Background Blitz: Kubla Khan (WINNERS in LAST POST)

Started by Miez, Wed 03/04/2013 00:52:24

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Selmiak - isn't it just pressing the numbers 1 to 0?


Yep, it's 1 for 10% up to 0 for 100% opacity. I also use 'v' for move and 'space' to drag the canvas a lot. But then, I tend to work at 400% magnification or more.

And Selmiak and Shane: I have faith in you guys! keep it up! :D


Excellent! Everything proceeds as planned. *rubs hands* I figured some cool guy will teach me these opacity shortcuts if I sound desperate enough, thanks guys :D
and yeah, v and space are also really handy! Also useful is m for the marquee tool or ctrl+click on layer to paint within some boundaries. We should just have a 'useful shortcuts for paint programs' sticky thread in an appropriate forum. Maybe even with shortcuts for mac users :P


I'm really scared of all these newcomers with their mad skills, taking over competitions, I might not even enter this time. Nah, I'll enter, they have to beat somebody to win.  :grin:

Quote from: selmiak on Sat 13/04/2013 00:48:34
Excellent! Everything proceeds as planned. *rubs hands* I figured some cool guy will teach me these opacity shortcuts if I sound desperate enough, thanks guys :D
and yeah, v and space are also really handy! Also useful is m for the marquee tool or ctrl+click on layer to paint within some boundaries. We should just have a 'useful shortcuts for paint programs' sticky thread in an appropriate forum. Maybe even with shortcuts for mac users :P
Well Mac/Win for Photoshop is basically just substitute Alt for Option etc. (they're basically the same combo of keys).
Also cool things - Ctrl+J copy a selection into a new layer,
Ctrl+click on the layer picture in the Layer panel turns everything in that layer into a selection (good for making masks quickly),
Ctrl+D deselects,
Alt+holding right mouse click and moving it changes the hardness and size of the brush,
if you can't see what you're selecting because of the "ants" around the selection -> Ctrl+H (after you're done, don't forget there's a selection active though)
if you want to select some element but you have many layers and don't know which one it is on -> Move tool(V) then Ctrl+click on the element and it'll jump to that layer...
For people using tablets, combination of Alt and Ctrl and buttons on the pen are awesome for zooming and changing the brush size
I don't want the world, I just want your half


a bit off-topic but you can change the opacity with a shortcut: 0 to 9 on your numpad :)

edit: whoops didn't see all these replies above! :P

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Here's where I am now.  I originally planned to hand texture the mountains but I just don't have time so I applied a texture and did some touch up work on it instead (still need to do some along the skyline so it looks less generic).  I should be able to get the castle portion finished the way I want to, at least.


Nice progress, Shane! It's quite an ambitious BG, at this resolution...


If no miracle happens I guess I'm out. My power supply unit just burned down and I'm here with my laptop now. Not only that the laptop is slow and it is a pain to draw on it, also the files are of course on the other PC :(
But I called around to find someone who can spare a power supply unit for a few days, maybe a miracle happens (and not everyone switched to mac :P).


That sucks, Selmiak - fingers crossed for a miracle! :D


Yeah, very sad to say this, but I think I might have to duck out of this one as well. I love the theme, but I've had a really really busy couple weeks and haven't found the time to work on my piece. :~(




hehe, the miracle is called electronics store. Even though I wanted to test if it is the powersupply or even the graphics card that went down before just buying something new, but i just got a new part and with some fiddeling it works. I even have 2 plugs left over after installing it. Back to business then, dunno if I finish but at least I have access to my files again and will upload as far as it goes...

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Well, I messed up quite a few things including having to recover from a photoshop crash but this is about as done as I'll have time to do.  I didn't get around to fixing the perspective on the left side of the castle or the sky really (not that it needs clouds, but it's kind of boring right now) and due to a screw up the trees ended up more pixelated than I wanted.  It's also lacking considerable detail I wanted to add (including a town to the right and a mountain lake connecting visibly to the waterfall) but oh well.

It's pretty shitty but it's there :).

Oh, and I wanted to add that I used Neuschwanstein Castle in Austria as inspiration so some of the architecture is similar in parts.  Other bits I just made up.



I've sketched this yesterday, but I'm afraid I won't have time to finish it before the deadline. It's pretty much useless for AGS right now. I had this image of woman weeping for her demon-lover stuck in my mind all the time and I'm thinking she sent me wrong way with this background :/ Well, so much for my effort :)


Damn, I won't make. Well never mind, lots of great entries.

EDIT (for Trampoline):
Humblest apologies my good sir,
and my changes causing a bigger slur.

Shame my pixeling did not conclude,
and I am sorry if I seemed rude.

But there's still hope, do not fret
I am not finished with Blitzes yet!
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Quote from: Anian on Fri 19/04/2013 14:46:54
I'd like to finish something up today, so I'll hand it in tomorrow if I may.

If all requests would rhyme so fine,
how could anyone reject your act.

As under the auspice' of Miez,
at his behest, leniency is a frequent guest!

So, do not fret, I wager he'd agree, it is a bet.   

To all of you, as ever,
all yo' entries appear 'sweet ass' and very clever! :tongue:

edit: Dang, Anian. :tongue: You changed it, it doesn't work anymore!!
edit2: Uhh, saved it, thanks to the invention of the 'back' button! :cool:
edit3: Also: I tip my hat to you, good sir, well played!


still painting on it (should stop browsing the forums...). When is deadline?


The mystic megapolis of Kubla Khan. Where even the people have pointed heads...


as this blitz focuses on architecture of course I painted the background first and lost some time painting the actual building, so you might notice some copy+pasted 'houses' but I tried to mask this as good as I could.

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