.


Jerakin, that's great, awesome details.
Since this is a background competition, I would recommend that you remove the sprites and characters and other non-static elements.


In the distant future even AIs choose religion. So space graveyards have AI areas. Some lucky spaceships ended in "Silent gray road" cemetary  ;D

PS. I know it sucks, my drawing skills are nonexistent, but had fun making it.



It reminds me of that twilight zone episode where the guy tries to read all the time and the nuclear bomb goes off.
Quote from: Calin Elephantsittingonface on Tue 08/02/2011 09:00:55
The only person in favour of the mobs seems to be IndieBoy.. but he's scottish so we dont listen to him anyway.


Great entries everyone!

I will be closing this up tomorrow unless I get any extension requests, so be sure to have any further entries in by then!



If you need some extra time, I will be willing to accomodate! Just letteth me be informed of it!




Sorry I'm still working on my entry. As my software of choice has failed I'm delayed a few days


Honestly, I consider extending the dates of this challenges totally unfair... some people fought against the time restrictions, struggled to make a painting that could have been better with more time.

Also, there might be people who consider's  this weeks topic unappealing and might be waiting to the next topic to participate. The deadline was the 11th. Buckethead won't show his entry till, the earliest, the 16th. Some hours might be okay.  5 days is not, IMO. We had enough time for making another challenge, almost.

Move on... and let' s vote.
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


Ok if anyone is bothered by this, I'm ok with voting starting now.  :)


My vote goes for BOG, then.

EDIT: Hey, I forgot the new rules for voting, hehehe...

Idea- Jerakeen.
Atmosphere- Bog
Design- Jerakeen.
Composition- Rharpe.
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


Idea - Jerakeen

Atmosphere - Bog

Design - Bog

Composition - Rharpe

Functionality - Jerakeen

Technique - Bog


i didn`t undestand Bog graveyard but...

idea - Jerakeen

Atmosphere - Jerakeen

Design - Bog

Composition - Rharpe

Functionality - Bog

Technique - Bog


I think it' s a pun... Nowadays libraries are quiet as cementeries...
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


:P I was going to PM you about it too, BH.

I'll announce the winner in 2 days, please make sure you have voted by then :).


I understand your position, Ben... I was a little depressed yesterday, sorry.
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


Quote from: Nacho on Sun 15/02/2009 22:46:51
I think it' s a pun... Nowadays libraries are quiet as cementeries...

haha that's cool but i wasn't thinking that, i just wanted to make some postapocalyptic graveyard city and i was googling some random images when i found a library that kinda looked like this so i thought i could use it. i was going to make some skeletons on the front steps to make it more of a graveyard but couldn't find the time cause of my exams.

my votes:

Idea - stajp

Atmosphere - jerakeen

Design - rharpe

Composition - rharpe

Functionality - jerakeen

Technique - rharpe


Idea - jerakeen

Atmosphere - rharpe

Design - jerakeen

Composition - bog

Functionality - stajp

Technique - rharpe


Idea - Stajp

Atmosphere - Bog

Design - Rharpe

Composition - Rharpe

Functionality - bog

Technique - Rharpe


Idea - bog 

Atmosphere - rharpe 

Design - bog 

Composition - rharpe

Functionality - jerakeen

Techique - bog


Ok, folks, it has come time to tally up your votes and announce who got the most. But first, let's have a quick look at all of your entries:

Rharpe: I like the nice, friendly colours you have used here, and the inclusion of trees in the foreground is a nice touch. The cracks and vines on the headstones add a nice sense of both detail and age to the image - great work!

Jerakeen: The colours you have chosen here really evoke a feeling of a desert with lots of canyons, and really match the landscape, which I really like. The details are fantastic, with lots of different monsters to look at and the style of background would really suit an adventure game. Excellent entry!

Stajp: I really like the idea you've presented here, with AI constructs having a religion - I find this very interesting. The floating headstones are a very nice touch and add a science fiction feel to the background which works in it's favour. Good job!

Bog: This is a really nice mix of clean, well defined shapes, lots of detail elements and a very pleasing colour palette. The evidence of wear and tear on the building give a strong sense of decay to the image, and adding tall buildings in the background really add to the atmosphere of being in a city. Well done!

With that out of the way, the votes have been counted, and the winner is Bog with his post apocalyptic library scene.

Congratulations to Bog, for his great entry, and well done to everyone else who submitted a scene. Some really great work here, guys!


hey thanks!, i hope i'll finish my background some time, right now i'm a little sick of it

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