Background Blitz: Let's make fun of the Dutch (Deadline Feb. 23rd)

Started by Misj', Tue 21/01/2025 18:48:25

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Theme: Let's make fun of the Dutch...

I think we all agree that the Netherlands is the greatest country in the world...

...but that doesn't mean you can't make fun of them. Or if you like to be more personal make fun of me as I'm Dutch (and no, I'm not from Holland!)

So for this Blitz you can be as clownish or cliché as you like while you draw the Nederlands/the Dutch. Any subject goes (as long as the final drawing is considered appropriate for audiences) any time-period goes (past, present, future, or any other time-period you can think of). Of course it doesn't have to be a caricature or parody of this great country. You can be positive. But why would you? - It's the Dutch we're talking about.  ;)

In sort: draw something you associate with the Netherlands/the Dutch.

Deadline: Feburari 23rd

As usual the entries will be judged on:
- Concept: Is it a creative interpretation of the theme that also tells us something about the world in which it takes place.
- Playability: Does it have clear walkable areas, things to interact with, etc?
- Artistic Execution: How well was the chosen style executed? - What's the feeling of the place? - Does the image convey the wanted atmosphere?

To your pencils!


The Dutch Dutch Slope

There is a street in Nagasaki called "Dutch Slope", named after the late 19th century Dutch merchant houses built on this hill. So in order to make it less slope and more Dutch, I applied a Dutch angle to my photo.

Is this useable as background? Definitely not! But I had to get this idea out of my head.


QuoteIs this useable as background? Definitely not!
A ditched Dutch Dutch slope!




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